Mx Female Wanna Share this Slice of Chocolate Cake? (and other intimate moments)

Feb 18, 2014
Turning this thread into my main one where cravings are listed.

But before I get in to those cravings, a little bit about myself perhaps?

Been roleplaying on and off for about a decade now, started mainly with writing plays in a Skyrim forum. Did that for about a year until finding the joys of erotic writing. So here I am, still on that never-ending quest to partake in satisfying plays.


I'm sure you and me will get along just fine so long as you:
~ have a decent grasp of the English language.
~ need not worry about lengthy posts so long as A) it can be read and understood, B) it can give me something to work with, and C) is not tedious to reply to (I'm here to have fun, not feel like I'm doing a 1000-word essay for some subject I don't care for nor feel like I'm wasting my time writing up stuff only to be responded with a 'k.') A single good meaty paragraph usually gets me going, and when I say 'meaty' I mean having good amount of details. My sweet spot is a 2-3 paragraph post that drips with detail. I enjoy reading emotions, thoughts of characters and what they see, smell, taste, and feel most especially during smut scenes. Doesn't always have to be the case length-wise as it depends on the current situation, shorter replies are reasonable for when dialogue happens and such. Give me one chunky paragraph, that is more than fine but please nothing less. I'm not a novella writer neither. 4+ paragraphs work for me when it establishes a scenario or summarizes events. That length on a usual basis for posts I tend to lose interest.
~ would be willing to tell me when you are not having fun, have an idea with regards to the play, and/or will be unavailable.
~ are a girl IRL; been experiencing this quite a lot so I'm including this now as to avoid unnecessary time wasting on your part; I am uncomfortable playing with dudes unless it's a play that involves zero sexual content between our characters regardless of their gender.
~ don't just solely rely on me to advance the scenes (even if the play we're on already has an established storyline - feel free to add your creative ideas, within reason of course). If ever you feel the opposite is happening, that you feel you're carrying most of the weight of the play, please let me know right away. Last thing I want is for a collaborative effort turn into a solo one.

Other grounds for plays:
~ I am flexible with where we do the play, though my preference is PMs, Discord, then threads.
~ I like my smut as much as I like my plot. Okay maybe leaning a touch more on the former than the latter. I am also not opposed to doing something that's just smut-centric with a smattering of plot in there just so that it's not a nonstop sex scene after another.
~ My characters are often cut from the same cloth, that cloth being myself. As such, they are more or less a one-to-one representation of me. A self-insert if you may. Now not to say I'm not willing to adjust to partner preferences. If there's a certain look, attitude, mannerism or what have you that you would particularly love for my character to have, please feel free to share it and as long as its within my boundaries, I am more than willing to compromise. We both gotta have an alluring image in mind when imagining each other's character after all.
~ OOC friendly.
~ Now I'm not expecting you to be like me who has no life outside work, but I prefer to have plays that are quite active; plays that go on a more or less daily basis rather than on a weekly progression puts the chocolate filling in my donut and the pepperoni on my pizza.
~ Here be the all-important (and updated) F-list (It hasn't that much in terms of boundaries, but that doesn't mean it isn't open to making some lines. Just ask, and I shall tell you if I am or am not comfortable with said element).

I'll list out the base favorites in that list that I would enjoy being included (but not mandatory) in our future play:

squirting ~

detailed female arousal and orgasm ~

DD/lg ~

excessive teasing / heavy foreplay (which leads to..) ~

orgasm/pleasure control/denial ~

(semi)public scenes (from simple masturbation to sex) ~

sexy/smutty clothing ~

clothed sex ~

Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the juicier details.


Stalkers, secret admirers, unrequited feelings. These things are commonly seen as guy obsessing over girl without them knowing. Figuring out their daily patterns, where they go to work, to hang out, to buy their groceries, what product they use on their skin, etc. You know the deal.

But what if girl seems so oblivious to it that it's almost suspicious? What if it's so easy for guy to stalk girl that it's almost convenient? She leaves the windows on her 3rd floor apartment unlocked which can be easily entered through the building's fire escape. She checks her rear view mirror to make sure that a certain car is following her to work. The route she takes on her occasional run is within guy's place of work and she takes her time in doing stretches in her tight clothes where he could clearly see her. On the rare chance they stumble into each other, she either wears the same top as he does or at the very least matches his colors to a T.

You picking up what I'm putting down?

Yup, gross Mr. Stalker here has a stalker himself, and wouldn't you know it, it's the same girl he's obsessing over.

Neither of these two are socially inept nor can be seen as very different from the common member of society. From the outside, they look like perfectly normal people capable of perfectly normal things. What made them obsess over each other, we decide on that beforehand. What I do want by default is for this to have a good amount of voyeurism (details of which we decide, but I would prefer it to be as dirty and nasty as we could - within limits) at the start and an unhealthy possessiveness when the two eventually get together. Other finer details are up for discussion like other kinks and their intimate dynamic.


You know that one James Blunt song? That one song of his the majority of us know him for? Yeah, that one. You don't know it? Well here it is.

Anyway, I heard it on shuffle prior to writing this and figured the story of the song could be made into a decent play.

Some dude falling in love with a girl after seeing her once in a subway ride or perhaps have been seeing her multiple times, gifting him a sweet smile every time. Taking cues from the song, we could say that she's with someone else (boyfriend or even husband), or we could omit the possible cheating aspect and say the guy she's with is just a friend. Lonely dude here thinks it's some unrequited emotion he's feeling but what if he's wrong? What if angelic sweet smiling girl also shares a level of attraction with unassuming dude? That maybe the 'accidental' bumps that happen when they walk out were on purpose. Maybe flirtatious exchanges happen in soft whispers amidst the rumble of the train. Careful touches that linger, innocent brushes that (d)evolve to bold grasps. It could even turn to not-so-discrete dances. Hands inside shirts, pants, or skirts. Unrestrained make out sessions. Full-blown shameless sex. Depends on how much you're into public displays of naughtiness, which I heavily am.

Doesn't have to involve romance, but is highly preferable. Could be just two people wanting excitement to distract them of their boring and/or stressful lives, or an eventual couple that find they have a proclivity for intimate moments where they first met.

All of this isn't completely written in stone as I am pretty flexible when it comes to story ideas, so don't be afraid to adjust or add details here and there that would make this exceptionally exciting and titillating for you as well. Just keep in mind where my limits lay.


Cruel to anything and everything except one. I've seen this prompt here and there on-site and it tickled my fancy more and more until the slightly intriguing idea turned to a straight up want so here's my personal take on it.

I'll be playing as the cold, efficient, and cruel emissary of a justicar for an emperor that wants to enforce absolute rule over another ruling faction (I apologize if this hits too close to home) and you will be playing (hopefully) as his precious treasure, his blooming flower. How you play your character is up to you. Whether you want to play as a meek maiden finding security with him, a fellow hardened soldier that enjoys the moments of intimate comfort between them, a sadomasochistic lady tickled pink by his cruelty to others, or however else in between, I want the affection and attraction to be genuine between the two. While he's an unsmiling man even outside of duty, his attitude with her is significantly different; his tone and his touch are much softer - but that can change depending on the level of dominance you want with him over her. The pair can be as kinky or as vanilla as you would like.

I do have a story or two for this so it isn't just an aimless venture.


It's that time of the year again when a hankering for post-apocalyptic zombie-slaying smut fun emerges.

While the premise can be as varied as zombie films are numerous, I'm more interested in playing out two survivors finding intimate comfort with each other amidst the decaying world around them. The setting can be borrowed from already established worlds (Resident Evil, Project Zomboid, Dead Rising, Last of Us, Left 4 Dead, Walking Dead etc.) or it can be one of our own making where we make our own rules. Do note that if you'd like established worlds to be our undead playground, know that no canon characters are to be used. Background characters or just mentioned vaguely in passing, sure.

Care to make the echoing moans not just of the flesh-hungry masses?


Finally able to watch the Last Duel. Great movie but holy shit what fucking awful circumstances.

I want to wash the taste of vane, egotistic, narcissistic men out of my mouth and play out proper chivalrous knights that respect women - even though the acts that they do when they're alone would make God recoil in disgust.

What I'm looking for is a fun medieval time (doesn't have to be period accurate) between a man and a woman who share a love so pure, who then also participate in highly consensual acts of debauchery and carnal excess in the name of said love. How they know each other is up to us, doesn't have to be just knights and their ladies. Fellow soldiers fighting together during tumultuous times. A person of authority involved with some nameless, lowborn individual they deeply fancy. A royal bodyguard and their protectee. Plenty of possibilities.


Monday. 10:00 AM. The smell of coffee beans being ground and milk steaming permeates the air, mingling with the sound of chatter that's too quiet to be unintelligible but loud enough to grind someone's gears as it persists.

One swipe of a plastic card, a few presses on a touchscreen, and the workday starts. Fake smiles, equally fake laughter, and seemingly endless compliance over ridiculous demand after ridiculous demand are what makes up a workday from sun up to sun down. One swipe of a plastic card, a few presses on a touchscreen, and the workday ends. He's at his breaking point, one inch away from total burn out. What keeps him from exploding? When the clock hits around 1:00 PM.

Just as the rush of lunch time dies down, this cute regular who this guy has been crushing on for about a month comes in. She orders the same drink that she usually gets which the guy purposely asks as if he doesn't have it printed on his brain just to get a few more seconds of interaction with her. He asks about her day and she his but the answers are always the same: 'it's alright,' 'good, you?' Then she thanks him and she goes on her way.

This not-so-innocent play takes place in a mall where this guy's (my character) cafe is at which the girl (your character) frequents. She could either work there as well, or somewhere close. So what happens next? First the innocent part. Maybe one of them answers truthfully this time when asked; either one of them is probably having a bad day while the other showed genuine kindness. Could be that they both harbour attraction for one another and either one makes a move that the other welcomes. However we choose for them to start interacting properly, I want a promising relationship to happen between the two of them in a moderate pace. I don't want it to drag on for too long, but I also don't want them to jump at each other from the get-go.

Now on to the not-so-innocent part. I really enjoy risky public naughtiness so I would like for that to be a prominent element in this. Other naughty bits we put in will be discussed and I like to consider myself to be accommodating with kinks, provided it doesn't enter my area of discomfort and displeasure.

While I have a setup for this, I totally do not mind altering parts of this play so if you have a suggestion on how things work out between these two wage slaves, feel free to add them - so long as it sticks to the main idea of two individuals finding comfort with each other to keep from burning out in an unspectacular fashion.


Having dipped my toes into some Red Dead Online and I must say, all that riding around in late 19th century US got me wanting a story during a time of lawlessness, saddle sores, dusty roads, six shooters, and cholera. Okay maybe not the last bit.

Don't know the game? No problem! Better even cause then we can borrow story elements that could be new to you. Our characters can be whoever from wherever. Escapees from a prison, a bounty hunter and a person of the law, or gang members. A number of things could motivate us: wealth, revenge, prestige, wanderlust, or just plain surviving.

So grab your horse, saddle up, and away we go - ride into the sunset until we can ride no more.


As you can probably guess from the title, I'm looking for some feel good fluff. Love at first sight? Seemingly unrequited emotions? Passionate and tantric love making? If any of those appeal to you, then please do message me. The setup can be as vanilla or as kinky as you would like. Even with this being a request, I still aim to please after all.

I've recently gotten a hankering for it. The thrill of having someone under your apparent control and the genuine trust that that individual gives in return is just so endearing. This can go in different flavors, from a cutesy daddy dom/little girl dynamic, to a darker master/slave agreement that may or may not have been consensual. You can check my list of kinks on how far I can go. Remembering that one play I had in the past got me thinking of far more devious plots.

But of course, as some of you might know firsthand, writing erotic stuff tends to tickle at one's curiosity a bit. Awakening something in your mind that you haven't previously thought of. I've had some experiences like that here, and after a pitch from another writer, it seemed that my curiosity had been tickled once again. Keeping with the theme of domination, but this time I will be playing the sub. But before you femdom aficionados start suggesting it, no this won't be as heavy as the previous bit. This is gonna be light, which means no whipping or flogging or ball-busting or pegging or cuckolding or whatever. None of that. This is merely a role-reversal of the usual dom/sub dynamic where I the guy will be playing the role of bottom. We can further discuss what I am comfortable with including in terms of kinks.


This one's not of the norm for me but ever since I thought back on it, I feel it would be a fun time to play around. This one's mainly non-con but details could change further on. Regardless, if that's not your thing then feel free to skip this idea.

Still reading? Alright then. Now on to what I'm talking about.

You know that fat piece of shit of a character from the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? If you've seen the movie, then you know who I'm talking about. If you don't, here's the basic run down of it: your character somehow ended up with a state-appointed guardian (my character, the perv) and she would need to rely on him for financing her living expenses that she would be getting from regular meets in his office. My character, being the sick perv that he is, takes advantage of her situation and extorts sexual favors from her in exchange for money that she had rightfully earned. No characters from the movie or the novel will be used here, only thing borrowed is the situation.

This could lead to multiple paths; could be that it will evolve into a master/slave situation for a full non-con experience, could go down a corruption path where he manipulates her into believing her worth is dictated by him, or we could go all the way where she relies on him completely and turns to accept her fate to the point where her mental state is completely turned on its head, finding actual, genuine (albeit grim) delight in him having his way with her.


Having played Divinity: Original Sin 2 for nearly five hundred hours, you would think that I would want nothing to do with anything that concerns it. Nah, I still enjoy it despite the tedium that is Fort Joy and how I often feel the need the turn the game off once I hit Bloodmoon Island.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, the basic plot of the story is that you are one of the select few Godwoken chosen by the gods of the realm and it is your destiny to ascend. Problem is you're sent to a prison island cause you're a suspected Sourcerer, someone who's able to manipulate the energy of the world - Source. What follows is a wonderful adventure of divine proportions which has a lot of things to offer. Murder mystery on a boat, a kraken, awful fake facial hair, masks that can alter your race, talking puppets, crucified bodies that shoot electric death, a skeleton with a penchant for dirty jokes, a skeleton that enjoys contemplating life itself - when I say a lot, I do mean a lot. Even has romance amidst the crazy happenings. But as sweet as the moment presented to you was, I found it lacking. So I propose to you, dear reader, is that we have all that up there coupled with as much love and lust as the curiosity of a dwarven lady in the market asking the same damn question about stinking produce.

No main canon characters are to be played in any way outside of what they have done in the main storyline.

So, shall I take your hand and you take mine while we walk the steps to godhood? Please say yes, I can only imagine how lonely it would be up there.


Something a bit more of the usual, DD/lg or daddy-dom/little-girl pairing. Already had something planned for this one with another player, but unfortunately we didn't hit the writing phase. The premise is simple: ordinary couple in a slice-of-life scenario that destresses themselves privately with their kinky dynamic. Now the ideas aren't set in stone, changes can be made; a different creative direction is welcome so long as the basic idea of the play remains.


While I do have these prompts, I'm not opposed to brainstorming ideas with others so if there's a particular craving you wanted done that you think align with what I like, please throw it my way and perhaps we can work something out.

Some barebones ideas that can be expanded upon:
~ Two strangers constantly seeing each other in public (transport, cafe, or any public place) decide to do something about their unspoken attraction towards each other
~ Something along the lines of religious schoolgirl being corrupted by fellow religious guy (or could be an inverse). Could up the taboo factor by making it incestuous and/or having my character be a leader of some sort (priest or whatever equivalent).
~ A get together (could be camping, beach, ski resort, or simple house party - a bunch of settings apply here) between a group of friends where boy and girl get it on on the side (could involve cheating and/or incest if you're up for that, no group stuff of any iteration unless you're into playing multiple women).
~ Streamer turns to cam girl.
~ A long car ride to some place where the people upfront are incredibly clueless as to what's happening on the back seat.
~ Innocent play fighting turn to something more heated.
~ Came across a gif or an image that you feel like could be made to something more or at the very least explored? Share it with me and we'll come up with something.

~ Have something in mind that you feel we both would enjoy? Don't be shy, send that idea to me and let's get to discussing.

Pairings that I enjoy (but are not limited to):
~ teacher x student
~ manager x employee (ranging from the usual office setting to more street-level businesses like a local grocery store or restaurants)
~ monsters of gothic fiction (vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein's monster etc.)
~ bestfriends
~ neighbors (mainly age play)
~ incest (mainly cousins, uncle/niece pairings, or step-siblings - very wary of parental or sibling pairings)

Established worlds that I would like to make stories in (OCs only unless you really like playing canon characters yourself):
~ Fallout (New Vegas and 4, need lore recap on 1 and 2, haven't touched 3 or 76)
~ Elder Scrolls (Mainly Oblivion and Skyrim)
~ Nioh
~ Soulsbornekiro Ring (Excluding Demon's)
~ Divinity Original Sin 2
~ Warhammer Fantasy (though my knowledge is only limited to the lore present in the Total War games so possibly non-canon)
~ Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous

And that's pretty much it. This will be arranged and edited as cravings come and go.

Drop a message, say hello and let's get to writing!
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Sun is out but so are the clouds, nicely illuminating the trees without it being overbearing.
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