Fx Any Non-Con of the Consensual Kind (Dom seeking Subs)


Sep 25, 2019
This is a synonym RT for my Non-con thread--meaning this is much more Consensual! As opposed to a giant paragraph of an opener, here are the small details over yours truly:

  • US Pacific Time person!

  • Mid-twenties Gal with a fair amount of free time on her hands

  • Novella level writer--a fancy word for five paragraphs on average! (Get me interested enough and you'll have eight paragraph posts on my part guaranteed)

  • Fine with PMs and Threads (Heavy lean towards PMs but still discussable!)

  • MORESO A DOMINANT TYPE OF ROLE PLAYER, one that plays mostly the MALE role in an M/F scenario! Does NOT mean I won't be opposed to Futa or F/F, but definitely not open to M/M.

  • A Fan of Non/Dub/ Con-Con in pretty much all types of scenarios!

Recently, I've had an odd change of interest from my usual likeness toward consensual/ romantic themes. But as time passed, I realized I should have a diverse palette for roleplays--a Consensual request thread in contrast to the other one! So I've created a few storylines that are mostly set up as consensual romance thingies. This thread is meant to garner the attention of SUBMISSIVE FEMALE WRITERS (or writers adept at writing females in general) who are interested in the possibility of a mutually lovey-dovey scenario! The kind of plot with a love-struck soul and his other, whether it be a short one-shot of a story or a series of unfortunate events culminating in smoochy times. A tale with humor, perhaps cuddling and enough story to keep the ball rolling! While I definitely enjoy sexy scenes as much as most here, there must be a reason to get there! Even in a one-night stand scenario, they don't just make eye contact and get it on...I think.

In any case, this all means I'm open to like-minded partners! Extra points if you:

+Write in ranges of paragraphs! One-liners won't cut it here and I have to admit a single paragraph isn't motivating for me.

+Have face claims or don't mind me giving you one in the event you don't have one! The random gifs and pics I have in this thread are suggestions at best either way, and you are more than welcome to just bring descriptions if face claims are blegh for you! After all, in the end, it all boils down to how you describe them in your posts! Speaking of which:

+Descriptions! If you describe your character's every cell in their body in every millisecond...well, even I wouldn't go that far but I'll love it anyway!

+Don't mind or (actually enjoy) light belly play! Suffice to say: skinny, extra thick, or somewhere in between all that--I love midriffs and the outfits that bare them!

+Are a mutual lover of hips

+Don't mind playing curvy/plump girls, because there aren't too many of those kinds out in the roleplaying wild.

+Likes Jurassic Park/Marvel and the like and wants to rant over it all in OOC. Let's geek together ^^

Below are a few ideas of mine that I feel I'd be comfortable with playing out with one of you! Please ignore the double headline thing because I have no idea how to fix it. Keep in mind for all scenarios, Character A would be your role:

The Magic of Two:
Moving into a new city is never easy, but B still manages.

His family never really liked the idea of you going to that city for college, of all the places you could be going that seemed less dangerous--Topolis, Star City, Coast city, and a few others were peaceful places. Maybe that's why he went here? Other cities would be a little too peaceful and quiet for his tastes and while this city was certainly dangerous for many colorful reasons, he was certain people would be more socially active with him if he had to make any sort of friends. Just as long as he didn't visit too many public places too many times, he was likely to be kept out of any dangerous events. In any case, his family accepted the decision and he set out for this foreign new city.

It was a week before college would start for him, and with everything you wanted to be moved officially moved, there was a little downtime to kill. It only seemed logical to see things to do in this city before you inevitably had to start school--only the list of sights and places seemed...underwhelming. From a jogging park downtown to a charity party by an abandoned Manor, nothing seemed particularly eye-catching or distinguishable from what he had in his hometown. Just when it seemed nothing was going to be the headline of his week's to-do list, a flyer on the wall of an old pizzeria stood out to him. It was pretty degraded from weather, but he could make out enough: "--The Magician: Sor--7:30 pm at Grayson theater". Now, he wasnt an avid fan or believer in Magic, but nothing else seemed to be on his level of interest. Even if it was magic targeted towards little kids or something, he might learn trick for a party or see something you've never seen before.

He went at 7:30, took his seat in a nearly empty theater. It was off-putting to be a nearly vacant area; what if this magician really was targeted towards kids? Regardless of his suspicion over just how good this magician actually was, he still stayed for some reason. When the lights dimmed, he were expecting an older man with a trimmed mustache and a top hat to walk onstage. However, the exact opposite appeared.

Character A.

A young woman, in the usual clothes expected of a magician, complete with tight fishnet leggings, inky black hair and a strange sparkle in her violet eyes. She walked on stage as though the entire theater was full; pleased and proud as she took to the center and introduced herself to her small audience. If she was disappointed at her tiny turnout, it didn't show on her face as she began her truly astonishing act. Sure, one or two of the acts may have been the usual rabbit shtick, but the others were unique feats of magic and seemed genuinely real to B! The hour of inventive tricks and humor for the magical beauty went by like a blur, and before long the curtains shielded her beauty from view. He felt what he saw of her just wasn't enough; he'd have to see this strange yet alluring bombshell at least one more time! Would he wait for the next showing?

On his way out, he noticed another flyer on the wall. But as opposed to showing the times for the next event of hers, it offered a separate way to see the woman again:

Help Wanted! In need of Assistant!

Discuss this adventurous new job opportunity with Character A herself, backstage! ;-D

If the idea wasn't clear enough there, I'm looking for a slice of life and/or adventurous romance sorta story involving a regular guy and the likes of a young, thicc Zatanna-ish lady in need of an on-stage Assistant. While I am hoping to play the part of the guy, I can play Zatanna with heavy convincing and while I desire M/F, I can be convinced for F/F!

Bloodsucking Bunkers:

Character A's entire family line are vampires, but they aren't savages.

At least, that's what her parents told her. Sure, their history has often been filled with horrifying, mythic tales of their ancestors tearing apart random people to feast on the rich nectar held in their flesh and such chaos was caused over the millennia by these actions that--despite the human race believing vampires to be nothing more than supernatural fiction--they are still heavily feared by the general populace. But despite this, her prior generations have always managed to have some modicum of intelligence and always personally strive to prove that they're just as good as these short-lived blood bags they hide amongst. Character A knows about the vampires that run cooking shows, paper companies and even have a seat close to the presidential office, and she knows her parents expect that kind of thing from her too.

Or maybe they just don't like her tattoos, or her blackened hair or the fact that she's into rock bands and that its not some teenage phase of hers. Whatever the reason, they practically shoved her into college and sent her on her first step to becoming a young vampiric woman in the world of human beings. They could have at least given her enough cash to get a dorm room all to herself, but not to worry; the college uses its patented "probability system" to randomly pair her with a roommate of which she can share the rent with. It's not that she isn't good with other people; she knows there's a few other vamps at the school with her after all. She's just worried about the probability of being paired with some annoying, overfriendly human for four years.

So it doesn't surprise her that Character B is some sort of squeaky clean, puppy-smiling, bright, cheerful guy with the most sickening Good Boy attitude that's the exact opposite of her own social appearance.

It does surprise her that they actually get along really well with each other, though.

To sum up this one, a sort of Goth-ish vampire and the best of boys walk into a college dorm. Neither of them duck. Romance ensues. Cut. Print. Perfect. Does he find out about the vampire side of her? Is he cool with it? What hijinks would ensue? F/F is possible. Maybe the only plot I wouldn't mind being submissive in!

My only requirement would be that the vampire species should have some traits that help them better blend in. For instance, as opposed to just one type of blood, perhaps they can live off cow blood or sheep's blood? Perhaps they can eat food like everyone else, but need blood at some point. Things like that.

Now That's Super:

Character B is going places in life.

It wasn't his expectation to move away from his home town to its northern neighbor, but it wasn't a bad choice in any regard. In truth, his old place was too calm and quiet for their department to accept any other police officers into their ranks while the city he was assigned to...well, it wasn't exactly all that child friendly. Crime rates were rising more often than usual as a result of underground, secretive activities and of course, the need for law enforcement drew Character B to their aid. From what he comes to realize when he moves, the police aren't the only ones looking to put a stop to the rise of criminal activities.

Character B can't believe it the first time he comes across a few knocked out, tied up burglars in the middle of the night but his fellow officers are not even near the word surprised. The town has a superhero, they said with reluctance, a high flying masked woman with a tendency to interfere in criminal activity. Then he still can't fathom it when he actually saves Character A unconscious form from a lucky villain on one fateful night. It was a freak encounter, a random rescue on his part that culminated in something he shouldn't have seen.

Her face beneath the mask. Her secret identity.

Though this event ties the two sides of good in a skeptical alliance, time and trials make something more out of their acquaintance.
So yeah, a guy becomes a cop, accidentally finds out the hero's identity, and promptly seals himself into a strange spiral of events. Was thinking of this as sort of a forbidden romance plot, you know? Cops are supposed to dislike vigilantes but he doesn't, and while the heroine expects the cop to Lord her secret over her as some kind of blackmail, she comes to find he's far different than her expectations.

Ironically, I figured this could end with a look into the past years. Maybe the cop is now acting Commissioner and has an even stronger relationship with the heroine, who has probably trained more heroes in her wake to help police. But who knows!

An Unexpected Journey :

Character A wasn't expecting any of this.

She never expected the dead would rise, for one thing--but did anybody? It was kinda sudden, now that she thought back on the whole thing a year ago. She was just minding her own business at a cafe that one time, and the next second she was just one in hundreds fleeing a large mob of carcasses that had piled in from who knows where. Needless to say, it was a very unexpected happenstance for everyone involved and it was likely why everything shut down so fast.

She wasn't expecting to be captured either. After living in a ghost town for so long, it was nearly impossible to believe that there were even other people out there that weren't...you know, eating brains. But she wasn't expecting the people who caught her to be arguably worse than the undead--they seemed to be only two of many subordinates to some unknown dictator that took male survivors for slaves and female survivors for something more intimate. Either way, everything happened too fast to prevent and soon enough she was tossed into a cart to be hauled off to her soon to be an oppressor. At least, until the next unexpected thing happened.

Her captors caught someone else not long after; a guy who they didn't exactly pat-down before they shackled him. As he picked their locks, Character B told her about the place where he was from--a heavily barricaded city with capable weaponry, a steadily growing food supply, a harmonic community, and a willingness to accept non-hostile people or groups. Basically the exact opposite of where she was going to be hauled off to beforehand.

It wasn't unexpected of her to escape with him.
It's like a road trip plot, but with filthy men trying to kidnap you and rotting carcasses lurking around every corner! Those are squeamish about detailed violence, look away from this plot! F/F possible.

What are the chances?

Basically, just any slice of life one shots where two people just meet each other. Stuck in a broken down ride? Wrong train stop? Greetings at a beach? Two superheroes on a stakeout getting handsy? Meeting at a bar, leading to a one night stand with potential for more? I dunno! But maybe you do, and you'd like to PM me your idea!

Fandom Plots:

  1. Barbara Gordon/Peter Parker: Because that good old parker luck would totally land him a hot redhead that could easily kick his butt.
  2. Diana Prince/Obi-wan Kenobi: No, I don't know where I pulled this from. I just like the idea of Kenobi trying to flirt and Diana is clueless. I'm fine playing the female role here.
  3. Mera/Diana Prince: Short redhead with tall brunette, plz.
  4. Nebula/Loki: Maybe? I dunno.
  5. Moana/Hiro Hamada: Aged up a little. I don't know why, but Hiro having a crush on a gorgeous islander girl is cutesy to me.
  6. Ahsoka/OC: Not sure about this one. Ooh! Maybe she runs into a younger Jedi after Order 66, and they both have to survive together?



Well, uh. That's it! To be sure that you read this, send me a post sample of yours I guess! I'll likely have more ideas in the future too! Otherwise, PM me and don't respond here!
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