Fx Any One Piece Femdom Craving! (Kinda NSFW pictures within)


Resident Shanty Man
Nov 26, 2018
Hello and thanks for checking out this thread! This is a spontaneous craving I am having so I am going to keep it short and sweet. One Piece has a lot of lovely ladies and many of them kick ass, independent lass' that I would love to roleplay as! A little about myself as well as what I am looking for, I have been roleplaying for a little over ten years, playing a variety of characters, I am a male playing a female role, just wanted to put that upfront so I don't catfish anyone accidentally. I consider myself very skilled and literate and hope the same from my partners, I am also able to give rapid replies provided I am not working or out at my local card shop, other than that I am normally glued to my laptop. I don't need a partner to reply instantly, though I am hoping for someone that can consistently reply every 1-2 days please, and if the roleplay isn't suiting you, please communicate with me so we can change it up or switch to something else. I will never understand ghosting and I assure you that it won't happen from me. Lastly I do type paragraph style, not a full novel, but I do normally reply with 2-3 meaty paragraphs per post, and I hope the same from my partner.


I will start out by putting up this gallery that I made of the various women I wouldn't mind playing something out with. And due to finding a genderbent Doflamingo, genderbending characters is totally on the menu.

I don't mind my partner's gender, though I am more of a FxF kind of person, mainly because my male partners tend to ghost or be very disappointing/creepy. It isn't a no, but I will be a bit pickier with male partners, sorry! With that said, specifics on my cravings, these won't be AU situations, I do want to play in the canon One Piece world, though it doesn't have to be rigidly tied to the stories. I will be playing a canon character, powers and all if applicable, so please have knowledge of the manga/anime please. You don't have to play a canon character if you don't want, I don't mind an OC marine, pirate, prisoner, villager etc. With all that said, the scenes are vastly different between what woman I am playing, so that will be saved for discussion in pm's!

If you read all the way to the bottom then I want to thank you for reading through this and I hope you enjoyed the images and have a nice day! Also here's a doujin for inspiration! Stay safe and wear a mask!
Bump! Really wouldn't mind playing out that GB Doflamingo, some fun bondage scenes there. Also to clarify this roleplay will be majority smut, like 60-40 or 70-30.
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