Fx Male Long Term Romantic Story Lines


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Jul 28, 2020
Hey, y’all! I’m excited to get one or two RPs going.

A little about me:

I’m in my 30s and a female. I stay at home but will be available more on some days and less on others. I am typically not available on weekends as I use that time to spend with family. None of the following ideas I have are set in stone and open for discussion as long as it doesn’t include things I won’t do.

I am a person that will give as much as I’m given. I can write anywhere from a solid paragraph to multiple. I do not claim to be an author, and will have mistakes every once in a while.

Ashlin had started out as the pity case when she was younger. Everyone knew everyone in this small, God forsaken town and it was a huge scandal when her father cheated on her mother and left the two of them. Her mother had worked hard and, with the help of the community, the two of them made a life for themselves. Her mother never dated and Ashlin felt she didn’t need a guy in her life- they were nothing but trouble. Ashlin’s long blonde hair and blue eyes helped her easily become the one all the guys wanted, but her dedication and practice helped her become the cheer captain by the time she reached her senior year of high school.

At eighteen, she had also become the sweetheart of the community by reading at the library during the summer to small children and volunteering at the soup kitchen. She believed in giving back to the community since they had helped her mom when she was younger. Over the summer before her senior year, she had heard about a boy and his sister moving to their town to attend their school and that the boy would be on the football team. She jumped at the chance to help with building the house and paid particular attention to the girl’s bedroom by painting it soft pink and decorating it with a princess theme. Her heart went out to them- especially the little girl. She couldn’t imagine what they were going through exactly, but had an idea at what it was like being the “charity case.”

The boys at school had always considered her a tease since high school. She had long legs for her 5’5 body, a decent amount of curves along with her looks. However, none of them had ever been given the time of day because she simply wasn’t interested. Ashlin grew up with all of them simply because no one ever moved in or out of the town. Every business was a home business and nothing major ever came to town. None of them had ever sparked her interest as it seemed they only wanted one thing from her; she wanted more than just fun in the sheets. She wanted companionship and someone who could fully understand her. The high school boys were only interested in sex, drinks, and football. While she loved football, she was interested in other things like reading and getting out of town. She wanted to go to the UGA and see the world outside of their small town with the small minded people.

They had been to school a week by the time the new people were in town. Ashlin had decided on skinny jeans, a red v-neck t-shirt and white sandals that day for school. It was before first class and she was with her friends on the cheer team, talking about the weekend before and, of course, the newcomers. Rumors had spread like wildfire that the boy was trouble and got into fights for no reason. She had heard that both of his parents had passed, and could only imagine what he was going through. No wonder he was acting out, but the rest of her friends didn’t see it that way. Most of them still had both parents in their lives and hadn’t seen a bit of hardship.

It seemed as though the dull roar silenced as he walked the halls. Everyone instead whispered, which made Ashlin look around to see what was going on. That was when she saw him, and the world seemed to stand still. She couldn’t help but stare and watch as he walked by to the principal’s office. Her heart raced and butterflies fluttered around in her stomach. What was going on with her? She had never felt this way before and the thought was frightening to her. She turned back to her friends who were also ogling him as she tried to compose herself. One of her friends, Riley, who had chestnut hair and bright hazel eyes, grinned at her when she saw Ashlin’s reaction. “Oh my, God, Ash. You have the hots for someone. I thought I’d never see the day.” Ashlin laughed nervously and shook her head. “Sure, he looks good. I mean look at him..there’s no denying that. However, I bet he’s just like every other idiot boy in this town and is only interested in football. I gotta go to class,” she said as she slammed her locker shut. “I’ll see y’all this afternoon at practice. 3:30 don’t be late.” With that, she threw her backpack onto her shoulder and walked to her math class, sitting in her normal seat at a table.

I am a romantic at heart and will ALWAYS choose a romantic plot. I prefer to have more story than smut.

Some things I won't do:
Incest (I might be ok with step siblings if the story is good)
Anything with a minor involved in the role play
I can't play a bitch. I've tried and just can't; it's not in my nature.
Pretty much any taboo thing
Many people know I'm a teacher; I don't do the whole teacher/student thing. Gross.

I'm also a pretty straight laced person; no real kinks or anything. I like realistic RP with realistic characters. Slice of Life is literally my jam. No BBC, no age play, no huge age gaps, etc. YC can tie MC up but not abuse. That’s about as far as my kinks go.

Here are some story ideas that I have come up with, but please don't hesitate to ask me about others. I will consider each and every one as long as it doesn't involve a minor or a girl and her daddy or a boy and his momma; my past refuses me to even think about it.

If you have made it this far, please check out the following.

Story Ideas

Two people fell in love in high school, but chose to go in different paths. He chose to enlist in the military, while she went off to college. They decided to stay together and try to work things out through the distance. After a year, she stops receiving letters, phone calls, everything. She takes it hard, and assumes he just couldn't cope. (During this time, he could have been captured or something else. We can work that out later.) She moves on and years later she graduates, and moves back home. One day, out of the blue, she sees him (could be he shows up at her house unexpected, see each other while out somewhere, etc.)

The typical story where one person moves in next door. The other person either tries to help unpack or do something to welcome the newcomer. Very basic, but we can work out the kinks later.

While in middle school, two friends make a promise that if they are not married by the time they are 30, they will marry each other so they will not have to be alone. Years go by and they graduate high school, all but forgetting the promise they made to each other so long ago. The two go their separate ways and live their lives. Can work out the details, but something brings them back home in time for the oldest's 30th birthday. Could be that she never moved and he went into the military and comes home or she moved back after not being happy where she was living before.

She’s recently found out that her boyfriend of 3 years was cheating on her. She and her best friends have a pact that when each of them go through a break up, they must all meet at a bar and the friends pick out someone for them to have a mindless hookup with to get over the ex. MC has never had to do it and was not looking forward to it. The friends point out YC and begrudgingly goes over. This can go a couple different ways.

Being the daughter of someone very rich, she has always had a threat on her head of someone kidnapping her for a ransom. The only way she could leave to go to college was to agree having a bodyguard. The bodyguard would have to take the same classes as her and ube with her every step of the way. However, what she wasn't expecting, was that her bodyguard would not be much older than she and very attractive. Will he be able to keep things professional or will he begin protecting her out of feelings for her?

MC and YC hook up at YC's place one night at a bar, and MC sneaks out in the middle of the night only to witness a mob boss murdering someone. In a panic, she calls the police and gets whisked away. She is then told she will be placed in witness protection with a U.S. Marshall. Little does she know, YC is the U.S. Marshall she will be protected by. Will YC be able to put his physical attraction to MC aside to do his job, or will they build a relationship while being together all the time?

They have known each other since they were in middle school, connected at the hip and always the best of friends, and always having the biggest crush on the other, though it never came out. The summer before high school his dad got a job half way across the country and he were forced to move away. In the beginning it was easy, they IMed, wrote letters and emails, even video chatted a few times but soon those became fewer and fewer and eventually they fell apart. The years have passed and the two have graduated high school. Without realizing it, they have decided to attend the same university. As luck would have it, they also signed up for the same English class. Will their friendship blossom into something more now that they are together again and older?

this one is based off the show with the same name. They went through a vigorous interview process in which they discussed morals, kinks, personalities, etc and the experts paired them with each other. They do not meet until their wedding day and must stay together for 8 weeks before they decide to either stay married or get a divorce.

Our characters wake up one morning in Las Vegas after a very drunken night to find they're not alone. Not only did they have what most would call a one night stand, but they're also married. MC is convinced that no matter how drunk or drugged or whatever she was the night before, she would never make such a commitment if she didn't in his heart and mind feel it was absolutely right. She was raised to believe that divorce was never an option, unless there were immediate grounds to do so. She wants to honor the commitment, and she wants to try to not lose the love she apparently found last night, whether that means rekindling it, rediscovering it, or creating it anew. She makes a bold proposal. In the old days, before no-fault divorce existed, in order to get a divorce one had to have grounds for divorce (adultery, cruelty, abuse, etc.).
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