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Fx Female Love, Smut and Magic


Jul 30, 2020

Hello, gentle reader.
Sometime last year, I signed up on this site, posted a request thread and even got into discussing some possible plots, but then 2020 did its thing and my circumstances changed quite drastically. I took a little break from roleplaying online and social media just for the sake of my own mental health. I’d like to apologise to all the potential partners I left hanging in our OOC discussions. I won’t be responding to old PMs, simply because there are far too many at this point. My RP interests have shifted since then, so any plotting we might have done together probably won’t be relevant anymore. I’m so sorry for ghosting everyone.

PLEASE NOTE: I am willing to play either female or futa characters in any of the plots mentioned below. Let me know which you prefer!

Dragon x Princess

For thousands of years, humans have hunted and slain dragons, either for their incredibly valuable scales, teeth and bones, or simply for the glory of the kill. As they were hunted nearly to extinction, the few remaining dragons went into hiding and soon became nothing more than a legendary myth in the human kingdoms. For a hundred years, they simply vanished. Then, one day, they returned, a powerful dragon army led by a ruthless, vengeful queen (MC). The human kingdoms fell one by one, burned to ashes, their armies no match for the massive, flying, fire-breathing beasts.

YC’s kingdom is one of the last ones still standing. The people are terrified and desperate. They might even sacrifice their beautiful princess to the dragon queen. Or perhaps they won’t need to. Perhaps she will offer up herself to save her people.

Setting: Medieval fantasy
My character: An immortal dragon queen. Appears to be in her mid-20’s, but in reality, she is over one hundred years old. Humans aren’t aware that dragons can take on a human form if they wish.
Your character: A human princess, between the ages of 15 and 19.

Arranged Marriage - Werewolf
My character is an alpha werewolf, the heir to the Prime of a large and powerful pack. Your character is either a human girl from a wealthy family or an omega werewolf from a different pack. Their union is purely for political (or breeding) purposes, arranged by their parents, and unavoidable, regardless of their feelings on the matter.

Setting: Modern fantasy
My character: 23 year old alpha werewolf
Your character: Human or omega werewolf between the ages of 15 and 19.

Arranged Marriage - Fae
I’m dying to do an arranged marriage plot set in one of the fictional worlds created by Sarah J. Maas (A Court of Thorns and Roses; Throne of Glass; Crescent City). I am willing to play with made up OCs or canon characters. We can figure out the details together.

Arranged Marriage - Sisters
Option 1
: An overprotective, paranoid, mad king refuses to allow any foreign prince to marry either of his beautiful daughters. To ensure that no one can claim their hands in marriage, he forces them to marry each other instead. After all, incest is fairly common in royal families.
I would play the older sister.

Option 2: Full disclosure, I got this idea from an Elsanna Tumblr post. MC is a young queen (21-25) with magical powers and just a touch of madness and cruelty. When her younger sister (15-19) asks for her blessing to marry a foreign prince, she flies into a jealous rage and forces the young princess to marry her instead.

Setting: Medieval/Victorian era fantasy

Sisters Reunited
Muse A and Muse B were pretty close, growing up. Muse B, the younger of the two, practically worshipped the ground her big sister walked on. Their parents were wealthy, church-going folks with a high social standing. Perhaps their father was a preacher or the mayor of the town where they lived. Whatever his occupation, he ruled his household with an iron fist and expected nothing short of perfection from his children, especially his oldest daughter. And she was perfect, a cheerleader, choir girl and straight-A student. Her father’s pride and joy. Until one day, when she was caught making out with her best (female) friend during a sleepover. Muse A, 17 at the time, was promptly kicked out of the house and disowned by her family.

Struggling with the loss of her older sister and the sudden pressure from her parents, Muse B became a rebellious teenager - skipping classes, failing tests, sneaking out to go to parties, hanging with the wrong crowd, dyeing her hair, smoking, drinking, etc. You get the picture. The final straw came when she was arrested for shoplifting (or some other crime), her photo posted in the local paper. It was a huge embarrassment for her parents, and just like her sister before her, Muse B was kicked out of the house. With no real friends and nowhere else to go, she decided to track down Muse A. Even though years had passed, she managed to find her address and hitch-hiked to the city, hoping that her sister would take her in.

I have no preference for which character I’d like to play in this plot. The older sister would have made a life for herself, maybe put herself through college, got a decent job. Whatever she’s doing, she is in a position where she can take care of Muse B. She’d be 23-27 in this plot. The younger sister would be 15-17.

Teacher x Student
: Modern/Slice-of-life
My character: A beautiful, but very strict high school English teacher, respected, despised and lusted after by her students. (25-30 years old)
Your character: A high school girl with strict parents who expect her to maintain straight A’s. (15-18 years old)

It’s a tale as old as time. YC gets a failing grade on a test or essay and begs the teacher for a chance to improve her grade before her parents discover it. The teacher comes up with some fun ways for YC to earn her A. This will be very smutty.

YC is either a celebrity or a pretty, popular high school girl. MC is an obsessed fan with some psychotic tendencies. She kidnaps YC and forces her to be her “girlfriend” with everything the relationship might entail.

Undercover BDSM
While investigating a string of kink-related murders, two homicide detectives go undercover as a Dom/sub pairing to a popular BDSM club. They’ve done their research, but neither of them have ever explored their kinkier sides before. As the investigation progresses, they are forced into increasingly uncomfortable and sexy interactions with each other. Both of them like it more than they thought they would.

Three Wishes
YC is a young high school girl (15-18) who comes across an old genie lamp while cleaning out her grandparents’ attic. She can wish for anything - beauty, wealth, popularity, etc. - but one of her wishes is to lose her virginity. The genie takes matters into her own hands.

Abuse of power
Oral sex
Sex toys
Light bondage
Weapon play
Age differences (15-40)
Public sex
Risk of being caught
Taboo romance
Risk of pregnancy
Forced orgasms
Multiple orgasms
Sexual exhaustion
Transgender characters
Non-binary characters

Toilet stuff
Unattractive main characters
Puppy/Pony/Diaper play
Main character death

  1. Literate partners only. I will drop illiterate partners without warning.​
  2. No one-liners. At least one decent paragraph per post. I usually write an average of 3 paragraphs.​
  3. No godmodding.​
  4. Communicate. I won’t know something is wrong unless you tell me.​
  5. No anime. It’s just not my thing.​
  6. Private roleplay only. PMs, email or Discord.​
  7. Third-person POV only.​
  8. Please don’t approach me with pairings/plots other than the ones I’ve listed here. I’m not currently interested in taking on random RPs or doubling.​

If you’re interested in roleplaying with me or if you have any questions, send a PM. I won’t respond to any comments left on this thread.

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