Steampunk Pirate Fantasy RP


Tiny but Mighty~!
May 26, 2020
On a cloud far from here.
Tiny here again with another idea pitch and entry post.!

This time we're being trusted into the hustle and bustle of the City of Wasotjer. A Rich and Thriving city capital that was home to most of this world's wealth and blue-collar highs scale society. People who are born here usually talk of leaving, yet never do. Those who aren't born here usually aspire to be. This story is the story of Anasazi Veronica Lumonte-Sol. a sophisticated, “fragile”, refined, and, “delicate” young lady that was the firstborn daughter of a world-renowned, innovative, and powerful 2nd generation Nobleman and his wife. (and also the granddaughter of the infamous pirate known by the name of Solasazi. The great man who successfully hid what is only rumored to be the largest and greatest treasure known to mankind that now only she could get to.)
If the whole treasure thing wasn't a good enough hint, I'm looking for someone or maybe a few someones who want to play pirate with me and sweep this little blind girl off of her feet for what is surely to be a wild ride. ;)Details about the overarching plot and story, and also of what your character will know about the Lumote-Sol family/Solsazi Treasure can and will be discussed after we've touched bases. For now just know that I have just been really searching for an rp involving Big Bad Pirates, awesome adventures, and especially steamy scenes on a remote beach under the sun somewhere. This blind runaway noble had hated what her life was becoming, her parents had treated her like a porcelain doll her whole life and then expected her to get married from some random person, so she ran away in search of what she's always dreamed of finding. A life full of action, meaning, and adventure. Cliche I know but I've been dying for the entertaining banter and the sexual tension of a big-headed pirate that either helps/kidnaps/or otherwise the noble, whisks her away on an adventure of a lifetime, and they bicker like an old married couple until one day they actually start throwing punches, with their mouths lol.

Now, without further ado, here is Ana's intro!! Hit me up on here or on my discord if you are interested in playing a part in this story and the hunt for the Solasazi Treasure!!!:p:p

Amidst the busy evening hours of the Wailing Maiden and from one of the back entrances that happened to be a little more ducked away, rang out the sound of the large door leading out to a minor street quickly being opened and then closed with an even more urgent slam. Letting in a slim, hooded figure draped in a deep purple cloak that reached down to the floor. The fabric was obviously expensive but it was also clearly well worn. Whoever has underneath carried with them a large upright case on their back which looked like an instrument, a medium-large-sized satchel, and their large hood hid the majority of the person's face in shadows. Under this said hood, was none other than the fair Lady Anasazi Lumonte-Sol, taking in long and deep breaths to mask the fact that she was actually trying to catch her breath from running.

From what you ask?

Oh.., just Imperial Guards..~

Now, yes there was an actual reason as to why there were Imperial Guards following after her--more like tracking her to be more exact but that was a story for a later time. Right now all that Anasazi was worried about or even focus on was the fact that she needed to haul major butt to the bathrooms of this particular bar that she had been frequenting recently and crawl into the secret hideaway/storage closet that she had known was put there by an unnamable but very reliable source. One of the many perks of living the life of a badass, couch surfing, overall help for hire/vagabond... Awesome she knows.~ Once she was back there she was going to have to hide out for who knows how long. Luckily the empath would know exactly when the guards would come and go, so it wasn't a big issue and she was prepared to do so after all. Patience was something that was ingrained into her very being, a fact in which she practiced and executed into damn near everything that she did. It was also imperative to her survival so it was a win/win situation for her most of the time.

After Ana had caught her breath, the woman had discreetly stomped her foot against the ground of the establishment. Milky colored, clouded eyes darting around needlessly underneath the shadows of her large hood as the vibrations that she sent out and that would be sent back, showed her everything that she needed to know about where everybody was, where they were going, and just where everything else that was also touching the ground was. Things of living nature were easy to tell apart from what wasn't because of how the strong waves she would send out, would either come back just as strong or not. And also thanks to enhanced senses and her empathic powers enabling Anasazi to feel the emotional presents of others.
After she felt that she had sufficiently recuperated enough, the dark-haired girl mentally mapped her way through the crowd right before she had set off not a moment later to efficiently duck, dodge, and weaved her way across the large Bar and Lounge towards the bathrooms. Keeping her head down and her arms still underneath her long cloak flowing out around her feet. Anasazi really moved quite well for someone who was born completely blind. The body could manifest fantastic ways to adapt itself and to, "compensate" in a sense, one thing for another. Since the woman can not see with her eyes, she instead feels her feet. Through the emotional presence of others and with vibrations to feel everything that is in contact with the ground. It all made an accurate and acute picture that is visible to her in her mind when the soles of her feet are touching the ground. The accuracy of her "vision" had been tested and proven over and over, countless times too. For her own sake and sanity, she wears shoes with the soles cut out of them and only a thin but durable strap across the middle to at least keep them on her feet. Moreover, Ana of course cannot read or write because she can not actually see and all of the jazz. However again, all of this is s another story for a later time.

Right now all that she was focused on was escaping as she knew that there would be guards entering the establishment soon too, and they will be keeping an eye out for her...

Alas, the one major downfall to Ana's lack of sight is that she can't always track things that are in the air...
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