Mx Female Of Masculine Monsters and their Needs.


May 23, 2020
You must be looking for a partner; does the following description fit? Someone literate, capable of big & juicy posts; someone who you can plot and discuss with; someone who rightfully gives the same damn you give about your story and characters, who loves worldbuilding as much as you do, who understands that you're here for erotica, and who makes you thrilled to write.​

Hey, that sounds like me!

What I offer.
  • Literacy. Not the grammarly perfect kind, unfortunately - I'm only human, after all - but I proof read my posts and make sure they are presented as well as possible, and are pleasing to read. What's more, I try to fill my writing with as much meaningful colours as I can since the ticklish feeling that lights up in my brain whenever I come up with fancy phrases and tasty comparisons is, honestly speaking, quite euphoric.
  • Coherency. Once we define what makes sense for our story and what does not, I try to keep everything as grounded in 'reality' as possible. Everything must have a reason, as far as I'm concerned. Everything must feel organic, as seen from within the lenses of our fictional world.
  • Multi para leaning post flexibility. Though I tend to come up with sizable paragraphs, I value the flow more than an arbitrary metric: sometimes, it just doesn't make sense to go big when you have to go small.
  • Orchestrating other characters. To better shape the story, the feel we're going for, I can play more than one character, from supporting roles to downright multiple main actors.
Who do I play as.
  • Monsters. Either in physiology, psychology, or both, I enjoy portraying inhuman, foreign, alien. Everything you can mark as a 'monster' is of interest to me.
  • Dominants. Bear in mind that 'dominant' is not the synonym for cruel or ruthless. Why, I thoroughly enjoy playing sweet, loving, and gentle as much as I enjoy sick, evil, and twisted.
  • Those who the story calls for. It's much easier for me to fit a character into a story than to make the story fit the character. If the story seems promising, I'm can step outside of the reach of two previous bullets.
What am I looking for.
  • Effort. Roleplaying is a hobby, but I like to pour the effort into whatever I pursue, and seek the same attitude from my potential partners.
  • Literacy. I've used this word before and know that many cringe at it, me included, but at the end of the day it laregrly communicates the intention. For me, literacy is not about being a successful writer or knowing every rule of English language, so don't shy away thinkin' you're not literate enough. It is a desire to creatively weave words together, to be coherent in the most pleasing to the ear and mind way.
  • World building. Let's tweak and think the idiosyncrasies of the world our characters inhabit. The setting is a big part of our characters' lives, and it deserves a special attention, lest we loose a chance to better define our protagonists.
  • Emotions. Love and hate, embarrassment, despair, hope, and everything in-between.
  • Post adaptability. We'd both feel bad if our posts drastically differ in size, wouldn't we?

Research Purposes.
kinks: minotaurs, seduction, musk & pheromones, (risk of) pregnancy, cum addiction

Sometimes, research dictates researches to go where no one treads in hopes of making a breakthrough. Your character is a sorceress in need of a breakthrough, and for that reason she is ready to go to forgotten lands, ancient forests, wilds. Though as she'n not accustomed to such travels, hiring a guide seems like a good idea. Problem is, the only person who agrees to travel with her for a sum she can afford is a minotaur that keeps shooting his shots long after she plainly explained she's not interesting, but each times she says 'no' he just jokes around it, and gives her another poke.

But after travelling with him for weeks, she starts to slowly warm up to her guide - and maybe, just maybe, she starts take his joking propositions a bit more serious.

Travelling together offers plenty of awkward and embarrassing opportunities - and something could spark from a few of them.
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