Mx Female In a functional and smutty relationship


Jun 21, 2016
Hello everyone. I am looking for a rp that explores different types of sexual relationships. In generally the type of relationship I’m looking for are relatively functional/happy relationships. I tend to like consensual pairings, (I'm willing to do dub con stuff too) and characters with a bit of romantic/sexual tension with each other. If you want to play, let me know what type of relationships you'd like the characters to explore. I am pretty open to ideas so I would love to hear any ideas you may have.

Some example pairings (favorites *****)
Happily Married****
Arranged marriage
Incest pairings
In heat***
Fantasy creature x Fantasy creature **
Roommate x Roommate*
Slutty friend x slutty friend (or FWB)*
Stranger x Stranger
Seducer x seducer

Non-con situation

Examples ideas:
Daddy and daughter: one example of this is that a daddy and daughter have an inappropriate relationship. Maybe it starts of innocently but he is a bit more involved in her life. One day daughter tells her father that she is thinking of dating other boys. However, daddy doesn’t like that. He wants to give her the love and pleasure she deserves. He wants to be the man she deserves.

Happily married: One example of this would involve a happily-ish married couple who decide who try to have a more intimate relationship. Maybe a husband comes up with ways to make sure his wife knows she is the most desirable woman he has ever seen. This could go in a lot of different ways. They could try to explore a kink together (It could be something like bondage or pet play). A husband could have planned a romantic/erotic massage for his wife. They could focus on trying to make the other feel loved, important, appreciate, ect. They could be focused on starting a family. Again this could go a bunch of different ways.

Impregnation: This relationship could be between any two people/types and could be done in addition to another pairing. The relationship would between two people who want this event; however, it could also be an accident. It could be between a married couple, an arranged marriage, or any other pairing. One pairing I generally like with this theme is a sexual relationship with a surrogate.

In heat: This relationship would between two people who have a primal and instinctual desire for each other. It can work for any pairing and I generally like it paired with a supernatural pairing. One or both people would be overwhelmed with their desire. Ideally this rp idea would be about two people who struggle to maintain a normal life despite the overwhelming desire for each other.

Fantasy Creatures: This idea would explore a lot of the generic supernatural ideas. So werewolves, vampires, elves, orcs, and other creatures would be paired with each other. When it comes to fantasy/supernatural creatures I prefer both characters to be supernatural creatures.

Your flirty/dominant bestfriend: You have a friend who has an aggressively dominant and flirty behavior with you. He often claims he is just joking and you always believed it. One day you find out from one of his friends that he genuinely has feelings for you. He only acts the way he does with you. He doesn't date or seem to have a crush on anyone else. After finding out he has feelings for you, you invite yourself to his place 'to hang out'. After a while, he notices how nice you look, how sweet you smell and becomes much more determined to seduce you than he has ever been before.

If you have any ideas, feel free to share them and we can probably work on an rp together. Please have a general idea of what type of relationship you will want to explore. I hope to hear from you soon!
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