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Mx Male Rare Mood for Smut without Plot

Jan 3, 2011
At the moment I have this rare craving for a sex-driven plot of sorts. I put this as a different thread from my usual one since that one is more story based. Now, I don’t have a ton of rules for something like this, nor do I have a ton of ideas. I primarily want to play as a bottom character.

Kinks can be found here. Absolute NO’s are Sexualized Gore, Vore, Scat, Water Sports, Filth, Forced Feminization, Furry, ect. That may not be all of them but all I can think of off the top of my head.

With that out of the way, I also do NOT do first person. Don’t even ask.

Here is some ideas I had on the back burner focusing on an Alpha/Beta sort of society. This is just some glorified Kinky ideas. All kinks are debatable. Really, I use Beta here kinda like Omega. I just figured Beta sounds more inferior, but we can use Omega as a term if you want.

Two different sort of worlds here. Alpha/Beta Society, where both live among each other co-existing, and then there is Alpha Lands/Beta Lands, where Alphas live in their own society due to a treaty or some reason and occasionally Betas either get smuggled to the Alpha Lands, end up there willingly, or end up being drawn into it through curiosity.

Alphas are the bread winners of society. They provide for their family and their Beta mate. While in the past Betas were primarily raised with the expectation that they be chosen by an Alpha later in life, in the current generation there are more freedoms and less expectations. For example, a Beta can work any old job they want. The miracle drug that enables this are inhibitors, a drug that prevents a Beta from succumbing to their natural instincts. They are able to live normally and seek any profession they desire.

In such a society there are often less Betas available for Alphas to choose from since Betas are allowed to choose how they wish to live and whether they want a mate or not. Due to this, certain clubs rose into prominence that catered to the Alphas of society. A place where those who weren't mated could indulge. A place where plenty of drinks and entertainment are available, and depending on the club Betas play a variety of roles. Some clubs have Betas whom only offer their milk to Alphas, while others may have Betas who are more willing to engage sexually with the patrons. Such places can be a source to ease and satisfy the natural urges Alphas experience.

Due to the way Alphas often subjugated Betas in the past due to natural instinct, eventually a treaty was created to ease these tensions. Alphas would live in their own society separate from Betas, and while some Betas may be secretly bred in Alpha society, those whom are free cannot be touched.

The free Betas live in their own society living ordinary lives. Drugs that inhibit their instincts are widely available to prevent the need for an Alpha in their life. Unfortunately there are Betas who occasionally go missing, trafficked to Alpha society to be auctioned off. Some Betas willingly decide to live among Alphas and move into their lands, while other Betas might grow a little too curious for their own good. Once a Beta ends up in the Alpha lands there is little chance of them ever going back.

Really, this is very flexible and just what I had in mind. If you wish for certain changes then that's cool, too.

This is a male dominated world. Women are seen merely as incubators meant to bear the offspring of Alphas and are often kept in breeding facilities for this purpose and are almost never seen in society. Female babies are kept and raised in these places, while the males end up going home with their family. In this sense, Betas are almost like mothers as they raise the males of society.

Alphas are masculine males whom are often bigger and stronger. They have the innate instinct to care for or dominate those deemed inferior. They give off a scent that can be like a siren's call to the inferior. Alpha's also naturally have bigger cocks than their Beta counter parts. Their cocks can be up to twelve inches, as opposed to Betas who can only reach six inches at most.

Betas are the inferior males who are naturally twinkish. They are drawn to the raw masculinity of Alphas and unless they use drugs to inhibit this trait, they often gravitate toward Alphas and exhibit sexual behaviors and urges. They crave the sexual attention of Alphas, and are easily dominated. They are drawn to Alpha cum and can grow addicted to it, and their nipples can lactate. Such traits mark them as inferior, less masculine than the Alpha males of society.

They are naturally submissive, or can grow submissive when introduced to dominating behaviors from Alphas. Some may enjoy the presence of a collar around their neck as proof that they are a mere pet. A constant reminder of their sexual inferiority, and as an interesting paradox they are turned on by this inferiority. If in an enclosed space with an Alpha or more than one Alpha they can grow rather whorish as they are overpowered by the masculine scent of the Alphas around them.

Self-lubrication is another trait that Betas possess. Their tight hole gets quite wet when they are aroused, making penetration by toys or an Alpha much easier. Betas can also go into heat, a state in which they become helplessly horny and insatiable for Alpha cock. This is of course prevented by inhibitor drugs that suppress their Beta desires.

Beta lactation serves two purposes. It is primarily sexual as they enjoy feeding their Alpha in such a way and gain immense pleasure from it.

Scenario 1, non-con.
(Alpha/Beta Society) MC's inhibitor drugs wear off at an inopportune time while walking home to his apartment. YC takes advantage. Having used such inhibitors all his life, MC is overwhelmed by the masculine alpha presence of YC and cannot help but want to serve him. Perhaps a bit dubious consent at the start as he slowly falls into the role of a proper beta.

Scenario 2, dub-con.
(Alpha/Beta Society) Clubs exist throughout society for alpha's to go and relax, even indulge in the presence of betas who work at these places. MC is a beta that lactates and serves the club by feeding thirsty alpha's for his own pleasure. Sex is against the rules at clubs like this. Enter YC, an alpha with a distinctly dominant presence who begins to frequent the club to feed off MC who cannot help but indulge himself. One day YC seduces MC to feed him personally in a far more private setting where he then decides to mate and turn MC into a faithful pet by feeding him his masculine cum and fucking him like the submissive beta he was meant to be.

Scenario 3, dub-con.
(Alpha/Beta Society) MC is a single father who was left to raise the child of his previous Alpha. This is already a daunting job due to the milk needed to feed a child, but the lack of Alpha in the scenario is crushing for the Beta. MC's son happens to be an Alpha who over time has grown enamored with his Beta father. While MC has tried to resist and dissuade his Alpha son from coming onto him, the older his son got the harder it became. YC is that son. Now that YC has grown into young adulthood, he decides that he will no longer be denied. MC is his and no one will stop him. The son's age is negotiable, 16 at the youngest, preferably 18 but it's not a dealbreaker. I'm thinking MC will get seduced and mated by his own Alpha son. Perhaps MC uses inhibitors to ease or prevent this, but eventually YC learns about this and perhaps replaces them with placebos that do nothing. This would ensure that MC cannot resist YC's advances. We can negotiate the details.

Scenario 4, dub-con.
(Alpha Lands/Beta Lands) MC is a Beta who has heard of the old times. The times when Betas serviced beings called Alphas. He learned how pleasurable it could be to be enthralled to such beings. As he grew up he grew curious, enough so that he stopped taking his inhibitors and began to explore closer and closer to the Alpha Lands. One day he catches an intoxicating scent in the woods on the edge of the Alpha Lands, the raw scent of an Alpha. Like a siren's call that he cannot deny, MC follows the scent to its source only to find YC. It is uncommon to find a wild Beta this close to the Alpha Lands and this one is clearly undomesticated. At least to the Alpha standards that YC lives by. They say Curiosity Killed the Cat, but also that Satisfaction Brought him Back. Will YC be able to satisfy MC's newfound needs and desires? Having been on inhibitors for so long he no longer lactates as he should, though this is easily fixable. Anything is easily fixable by an Alpha willing enough.

Again, all kinks are negotiable here.
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