This, That, and the Other


Above All ~ Self Control
Jul 15, 2020
Lost in the Someplace
Second post on the site. I really don't know for sure what I'm going to do with it yet but I've got this funny idea of just putting all the things down that I've had to remake over and over again for the various roleplaying forums/sites I've used over the years. Consistent characters I play, rules, things about me. All that stuff. I thought about posting a thread in the request pages but I just don't have enough plots rattling around in my head to justify such a post yet. If I'm being honest I'm feeling a little lazy and just want to build something off of someone's post that inspires me.

Speaking of inspiration I rarely ever play male main characters anymore. I keep getting requested to play these bad boys with hearts gold. Or just very flat gruff wolverine types. Every single time I've tried to write this I get bored with them. So very freaking bored. They all felt stale and dull and it got to a point where I wrote the whole gender off for everything that I play/write. But after some reflecting thanks to Prodigious Masterpiece's rambling I realized it was because they tended to be ten times more shallow than any female or gender fluid character I wrote for outside of my favorite halfings (it should also be noted that Prodigious Masterpiece's posts/ramble are one of the reasons I'm back on the forums so seriously, kudos to them). Therefore I think I'm going to challenge myself in the coming days/weeks to really build up a male character that I think is interesting and bring them to a RP. I have some concepts already built but I'll have to see a plot that once again inspires me before I really flesh them out.

I believe this section will be used to flesh out and write a bit about my established or reoccurring characters. The only issue with that is I never use them more than once. Maybe I'll write personal journals for them here?

The Other
Ah my rules and things I hate. I think it's clear by now this thread/post is a work and progress. This portion in particular will probably take me a while to complete; listing out my rules and dislikes has always seemed like... work. Such as it is, this is another reason I'm not posting a request thread yet. But I suppose I can start here.
  • Please be literate. Use proper grammar and spelling please. I'm not going to sit here and scold you for making a mistake because I make plenty. But if u tok lik dis i will reach thru the computer and devour your soul.​
  • I used to have a certain amount of paragraphs that I'd like my partners to post. I don't care for putting a number on it these days. I feel the fact that I point out paragraphs should give people plenty indication what I'm looking for. I'm confident that I'm considered an advanced writer on this site and I do try to fill my posts with plenty of detail and action for you to respond to. I understand it can be hard in some situations but if you don't give me enough for my mind to build a picture I'm going to let you know that things between us aren't working out.
  • God mod. I know. It's weird. I'm telling you that if you think something should happen then feel free to write it out. If I have an issue with it out reach out OOCly in a private message about the event but I've found that all too often plots/scenes stall because both sides are afraid to say This thing happens! And then we both get bored and then the story/scene doesn't go anywhere anyways. That being said, please have some respect. If I tell you something is an issue or if you think I or my characters should have a chance to respond and or react then give me that chance. If it's a reoccurring issue you're going to get dropped.
  • I really prefer to play over PMs. I might go into the taboo section if you really really want to make it a thread but I fear that darn Google finding something I post and showing it to the world. I do have some shame. Also have you ever looked back at something you've written two years ago with pride? I think it's maybe happened to me once.
  • If you could post at least once every other day, I will love you forever. But I know life can get busy so maybe at least twice a week? I know. I'm demanding.
  • If you want to roleplay with yours truly than pm me and we can start the process. But please say more than "Hey I'm interested." I will drop kick your pm into deletion so fast it'll amaze Chuck Norris. Let me know what it is your interested in, what your thoughts are for the plot, and what you're hoping to get out of a roleplay with me. If you really want to be helpful you could provide an example of your own writings just so we can ensure that our writing styles are compatible before we go through the process of building a world and plot together.
Work in progress like I said. But it's a good start. Think I'll hang this up for the mean time. Go find something small to make my third post in and then see what's out there.
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Guess this will be my one year on posting. Nobody ever said how often you have to write in a journal to make it a journal right? Annually could be considered semi regularly for those who plan to live forever. There's something strange about going back and looking at how you felt and wrote a year back. It's like enough for both the changes and similarities to be blatantly obvious. Unlike if you go back and read something you've written a week or a month ago. That usually seems like it could have been written the same day you're reading it and very little has changed, barring any huge lessons learned. And it's unlike going back and reading something you wrote five or ten years ago. That always seems like it came from a completely different person. You can see the vague roots that led to who you are now, but if your writing style is constantly evolving like mine, then the emotion and how you relay ideas are probably wildly different.

Speaking of relaying ideas, now's a good time to go back over how I swore off bad boys with a heart of gold. LOL jokes on me. I think every character I've written since then has been that trope. I can't help it, I'm a people pleaser. I see a partner who's writing and ideas I adore and I just have to fulfill their needs. It just so happens to seem that everyone has a soft spot for that particular trope. I blame that one 1800's writer who I can't be bothered to look up that Lindsay Ellis talks about when going over her Beauty and Beast video. Seriously, if I could go back and purge a single person's writing legacy it would be theirs.

On the positive side of all of this though is that I've gotten a lot better at making sure those characters are a lot more well rounded. They have full backstories, and more desires/personality than just, "I am alpha, none can oppose me but this precious little gem I just met." So yippie to everyone for forcing me to grow as a writer! I hate you all. Kidding, I love you all so much.
Please continue to push me and make me a better writer so that someday I can actually look back on my writing and feel proud.

Recently I've picked up a few partners that are allowing me out of the prison I jinxed myself into with my Bad Boys tirade. Some goofballs, and a genuinely alien concept that's yet to really get it's own personality. I look forward to seeing how those all develop.

Guess now would be a good time to write up those character sheets / concepts I was talking about a year ago. However I don't want to write up my typical bad boy template that gets melded and mushed into fitting whatever plot they've been picked for. So instead I'm going to transform this section into a Hall of Fame of characters. Those who's plots lived long enough for them to be notable, give me great memories, and whom I've fallen in love with. There's even one or two who made it through an entire RP. Freaking unicorns they are. Anyways I'd just like to share them and their stories with others.
The Other
Mmmm... rules. Everyone's favorite topic. Well let's get to it and see what's changed...
  • Yep. First rule hasn't changed. I feel like that's a pretty standard one. Also be warned, I am taking soul eating lessons from one of my partners now.
  • This one hasn't changed too much. I still don't like giving hard numbers like "You must type THIS MUCH" but I have found my approximate word counts. During non interaction scenes I'm looking from 1,000 - 1,500+ in a post. Approximately mind you. As a rule I feel like scenes in which our characters aren't interacting then the plot should be developing substantially, or everyone should be taking the time to come to terms with how it changed. Give me your internal monologues, and the dirty details of the moments that pass when our characters aren't involved in ongoing action. When they are involved in action and conversations I usually get ~500+ words a post. That tends to be my average and the average of what I receive. It's enough space to go over what happened, how our character reacted to what happened, and what they do that gives your character a chance to react.
  • Yep. Still here for this. I like to trust my partners and assume they'll respect my characters and the story by not doing anything outlandish.
  • Huzzah! I have a new preference! Google docs! Simply because I can post while at work and not get in trouble. My job has me doing a lot of waiting around for the world to end and that gives me time to write or read between the moments of mass chaos. If not Google docs than still PMs. Then I guess I'll wander into the threads. It's actually not too much of a big deal for me anymore, I think I've managed to bury myself and my writing from Big Brother for the most part. Trust me I see the irony in using Google Docs to avoid Google. Anyways, if I don't use Google Docs, my response times can be a bit slower but it's not that big a deal.
  • Mmmm so this has kind of changed. I'll still love you forever if we can at least manage once every other day, but I don't know if I can absolutely promise I can keep up with that schedule myself. So I'm happy to extend my minimum post requirements to a little over a week. We just better really mesh, or else my attention might wander and it'll be a struggle for me to focus on our work.
  • This final rule hasn't changed at all.
Okay and those are all the old rules. I'll come back and edit this post soonish I promise. I've got some characters I'd like to share, and some rules I should probably add or explain. As you can see, over the last year my writing on the OOC side has gotten to be less concise. I'm unsure if this is something I approve of or not yet.
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