Hungry for More - Discord (MxF/NB, Hypno, Realistic, Open to Suggestions.) NSFW

Jul 25, 2020
Brevity is the soul of wit. So lets get to it.

Things I Enjoy:
  • Mind-control
  • Objectification
  • Dub-Con / Non-con becoming dub-con.
  • Acceptance / Defeat
  • Inhuman (but not anthro, sorry).
  • Female Submission.
  • Transformation (sometimes)
  • Cosplay
  • Master putting me in my place.
  • Romance (mixed with any of the above).

Things I Don't Enjoy:
  • Extensive world building.
  • Long planning sessions before we get to actually get started

I write fluidly and well. I don't write novels but I write appropriate to the frequency of the exchange. I.e. if we're swapping messages only once a day then I write a few paragraphs and am more open to each of us making a few assumptions about the character's reactions and capabilities to keep things moving. If it's a real time back and forth then I'm writing quicker responses to take advantage of that. I can roleplay in First or Third Person. Or even Second if you want.

I am seeking some long-term roleplays with posts once or sometimes twice a day, but am open to the occasional quick back and forth and short-term. I can play in First or Third Person. If you have an idea or something isn't on this list, feel free to ask. I now only play on Discord. It's spoiled any other medium of roleplay for me.

I am open to playing either character in any of this. I'll be adding some specific ideas later. Females will always be or end up submissive in my roleplays, unless playing against another female character in which case either could be the dominant one.

Finally, a few inspirational pics. Feel in no way constrained by these. Some of them are more mind-controlly or squicky. Others more realistic. Both appeal to me.

The Cute.

The Cruel.

The strange. Feel free to suggest anything that these images bring to mind:

A Few Sample Ideas
Don't feel limited to these - they're just to get the ball rolling. I'd be the female in these, of course.

Cosplay Hypnosis FxM
A young woman takes a part time retail job in a game and comics store. She's not remotely into comics or games with funny shaped dice but the store owner uses subliminals throughout the day to slowly encourage her to start cosplaying in the shop to encourage more sales. And over time, his influence over her grows more and more converting her to be the "perfect" comicstore girl.

The Runaway FxM
A cliche or a classic - you decide. A girl runs away from home but soon runs out of money and luck. Sitting at a truckstop, counting out her last few dollars, a trucker sees her staring hungrily at the menu and buys her a meal and a hot drink. Once she gets a bit more relaxed, he promises to give her a ride across country to where she's going. Of course it's a long journey and he has needs. This can be non-con, dub-con or con depending on what you like.

All of the above are just ideas. I have a couple of slots for new roleplays so if you have an idea, PM me.
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Anyone looking to do something on Discord right now and dive straight in, PM me!

Open to all sorts of things including objectification and transformation. Also willing to switch up the roles, maybe.
Looking to RP right now on Discord. Doesn't need to be something from my idea list. You just have to be ready to get right into it and play in First Person. Any ideas other than cheating welcome, including your weirdest and strangest ideas.

Just add me on Discord, no need to dance around: hungry#0734.
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