Mx Female GM / World Builder Looking for female players for long term D&D type play in dark themed world.

May 2, 2016
Going to keep this short and sweet.


Looking for a few writing partners that have a
good idea on the character(s) they want to play. Then we can discuss what type of scenarios we would like to happen in the story and then I’ll create the world and play everything that interacts with your character. From family members to the villain and monsters they will run into.

Here is my F-List. Take a look and see if our kinks match up.
Non Con is one of my favorite kinks so if you're not into that, we probably won’t work well together.

I wouldn’t mind using worlds from other games or movies and just adding my own little twist to them. A few examples would be.
Links NSFW

Fall Out
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
Resident Evil
Kick Ass

Star Wars
Last of Us
Pairing Ideas:

Knight x Noble/Princess
Vampire x Desperate Princess
Mob x Witch
Vile Prince x Conquered Princess
Kidnapper x Victim
Stalker x Celebrity
King/Noble x Peasant Elf
Orcs x Adventure
Party x Priestess
Assassin x Assassin
Assassin x Victim
Serial Rapist x Cop
Survivor x Survivor ( Apocalypse setting )

Discord Name: Unseenintentions#0155 - Send me a invite and lets get plotting.

Looking for a single partner. One that plays on discord and wants to use dice. Have an idea for the character you want to play.
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