Fx Any Dark Tales and Darker Desires


Just Another Pagan
Mar 14, 2018
It has been a couple years since I've been around here, and after some rough patches and busy nights and days, I'm looking to get back to writing again. So, let's get the introductions and whatnot out of the way.

I'm a literate roleplayer who enjoys long detailed posts, a compelling plot, and a friendly writing partner. I prefer writing in the third person, and I greatly enjoy working with my partner to make sure the story is one we both enjoy. Things are still busy, but I will aim to reply at least once a week, and my posts will be a well written response of at least four to five paragraphs. I would greatly appreciate getting the same in return. Most importantly however, if there is a delay or the story isn't holding my interest I will let you know.

The types of stories I enjoy most involve science fiction, fantasy, modern, modern fantasy, and/or Lovecraftian/horror settings. I don't enjoy slice of life stories because I haven't had good experience with them. They tend to peter out and die because they have no real direction. That being said, I could see it be interesting if the world around them was more than ordinary. War, famine, plague, etc. Something to drive a narrative and promote growth. I love stories that revolve around journeys or conspiracies, and ones where the characters are the stories and it's their growth and change that we explore.

Sadly I have less to write on kinks. I just have this handy little link here: Kinks
If you have questions, ask. The site isn't perfect and it was being weird when I did it, so there's a chance something got messed up along the way. In the end it comes down to this:
No Vore
No watersports, scat, diapers, or other toilet related things.
That's it.

Now let's move to what you really came here for.


  • MC/YC
  • Human/Werecreature
  • Human/Monster/Cryptid
  • Human/Dragon
  • Slave/Master
  • Younger Woman/Older Man


There is a common misconception about the steeds the bearers of the apocalypse ride upon. They are called horses, and to the human eye they appear as such. But it is no common beast who bears their weight and carries them off to their grim task. Beneath the magic that presents them as horses with gnashing teeth and rolling eyes, are damned souls who once wept at the feel of a bit in their mouth or spurs in their sides. Souls sent to bear a most awful punishment, and be awarded the highest honor.

Stripped of their humanity they serve their rider in all things. Any task that is asked of them they will perform. Any cruel treatment they will bear with gratitude. They suffer in ways the living never could, and it is common for them to wish they could die a second time.

Prayers aren't always answered by angelic beings. Sometimes they are answered by other spirits looking to either wreak havoc on some poor human, or to prove you don't have to be an angel to protect someone. And they can do things an angel cannot. Like drown an abusive father in the drink he loved more than his family. Send a cheating boyfriend and the woman he chose down several flights of stairs. Become jealous of the lovers their ward chooses. Want to possess and own that which they promised to protect. Hold them tight. Teach them that the only safe place is with them and then ... Never let go. Never let them get hurt again.

No. Their strikes and the bruises they paint upon their ward's skin doesn't count. Those are just lessons. Lessons to keep them SAFE.
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