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Fx Any Satisfy this horny nerd? Nympho seeks good stories, depraved smut, epic adventures, romance, monsters, gangbangs, incest and more! NSFW!


May 23, 2020
Gamer Girl, E-Girl Extraordinaire & Nerdy Nympho!
But you can just call me Nymphomane.
  • FkMrY_IWQAETpJ4.jpg
    Well hey there boys and girls.

    Thanks for stopping by my thread. The name's Nymphomane, and I hope I'm about to become your new favourite cosplaying, video game-playing, smut slut. But with a little sprinkling of nerd and e-girl mixed in there as well. I've been around the block a few times and am returning from my latest hiatus. I had some pretty bad real-life trauma at the end of last year that really affected me. I tried getting back into the swing of things earlier this year but it didn't work out. Mental health, y'know? I don't want to get into it too much cause, honestly, it's not fun for sexy, which is what I'm here for. I can't promise my mental health is always gonna be great, but I wanna make this work. I love writing and roleplaying and generally collaborating with all my fellow deviants and perverts on here, so here I am, back again.

    Now, moving swiftly on from that all too serious talk. What exactly am I looking for? Well, generally, I'm open to pretty much anything. Sometimes I just write to escape, usually by with all kinds of depraved smut. Throw in some fun adventures, interesting plots, and sexy characters and I'll be happy. Generally, I'm looking for good vibes and chill partners to write all sorts of detailed, literate and sexy stories.

    Also if we've roleplayed before then feel free to hit me up. I always feel bad about letting people down, so at the very least it won't take you long to get me on my knees begging for forgiveness... or, well, doing something to earn your forgiveness. ;)
  • Meet your new favourite nympho

    As you explore my thread further, you'll soon discover that I'm a very open individual. I love to chat and make friends. I'll happily talk about pretty much anything. So, if you're a like-minded deviant and want to learn more about this nympho, then keep reading! If not, well, this section is entirely optional.

    • I'm an eternally horny 22-year-old female, from the UK.
    • I dyed my hair pink earlier this year and while I love it, my blonde roots are starting to come through and I'm torn. Do I let it grow out, do I maintain the pink, or do I go for something else fun and sexy? Maybe a nice red, or purple? Or maybe black with some green highlights for ultimate goth girl/Shego vibes?
    • My name is French, for nymphomaniac. While I'm not an actual nympho in real life(I think?), I do have a very high sex drive. I love sex. It's fun, it's awesome. Why not do it as much as you can, right? I mean, I didn't always have such a laid-back attitude towards it. I used to think there was something wrong with me, or that I was just a slut. But nowadays I'm pretty sex-positive and I don't feel any shame. Besides, us sluts have all the fun!
    • I love being given cute or naughty nicknames. So feel free to get creative and call me whatever you want; Nympho, Nymph, Nymphy, slut, princess, whore. I'm a great lil goddess, a fantastic fucktoy, a worthless cumdumpster, an absolute bitchqueen and… well, you get the idea. Be creative and don't hold back.
    • When I'm not writing all manner of filth with strangers on the internet, I love playing video games. Honestly, I enjoy all kinds of games and like trying something new, though my jam is story-driven games. I don't really care for multi-player. I love a good story to sink my teeth into. And bonus points if it's got the customisation options to turn my character into an absolute babe!
    • Some of my favourite games include Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Fallout, Borderlands, Horizon Forbidden West, Baldurs Gate 3, Assassin's Creed, Detroit Become Human and so much more I can't think of right now.
    • Currently, I'm devoting all of my time to Dragon Age Veilguard, and I'm loving it. It's a bit of a bummer that I can only create three characters, but still. The opening sequence with Rook in the bar? Fuckin' loved it. I thought it looked great and while, yes, some of the design changes have been a little bit jarring, it's not been enough to put me off having a good time. But I'd love to know any games you're playing at the moment, and I'm always on the lookout for a good book or TV show to sink my teeth into, especially if it's fantasy or sci-fi.
    • As I've mentioned already, I love making friends and chatting about whatever. So I can be pretty forward, and at times, downright flirty. I know I can be a huge flirt, but it's honestly harmless. However, if it's a problem for you or makes you uncomfortable, let me know. I might be a total whore, but I'm a whore who understands consent. :)

    Anyway, that's enough to give you a good idea as to what you're getting involved with. If you wanna get to know each other better then feel free to hit me up for a chat. I'm an open book.
  • Even whores have standards

    I'm not super strict with any of this. They're more like guidelines on how to make sure we get along and have a good time. I'm pretty flexible on most of these points, and they should give you a good idea of how I like to write.
    • Firstly, I can't state enough that effort is hot. We're all here to have some fun, but nothing impresses me more than somebody who will put some effort into their opening message, or into their roleplays. Don't just message me asking if I wanna rp. Of course I do, it's why I've created this over-the-top thread. Instead, lemme know what you liked about my thread, the kinda stories you like, and what kinks are currently turning you on.
    • While I make no secret about the fact that I'm a total slut, both in real life and in my writing, I do have some standards. Even though I tend to write smuttier stories, I like them to be literate and packed full of detail.
    • I don't have any strict rules on length because I think it should fluctuate naturally over the course of a story. Besides, quality beats quantity. However, I can't do anything with one-liners. I need at least one or two solid paragraphs. Personally, I tend to write anywhere between two and six paragraphs, depending on what I've got to work with, the current flow, and the kinda mood I'm in.
    • I can happily write in both first and third person. I also, quite selfishly, enjoy playing the role of player opposite a DM/GM of sorts.
    • My preference is to keep things on BlueMoon. Either Threads or PM are good for me. I'm happy to show off or to keep things private. I could also be tempted with Discord, though I will admit, I'm not always the best at remembering to check in with it.
    • My schedule tends to vary quite a lot due to work and family and other not sexy stuff. Sometimes I'll be free to fire off multiple back-and-forth replies a day. Other times I might only get one or two replies out a week. So I please ask that you be patient with me. Nothing kills the vibe more for me than being nagged or pestered for a reply after only a few hours. But I can promise that I will always be patient with you in return. Plus, I am usually around for frequent OOC chats though, even if I haven't got the time or mental capacity to write out a full response.
    • And finally, I really enjoy using visuals in my roleplays as well. Everything from settings/locations to faceclaims, outfits and even the NSFW aspects of my roleplays. By no means do I require you to do the same, but I won't complain if you want to. But don't worry, any images I use are just a sexy lil extra. They're not meant to replace good, well-written details.
  • Worlds I wanna explore
    • Modern Day
      • High School
      • College
      • Big City
      • Small Town
      • Rom-Com Vibes
      • Spy/Espionage Vibes
    • Fantasy
      • Epic Fantasy
      • Dark
      • Urban
    • Science Fiction
      • Space Opera
      • Cyberpunk
      • Artificial Intelligence
    • Apocalyptic
      • Zombies
      • Nuclear Apocalypse
      • Alien Invasion
      • Machine Uprising
      • Kaiju
      • Magic-based Apocalypse
    • Historical
      • Dark Ages
      • Vikings
      • Roman Empire
      • WW1/2
      • Ancient Greece
      • Renaissance
  • How to turn me on
    The below list of kinks is by no means exhaustive and in no particular order. Also all links should be considered NSFW, to give you some... visual inspiration.

    Enjoy! ;)
  • Things I'm tentatively open to exploring
    This is a pretty short list at the moment as to be honest, I feel like my list of kinks is more than long enough. But basically theses are a few things that I be open to exploring, so feel free to ask me about them.

  • What to avoid
    This is also a much shorter list as there isn't much that turns me off. In fact, if something excites my partner, then that's usually enough to excite me as well. Howver the following are the few things that I just can't get into.
    • Toilet Stuff
    • Anything excessively gross


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Pairings, Pictures & Prompts
For those looking for something quick & sexy.

Welcome to the smut zone! Specifically this section is primarily for my shorter term ideas. Below you will find all manner of pairings, plot bunnies, one shot ideas, picture prompts and more!

Feel free to mix and match ideas images etc. Oh, and all links are NSFW!

  • Pairings

    Coming Soon!
  • Plot Bunnies

    Below are just some siimple ideas that I have yet to properly plot out yet. Feel free to let me know what you think. We can either develop them out further, play them out as one shots or mix a few of them together.
    • I'm something of a prodigy. At a young age I've founded my own highly successful company and have had to hire an assistant to help me out, who turned out to be older than me. He travels everywhere with me, helps to organise my life. However I can't help but notice how hot and strong he is. Does a romance form over time? Or is it less consensual, with him turning the tables on his boss?
    • As the daughter of a powerful lord, I hear that some of our people are being troubled by a clan of monsters. With my father away on other business, I take it upon myself to investigate, believing I can negotiate with the monsters.
    • I'm a young pop starlet who's manager has slowly been pushing me further and further, convincing me to act sluttier and dress sexier. The culmination of this is a super exclusive meet and greet, in which my biggest fans can pay to have full access to me. Of course, I have no idea about this.
    • I've been slowly growing my onlyfans following, but lately a particularly twisted thought has entered my mind. It would go crazy if I could get my twin sister involved. So i set out to seduce and corrupt her into becoming my co-star.
    • I'd love to do something based around the song Boyfriend, by Dove Cameron. Y'know, something where a girlfriend is seduced away from her lousy boyfriend by another girl. Could be a steamy one night stand, or something long term and romantic.
    • A shy, nerdy girl has dreamed of being a model. One of her friends helps set her up with an audition, and with a little help in the clothing and make-up department, she soon likes like an absolute babe, and is ready for the audition. The only thing the friend forgot to mention? it's for a hardcore porn shoot.
    • 'd love to explore a sugar daddy scenario. to start with my character just sends pictures and videos in exchange for money. But then as she gets used to her new lifestyle, she finds herself wanting, no needing, more. And of course the more she wants, the more her sugardaddy wants in return. She can she balance everything, or will her greed turn her into little more than a cheap whore?
    • On a winter vacation, the area gets hit by bad storm and our characters find themselves snowed in. They've got enough food to last, but the need to stay warm will no doubt start to cause tensions to rise. Are they just friends? Best Friends? Rivals? Married to different people? Siblings? whatever the pairing, it could be fun to explore.
    • I think it could be fun to do something revolving around a sexy female genie. Does she use her charms and body to try and sway and influence the people that discover her and use her powers? Or is she constantly used for the pleasure of her masters, again and again?
  • Even whores have standards

    Below are a bunch of pictures that I find incredibly hot and that I think could be fun to build an idea around. I do have ideas for a few of them, but I'd also love to hear your thoughts.
    • 01 - Looks like some gladiator match that pits human women against monsters, with the loser getting dominated by the winner. Could be fun to explore either a rotating cast of unfortunate babes, or maybe even a single female gladiator.
    • 02
    • 03
    • 04 - A futurisic space babe being corrupted, despite knowing that fraternising with xeno scum is forbidden? Delicious!
    • 05 - I could get into a lot of trouble if I sent this to the wrong person!
    • 06 - When the knight finally reached the top of the tower the princess was trapped in, no sign of the dragon, this is the last thing we has expecting to see.
    • 07
    • 08 - After hearing rumours about human experimentation, a pesy journalist sneaks into a top secret lab and, well, let's just say she'll have all the evidence she needs... in about nine months or so!
    • 09 - I just find this one so fucking' sexy! The look of fear on her face and their size just makes me so wet. Bonus points if she starts out in some kind of position of power over the monsters, only to have the tables turned on her.
    • 10
    • 11 - After hearing rumours about the trouble with demons, a power hungry sorceress thinks she will have an easier time of it by summoning a female demon. Of course, with any kind of demon, you're never entirely safe!
    • 12
    • 13 - Just a classic monster hunt gone wrong.
    • 14 - After her empire fell and she lost her power, the dark queen fled. It wasn't long, however, before a particulalry powerful demon, no long er bound to her, tracked her down for revenge.
    • 15 - Some kind of sex challenge thing where this petite babe was hoping for something easy, only to get paired with a minotaur.
    • 16 - This is the moment when you realise he was right. You're just a human, you could never handle his huge, thick alien cock. But then you got drunk and spent all night bragging about being such a size queen that it's too late and all you can do is take the consequences, over and over.
    • 17 - A demonic entity posessing some kind of insectoid hivemind makes for a dangerous combo! But maybe they shoud stop sending female hunters to slay this creature!
    • 18 - Just a good old fashioned tentacle trap, slowly growing bigger and stronger with every dumb adventurer that falls into it's grasp.
    • 19 - An arrogant sorceress thought she would easily be able to take on some orcs. Don't worry though, they'll show her just how wrong she is.
    • 20 - Sometimes negotiation takes several long, hard sessions. I'm thinking perhaps there are rumours that the human has a soft spot for monsters, and the monsters sent to negotiate use this to their advantage, seducing her, getting her hooked on the pleasures they can provide before using this to gain more favourable terms.
    • 21 - Oh my god my tongue turned blue from sucking your cock all night! Now everbody will know what a needy lil slut I am for alien cock!
    • 22
    • 23 - I've always been a slutty, forgetful drunk, something which my little brother is all to eager to take advantage.
    • 24
    • 25
    • 26 - Perhaps an assassin who failed to kill her marks? Or maybe she plays the part of a whore to get close to them, only for things to get a little out of hand?
    • 27
    • 28 - She's just being a good big sister and looking after her little brother.
    • 29
    • 30
    • 31 - Definitely a pirate queen of some kind, but I can't tell if she's in charge and enjoying some downtime, or is she being dominated and corrupted by what she thought was her latest pet?
    • 32
    • 33 - Just a dumb lil sister who doesn't realise she's being manipulated. I wonder how far her brother can push things before she realises.
    • 34
    • 35
    • 36 - When a sexy adventurer stumbles upone a tribe of monsters in the middle of their mating ritual, confiict breaks out. Before she's captured she kills one of their females, and so as punishment must take their place.
    • 37 - After discovering that my boyfriend has a cheating fetish, I decide to surprise him by going out and filming myself fucking other guys... I sure hope it doesn't backfire.
    • 38
    • 39
    • 40 - I'm not afraid to use me body to get what I want, or to make my brother shut up. Of course, I'd never do anything with that little creep woud do anything, or put me in my place... right?
    • 41
    • 42
    • 43
    • 45
    • 46
    • 47
    • 48
    • 49 - This is why you should never drink too much in a goblin-owned bar.
    • 50
    • 51
    • 52
    • 53
    • 54 - When I agreed to study monster mating habits, this is not what I had in mind!
    • 55
  • GIfs & Clips

    As before, below are a bunch of gifs that I find hot, and think could be fun to build an idea around. So enjoy!
    • 01
    • 02 - I forgot my purse at the bar but I desperately needed a ride home, so I offered to flash the taxi driver as payment, which was all well and good until he took me somewhere quiet and demanded further payments.
    • 03 - I went to confront my brothers bullies, but I just became their latest target as they charmed me and fucked my brains out like a worthless lil slut.
    • 04
    • 05
    • 06
    • 07 - Our parents are away for the week, so the rules slide a little as I hang out around the house in just panties and a t-shirt. Little do I know just how crazy I'm driving my younger brother, or that he's close to snapping.
    • 08
    • 09 - My boyfriend hasn't been able to satisfy me for a while now, yet most nights I hear the sounds of pleasure coming from your room as you fuck a different woman. After a disappointing date, I knock on your door.
    • 10
    • 11 - Simple idea. A naive wife/gf confides in a male friend that she's nervous about anal. He then takes the opportunity to convinces her that practising for anal doesn't count as cheating, and offers his services. From there, he pushes her further and further.
    • 12 - When my older brothers come home drunk, I take the opportunity to ask them about boys and sex. Little do I know they're pretty pent up and soon things get hands on, and I get far more than I bargained for as they fuck my brains out.
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16 - I thought nothing about sharing a bed with my younger cousins. Until I awoke in the middle of the night to their hands on my body, their huge cocks hard and throbbing.
    • 17
    • 18
    • 19
    • 20
    • 21
    • 22
    • 23
    • 24
    • 25
    • 26
    • 27
    • 28
    • 29
    • 30
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Original Plots
For those after some longer term fun.

These are all up for discussion, so feel free to hit me up with any ideas, changes, alternative faceclaims, whatever. I love discussing ideas and want to craft something we will both enjoy.

  • One Night Stands, Chance Encounters & Drunken Mistakes
    Pairing: Strangers
    Vibe: One-Shots/Short Term, Super Smutty
    Synopsis: Kinda what it says on the tin; hardcore sex between hot strangers, either consensually or not.

    "Oh fuuuuck!" I cried out as orgasmic pleasure ripped through my body. My dress was bunched up around my waist, legs wrapped around the waist of a man whose name I didn't even know as his cock hammered into me. He showed no sign of slowing down as he kept me pinned against the bathroom stall. Every thrust of his thick shaft prolonged my orgasm a little more, making me spasm and clench around him. I could feel him throbbing and pulsing inside me, and I knew he was close. As if reading my mind, he pulled out. My legs were unsteady as I stood, but he was soon pushing me to my knees. A firm grip on my hair held me in place as she stroked his cock, now slick with my juices. I'd only met this guy a couple hours ago, and here he was about to spray his cum all over my face. I love it.

    Probably my most basic idea. It's the weekend and, dressed up like a total slut, I decide to hit up some bars and clubs. I drink, dance and flirt the night away. I enjoy longing glances and wandering hands on the dance floor until, finally, I hit it off with somebody. It could be a hot guy or a gorgeous girl. Either way, there's immediate chemistry and we just need to have each other. What starts off as some suggestive dancing and heavy making out soon becomes more. It's not long before we're leaving the club, heading back to their place for a night of hot, steamy sex.

    Or maybe we just can't wait. Before I know it I'm on my knees in the club toilets, mascara running down my cheeks? Or maybe I get railed in a quiet alley, trying to keep quiet as other partygoers walk by? Perhaps I end up eating out another girl in the back seat of her car, or getting fucked on a park bench?

    There are a lot of possibilities so lemme know what you think.
    "Well, I'm sure I can find some other way to pay you," I purr, a suggestive grin dancing across my lips. Leaning forward, I gave the taxi driver a perfect view of my cleavage as I began to unbutton my shirt a little. I'd run out of money and with no way other way of getting home, I had to resort to other methods of payment. But as I watched the driver eye me up through his rearview mirror, I felt a surge of drunken excitement. This could be fun! Flash a random guy my tits, maybe let him watch me play with myself on the back seat. If it gets me home and my boyfriend doesn't find out, then what's the harm.

    Half an hour later…

    The hood of the taxi was cold on my exposed breasts. It made my nipples hard. Drunken moans and the sound of flesh slapping on flesh echoed around the abandoned(at least I hoped it was) industrial estate. My jeans and panties were pulled down to my knees. The driver grunted as pressed his fat cock into me over and over again. One hand gripped my hip tightly and the other on my back, keeping me pressed into the car, Pleasure surged through my body and my moans grew louder, cheeks red with embarrassment as he brought me to orgasm. Whimpering as my tight entrance clenched around the invading shaft, I heard him chuckle, and I just knew it would be a long night and an expensive fare.

    After a night of dancing and drinking, I decide to call myself an Uber to get home. However, part way into the drive I realise I don't have any money. Fortunately(or not) the driver is willing to make a deal with me, especially when they see how drunk I am and just how slutty I'm dressed. They end up taking me somewhere quiet so that I can use my body to convince them to take me home.

    Or, if you wanted a little bit more non-con, perhaps I've had too much to drink and I pass out completely on the backseat, and the driver just can't resist having some fun with me. If dub-con's more your thing, maybe I suggest a deal, and they use this opportunity to push me further, taking advantage of me.
    I couldn't believe I was letting a random guy fuck me. I'm a good girl. I've only ever been with one guy before, so I'm definitely not a slut. But when I found out my boyfriend had been cheating on me, I was just so mad. My girlfriends encouraged me and told me it would make me feel better to get some revenge and have some fun. So I borrowed some sexy clothes and let them take me out. Which brings me to my current situation; getting fucked by a random guy in his apartment. But gosh, it was just so good. He'd already brought me to several powerful, mind-melting orgasms. Laying on my back, panties pulled aside and still wearing my glasses, he finally lets go of my throat. I gasped for air, feeling conflicted. My boyfriend had never treated me like that or been so… rough. Yet it felt incredible. Then, looking down at me, this guy asks about taking his load all over my face.
    "M-my boyfriend, erm, never." I stammer nervously as he pulls out.
    "Well, then that's his loss, right?" He said, looking down at me with an intoxicating grin. I nod my head, grinning back. It's not long before
    strands of thick, warm cum are shooting across my face, coating my glasses, and getting in my hair. His cock is still hard though and he's still looking at me with that grin.
    "Say, did your boyfriend ever fuck that cute little ass of yours?"

    So the idea with this one is that I'm a good girl and a bit of a nerd. I've only ever been with one guy, my boyfriend. So when I discovered he was cheating on me, I was devastated. To help me try and get over it, my girlfriends get me dressed up all sexy and slutty, and take me out drinking. There I meet a hot guy, and when he learns that I'm out to get revenge on my cheating boyfriend, he is happy to help. Too happy in fact. He uses his knowledge to push my boundaries, fucking me hard and rough in ways I've never experienced before.
    "So who's taking me home then?" I asked of the three guys who had been vying for my attention. I'd been flirting and dancing, enjoying the attention as I made them compete for me. But moments later my eyes went wide as they shrugged, admitting they were happy to share. I let them lead me from the club, excited for where the night would lead. I was so excited I didn't care that they took me to a cheap motel. I was so distracted as I sank to my knees between them that I didn't notice the door was open slightly letting any passersby hear my mewling, pathetic moans as they used my body. After what felt like forever, and several orgasms, I was ready for more.
    "I want two of you… at the same time," I said, eliciting an excited grin from the guys. Moments later I was gripping the bed sheets tightly, groaning as twelve inches of lubed-up cock slowly impaled my ass. He stretched me out and once he was balls deep, he rolled me on top. Riding him reverse cowgirl, one of the other guys began to tease my pussy. When he pushed inside,
    filling up both my holes, I lost my mind. The only thing that could keep me quiet was the third guy stuffing his cock down my throat.

    So this is pretty similar to the first idea except, as you can see, it revolves around me attracting the attention of several guys while out partying, dressed up like a total whore. They mention that are more than happy to share, and I eagerly take them up on it. I've always dreamed about being with more than one guy, so I quickly finished my drink and let them take me wherever they wanted. I'm putty in their hands, letting them use me however they want as they pound me into orgasm after orgasm.

    Of course, if you want something less consensual, maybe I get in over my head as the guys absolutely dominate me, or take advantage of me?
    "See, told you I knew a better workout," I moan between passionate kisses. Hot water cascades over our bodies our hands explore each other. My lips find her neck as she steps back, pressed against the wall of the shower. I trail my kisses downwards, nibbling at her collarbone before moving down between her breasts and over her toned, muscular stomach. Eventually, I'm on my knees in the shower, hair soaking wet. I flash her a naughty grin before leaning between her legs, tongue lapping out as I hear that oh-so delicious moan.

    I like hitting the gym late at night. It's quiet, with nobody to bother you. One night I spot a fellow gymbunny who I've spoke to a few times. We always chat, borderline flirting with each other. Before long we strike up a conversation, and when we realise we're the only people there, it turns flirty. More so than usual. Feeling bold, I suggest a more intimate workout, and before long we're sneaking off to the showers together peeling off our tight gym clothes and exploring each other's bodies.
    "Guys I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend," I say, panic rising inside me. My mind, dulled by too many drinks, races to try and find an escape from the situation I've found myself in. The leader of this little group just chuckles menacingly as he reaches out with a tattooed hand, his grip on my throat firm, but not too hard. Yet.
    "Well, then I think he should thank us for teaching you a lesson," He growls, before forcing me to my knees. Half an hour later and I'm still on my knees. Black streaks of mascara run down my cheeks, red lipstick smudged. By now they've all had a turn. As one of the guys forces his cock balls deep into my throat, the others watch, standing around the dimly lit park, drinking and joking amongst themselves. Eventually, the guy currently occupying my throat pulls out, and I gasp for air.
    "You learned your lesson yet?" He asks, and all I can do is nod.
    "Shame, we don't believe you," another guy says, and rough, strong hands pull me to my feet and bend me over a park bench. My dress is pulled up, eliciting laughter when they see I'm not wearing any panties. All I can do is whimper as I grip the edge of the bench, knuckles white as a cock that's several times bigger than my boyfriend's begins to push inside me.

    My boyfriend is out of town, leaving me all alone and oh-so horny. I have no intention of putting out, but I love attention. So I decided to dress up ridiculously slutty and hit some bars and clubs. I drink, dance and skirt the night away before going home to satisfy myself. But little do I know that a group of guys decide to teach me the consequences of being a naughty lil cocktease. Perhaps they follow me until I'm alone and grab me? Maybe they get me to have some more drinks with them, charming me and taking advantage of me until I let down my guard? Or maybe they find me playing with myself somewhere, desperately trying to bring myself to orgasm?
    Even in my drunken haze, the sound of fabric tearing worries me. The dress was rented and my parents would kill me. But then my breasts spill out into the cold night air, nipples hard with arousal. Rough hands are on them instantly, groping them, fingers teasing my nipples. As I lay on the park table, I look around at the group of older guys, all eyeing me up, stroking their hard cocks. But my attention is soon taken by more tearing, and then one of the guys is sliding my panties down my legs and off. There's no denying my arousal, and as he grinds his shaft against my entrance, it's not long before it's slick with my juices.
    "You're gonna wear a condom, right?"
    "Trust me darlin' you don't want one," He says with a grin. Before I can respond one of the other guys presses the bottle of alcohol to my mouth, and instinctively I swallow. Then, I feel him push inside. He lets out a low groan as my tight walls cling to him.
    "Oh fuck," I groan, back arching slightly as, for the first time in my life, I'm fucked bareback by a thick, twelve-inch cock. It's not long before his powerful thrusts have me moaning lewdly, my body quivering in orgasmic pleasure.

    I've always been the bad girl at school, with a bit of a reputation. After all, I'm from the trailer park. So when prom decides too lame for me, I bail. A group of dads spot me and, knowing about my rep, invite me to join them for some drinks, all with the intention of getting me out of my dress and taking advantage of my tight, fuckable body.
    "So five hundred's good?" The guy on the right asks.
    "Yeah… sure," I say casually, trying to sound like I've done this before. One of my hands was wrapped in his cock as we sat in the backseat of the car, stroking it while doing the same to his buddy on the left.
    "And… anything?"
    "Anything," I say with a grin.
    And that's how I ended up getting spit roasted in a hotel room by two guys I'd never met before, while a third watches, stroking his cock. It all started because I didn't have ID to get into a club, despite dressing up in one of my sluttiest outfits to try and persuade the bouncers. But these guys mistook me for a prostitute and, well, I thought it could be fun. Not to mention easy money.
    After some foreplay on the way to the hotel room, they really proceeded to get their money's worth. With one guy enjoying my mouth, the other pounds balls deep into my pussy until he brings me to my… fourth? Fifth orgasm? Either way, I'm soon quivering in pleasure. They pull out, letting me slump onto the bed, ass up in the air as the third guy approaches. Little did I realise he'd been coating his cock in lube.
    "Wait, what're you doing?" I protest as I feel him pressing against my tight asshole.
    "What, you said anything," he says, grunting as he pushes the tip inside, making me cry out.
    "B-but I've never been fucked there before," I cry out, making them chuckle.
    "I bet you say that to all your clients," he groans,
    gripping my hips and pushing deeper into my forbidden hole.

    I've recently turned 18(or maybe I'm still 17?) but I couldn't find my ID. Despite dressing up like a cheap slut, the bouncers wouldn't let me in the hottest new club in town. But then a group of guys start chatting to me and I realise they've mistaken me for a prostitute. I go along with it, thinking it's easy money, but soon find myself getting more than I bargained for.

    Brotherly Love
    Pairing: Brother x Sister x Brother
    Vibe: Mid/Long Term, Smutty but open to Plot
    Synopsis: Incestuous adventures between a sister and her two brothers.

    This is a pretty simple idea that could play out a number of ways. I wanna play a sister who seduces, or is seduced, but her brothers. I kinda like the idea of playing an older sister who should totally know better but just can't resist getting double teamed by her not so little brothers. But I am also open to playing a younger sister who discovers just how big her brothers are.

    Either way, here are a few ideas I had in mind:

    This idea is based on a series of stories I read on literotica and I thought they were really hot. Essentially my character is part of a sports team, or maybe even a cheerleader. Lately things have been getting pretty intense at practice and she often complains about how much she aches. One night, one of the brothers rubs her shoulders and, after she mentions how good it felt, they offer her a full body massage. After setting some ground rules, the sister agrees, and the massage is amazing. But both parties enjoyed it a little more than they should, and with each massage the lines start to blur. They start adding new rules to create loopholes to justify and act upon there attraction. For example run number one is no nudity, though with each session the sisters clothing gets a little simpler, until the brothers suggest a new rule, which states nudity is allowed if the clothes are deemed to be hindering the massage. Or something like that.

    It's probably a little silly, but lemme know what you think. I'd love to really focus on the slow burn nature of this one, exploring how the boundaries slowly shift and breakdown.
    This one is super simple. After accidentally spying her brothers naked, or sharing a girl, my character can't get them out of her head. She keeps thinking about how hot they were and how big their cocks were. Desperate to be rid of these thoughts, she decides that the best course of action is to have them for herself. Then, she won't need to fantasise. So, she sets about seducing her brothers.

    Maybe she simply walks into their room naked and tells them what she wants? Maybe they refuse, making her desperate as she works for it? Or maybe she's more subtle, dressing sluttier around them, acting more flirty and teasing until they break and make the first move? Or maybe it's something else entirely.
    This is a slight variation on the above idea. My character had planned a romantic night in with her boyfriend to finally have sex. However after they get into an argument he leaves. The brothers enter her room to see if she's okay, shocked to see her in some lingerie. They can't take their eyes off of her. And so they make a move. Seeing how frustrated she is, they offer themselves up to sate her needs. She refuses at first, shocked and repulsed, but their teasing hands on her body and soft kisses on her neck melt her reluctance as they seduce her and give her what she is so desperate for.
    After discovering that her boyfriend has been cheating, my character breaks up with him and sets about updating her social media and dating profiles with hot new pictures to make him jealous and realise what he's lost. Needing help, she turns to her brothers. She asks for help taking the photos and advice on sexy outfits, poses and what else could make him jealous. But then things start to take a turn when they take pictures of her with her brothers, cropped so nobody can see their faces.

    When somebody jokingly says that he'd be so jealous if he saw her with another guys cock, the sister wastes no time dropping to her knees. The brothers are shocked, but the sister is insistent. They strike multiple poses to simulate handjobs, blowjobs and sex. But it never looks quite realistic enough. It needs to be better.
    "God, just put your dick in my mouth and take a picture already!" The sister says, her expression deadly serious. Before long, the brothers are balls deep in their sister, pounding her hard. All in the name off revenge of course.
    Our character go to a fancy dress party, perhaps not knowing what the others are dressed as, leading to some accidental incest. Or perhaps the sister recognises her brothers and, curious about the rumours she's heard about them, sees this as the perfect opportunity to see if they are as good in bed as she's heard. And with them not recognising her, there's no repercussions. It's not like they'd be so good that she'll be desperate for more… right?
    After accidentally sending a sexy pic to the group chat with her brothers instead of her boyfriend, my character is mortified. But the brothers are cool about it, joking with her and even sending a sexy or silly picture in response. They out her mind at ease, while casually mentioning how good she looks. Yet this encounter sows a see in all of them, and gradually their group chat gets a little flirtier, and a little lewder. Eventually they are outright flirting with each other, sending all manner of sexy pictures back and forth. After all, it's only on chat. It's not like they'd ever do anything in real life. That is, until the lines start to blur.

    I've got more ideas coming soon, but I'd also love to hear any ideas you have in mind. Also feel free to mix and match any of these ideas.

    Worlds Apart
    Pairing: Popular Girl x Outcast
    Vibe: Mid/Long Term, Plot Focused, Romantic & Sapphic.
    Synopsis: A small town romance between an unlikely pairing.

    So this is definitely one of my more sappy, romantic ideas. I see it as being some kind of teen/young adult story, though I'm also happy to make the characters older if you would prefer.

    Either way, our characters are complete opposites. One of them is the typical town sweetheart; a blonde cheerleader, prom queen sort of thing. The other character is a nerdy, punk rock alt girl. I see her as being a little bit like Steph from Life is Strange, if you're at all familiar. She's openly gay and doesn't care who knows it.

    One day the nerdy girl witnesses the popular chick being dumped; by another girl. She's surprised by this and though the two characters have never really spoken or gotten along, the nerdy girl approaches the other and comforts her. The two of them chat for a bit and realise that they have more in common than they thought.

    Long story short, they end up hooking-up. What was meant to be a one night rebound ends up becoming something more intense, passionate and romantic.

    I figure this would have a fair bit of sneaking around and drama based around the fact that nobody knows the popular girl is gay, and the nerdy girl isn't exactly subtle. I'd also love to brainstorm more ideas and dramas to include so hit me up with your suggestions if you're interested.

    The Runaway
    Pairing: Hitchhiking Teen x Drivers
    Vibe: Mid/Long Term, Super Smutty but with room for Plot
    Kinks: Public/Car Sex, Possible Non/Dub-Con, Possible Bad End, Possible Prostitution
    Synopsis: A naive teen dreaming of stardom sleeps her way across the country, either consensually or not.

    I'm just a naive teenager who dreams of becoming a model and, after a big fight with my parents, I run away from home. With no money and a bag with several outfits, I have to hitchhike and trust in the kindness of strangers. Of course there's plenty of trouble a dumb lil slut like me can get into climbing into cars and vans with total strangers…

    This is very much a dub-con idea. As I make my way across the country, I seem to have just the worst luck. Every time I catch a ride I find myself travelling with some perverts who's all too eager to take advantage of me, manipulating me and generally doing whatever it takes to get their hands on my tight teen body.
    Catching a ride turns out to be a lot harder than I expected as everybody just drives past. So, feeling desperate, I flash my tits and before long somebody stops to give me a ride. On one condition. They get to play with my tits. I agree, discovering that I like the feeling. As I travel across the country I use my body to get what I want, flashing people and eventually, letting them have their way with my body. Perhaps I even start charging money for my services?
    Kinda what it says on the tin. The very first guy to pick me up is the worst guy I could've found and, after tricking me, manipulating me or straight up forcing me, he enjoys my body before subjecting me to some kind of bad end, whether it's kidnapping or something fatal.

    Smile for the Camera
    Pairing: Casting Agent x Aspiring Model
    Vibe: Mid/Long Term, Smutty but open to plot.
    Synopsis: Aspiring models find themselves tricked and manipulated into having sex on camera in a fake modelling interview.

    So, I'm sure you've all seen or heard of the kinda porn videos that have inspired this idea. Y'know, Backroom Casting Couch, Fake Agent, Female Agent, that sorta thing. I wanna play something based on that premise. It's pretty simple, but there are all manner of possible variations.

    So for this one you would play a guy(or two) who pretends to be a casting agent for modelling companies, and I would play the rotating cast of girls that are charmed and tricked into stripping and fucking on camera, only for those videos to end up on pornhub.
    This is pretty much a role reversal of the above idea. I'd play a female agent who tricks guys and girls into fucking on camera. So if you'd be up for playing a rotating cast of both guys and girls, that would be great.
    This idea is slightly more plot based, but using either of the above ideas as a basis, our main characters have a surprising connection and after their sessions they start dating. Whoever the agent is confesses the truth to the other, and the two of them turn it into a joint endeavour.

    Either way this play out, I see us both playing multiple characters.
    An interracial variation, there's two possibilities for this one. The first is that you play a black casting agent who specialises in tricking dumb white sluts into worshipping his BBC on camera.

    The second idea is that I play a phat ass white girl who love seducing and tricking hot black guys into dominating her on her own casting couching.
    This one could work with either a male or female agent, and focuses on the agent filming their content in public, whether it's a bangbus kinda set-up, or it could take place ar bars, clubs, restaurants, parks, beaches, hotels, and anywhere you want.

    Revenge Gone Wrong
    Pairing: Cheerleader x Rival Football Team
    Vibe: One Shot/Short Term, Smutty, Dub/Non-Con.
    Synopsis: A bitchy cheerleader finds herself caught in her own plot for revenge, leaving her at the mercy of the opposing football team.

    I'm a total bitch and everybody knows it. I'm the queen bee, head of the cheerleaders and the most popular girl in school. But I'm a bitch who rules with a tight grip, and I'm not afraid to absolutely destroy anybody who wrongs me. Which brings me to my latest plot. There's a new girl on the cheer team, and after an insult(whether real or imagined) I decide to put her in her place and send a message to everybody else.

    I invite her to join me for a one on one practice session one evening. At the same time I reach out to several guys from our schools rival football team. They get to gangbang the hottest new member of our cheer team, and I get footage of her to keep her in check. The fateful night arrives and the guys meet me in the school gym. I'm in my sexy lil uniform, and I offer them all the pills they need to make sure they're hard and ready to fuck for hours. And then we wait. And wait. I start to get nervous.
    "Don't worry guys, I'm sure she'll be here soon," I tell them. Then I get a text from her, blowing me off. To make matters worse, the guys are starting to look at me like a piece of meat. I promised them a cheerleader to fuck, after all. And what could be better putting the bitchy ice queen of a rival school in her place?

    "Surely we can work something out, right guys?" I stammer as they close in around me, hands reaching out, groping my ass under my skirt, tugging at my top as their hard cocks press against me.
    "Oh yeah, we can definitely work something out," One of the guys says, his hand wrapping around my throat and, with a powerful grip, pushing me down onto my knees.

    So yeah, that's the idea. I figure his could just be a one shot scene. Though for long term, it could be fun to play out my character forming increasingly wild and crazy plans for revenge, only for them to always blowup in her face.

    The Roadtrip
    Pairing: Siblings/Cousins - Also open to non-incest pairings.
    Vibe: Long Term, Character Focused, Romantic.
    Synopsis: Two cousins or siblings who have always been a little too close go on a road trip before the next stage of their lives tears them apart.

    This one can be done with our characters either being cousins or siblings, and I'd happily do it MxF or FxF. Either way, they've always been close; practically best friends growing up. They went to the same school, had the same social circles and hobbies. Now that they're older, there's nothing that they don't share, including their sex lives. The two of them happily talk about their crushes, who they're dating, what they like in bed, etc. They both also have a huge crush on the other, but neither one has ever dared to say anything or to act on it.

    Now, both of our characters are going away to different universities/jobs on different sides of the country/world. However, before they start they've taken a year out to travel, which is something they've always talked about doing. This could be a road trip across America, backpacking across Europe, whatever. It's going to be one of the last things they do together before going their separate ways.However over the course of their travels tension will build and eventually they will give in and confess the feelings they've always had, exploring their relationship and what could have been.

    This is probably gonna require a bit more brainstorming or discussion, so hit me up with your thoughts and ideas.

    A Bet Gone Wrong
    Pairing: Coworkers
    Vibe: Mid/Long Term, Smutty
    Synopsis: A manager makes a bet with one of her arrogant, sleazy workers and things really don't go her way, as she becomes the submissive fucktoy of a man she can't stand.

    One of my staff is an absolute sleaze ball. He's pervy, inappropriate and always bragging about his latest conquest and how good he is in bed. I would have fired him, except he's amazing at his job. Nobody is as good. However the two of us have a work trip coming up, and I come up with a plan to put him in his place. I suggest a bet. I'll come to his room and, if he can make me orgasm first, he can have my body whenever he wants it. But if I can make him orgasm first, he never talks about women or sex again. Ever. Feeling pretty confident, I even suggest we film it. After all, sex isn't that good and even my boyfriend struggles to make me cum sometimes.

    The fateful night arrives and head over to his hotel room, dressed in a sexy lil outfit and ready to give him the best sex he's ever had. Yet when I get down on my knees, pulling his trousers down, I'm greeted with the biggest cock I've ever seen. Seriously, it's huge. Several times bigger than my boyfriend. I do my absolute best with my mouth, gagging and drooling eyes watering yet I just can't make him cum. Before I know it I'm lying on the bed, his shaft pressing into me.
    "It's too big," I whimper, but that doesn't stop him. A lusty groan tears from my lips as, with a forceful push, he slides inside. I feel myself blushing as he inches deeper. His cock feeling incredible as he stretches me out.

    It's embarrassing enough that, after several thrusts he brings me to a powerful, back arching orgasm. But he doesn't stop there. He pounds me all night long, his huge cock bringing me to orgasm after orgasm. The worst part? At some point, I stopped trying t resist, and began to beg him more more, desperate for pleasure. After countless orgasms that have left me a mewling wreck, letting him film me as I beg him to cum all over my face.

    The following morning, the dread sets in as reality hits home. As per our deal, I have to become his personal fucktoy whenever he wants, and he's got the incriminating footage to hold me to it.

    So yeah, that's the general idea, lemme know what you think. Some possible variations I'd be open to exploring is something lesbian, or something with multiple guys.

    Or maybe my character wins the bet, but still somehow has the tables turned on her?
  • Darkness Rising
    Pairing: Exiled Princess x DM/Monsters
    Vibe: Long Term, Can be Plot or Smut Focused
    Synopsis: After being cast out in a dark, dangerous wasteland, a princess finds herself delving deeper into dark magic is she finds herself slowly becoming a dark, powerful queen.

    Princess Adamina was once the most beloved princess of the twelve realms, destined to become the future empress and lead her people to glory. Her bloodline is sacred, and said to protect against the evil forces that dwell in the vast Wilderlands on the western borders of the empire. However, Mina was a little too curious for her own good. Like all royal children, she was trained with sword and bow. But her true interest and passion was knowledge magic. She wanted to know everything she could about the monsters of the Wilderlands so that she could better protect her people.
    However, studying the Wilderlands and the monsters that live there is a touchy subject at the best of times for her people. Practicing what the realms believe to be dark magic is even worse. By the age of nineteen, Mina had read nearly every book on the Wilderlands, knew everything there was to know about it and the dangerous beasts that roamed those barren lands. She was fascinated, and truly believed that knowledge would better allow them to combat the threat of the Wilderlands. So when she discovered a magic ritual that would allow her to summon and bind a monster to her will, she couldn't ignore it. All Mina could think of was the information that could be gained from a first hand account of the Wilderlands.
    Mina performed the spell in her room in the dead of night, but alas, things went horribly wrong. Firstly, she was discovered by her father. Secondly, in her panic, the spell went wrong and she accidentally summoned a rather confused and angry orc that had been about to mate. Before the raging greenskin could be slain, Mina's father and several knights were slaughtered. By the laws of the twelve realms, Mina would be given the choice of death, or exile. Ashamed by her actions but still driven to do some good, Mina chose exile. Banished by her older brother into the Wilderlands, this is where Mina's story begins.

    And from here, there are several ways this could play out.

    While wandering the wilderlands and doing her best to survive, Mina comes across a lone orc. Readying herself for a fight, she is surprised to find that he is somewhat friendly. She discovers that he too is an outcast, banished from his people. He dreamed of uniting the orc clans and forming the Wilderlands into something better; a kingdom init's own right. But alas, he lost a fight with his chieftain and was subsequently exiled. Mina and the orc form a hesitant alliance as they travel together, keeping each other safe, trading stories about their wildly different lives, and growing close.

    Eventually Mina stakes a deal with the orc. In exchange for his protection and aid, she will help him fulfill his dream. She confesses that she wished to make something of the Wilderlands, build it into an empire. The orc agrees and they set about gathering power. Perhaps they negotiate and strike deals with varying monster clans? Maybe they use Mina's feminine charms to their advantage? Or perhaps she uses dark magic to destroy any opposition, showing their true strength? Regardless, the two of them are incredibly successful, building the Wilderlands into a flourishing empire, while also becoming lovers.

    Yet Mina isn't satisfied. As her power grows, so to does her hunger for revenge against those that cast her out. She becomes warped and twisted by her power, while her orcish lover grown uneasy. Can he stop from from walking this dark path? Will he get caught up in her craving for war, or will she cast him aside in favour of revenge?

    While wandering the Wilderlands, Adamina is captured by a small group of monsters, the specifics of which can be discussed. She overhears them discussing what to do with her and strikes a desperate deal. In exchange for safety and protection, she will stop resisting and willingly offer them her body. The monsters eagerly agree. After all, it's been a long time since they've enjoyed the soft touch of a human woman. Two things happen next.
    The first is that Adamina finds herself being thoroughly defiled by the monsters. At first she's nervous, but soon she finds herself orgasming on powerful monster cocks. It's wild, orgasmic sex that leaves her begging for more. She wonders how a mortal man could have ever satisfied her.
    Then, secondly, she discovers that the monsters she just fucked are much more subservient, following her every command.

    Mina soon discovers that she possess a dark power inside of her that flourished and awoke while she was busy getting railed by monster cock. It allows her to bind monsters to her will. Intrigued by this and desperate to prove that she was right to dabble in dark magic, Mina seeks out more monsters, slowly building herself an army with which to conquer and unite the Wilderlands. She sates her growing desire with all manner of monsters and beasts, and in doing so bolsters her forces.
    However indulging in her power corrupts Mina just a little bit more every time. The more she does, the more power she wants. It's gradual, increasing slowly with very monster she fucks. While her corruption make her give in to her desires, leaving her as little more than a fucktoy for whatever monster she meets next? Or will it stoke the fires of vengeance, leading her to march her armies on the twelves realms, seeking revenge from those that exiled her?

    Regardless of which approach we take, I'm looking for somebody to take the role of GM/DM for Mina's adventures in the WIlderlands. Though alternatively, if anyone wants to take the role of Mina, I'd be more than happy to be the GM/DM.

    The Queen's Menagerie
    Pairing: Queen x Monsters
    Vibe: Mid/long Term, Super Smutty
    Synopsis: Disappointed by sex and seeking a distraction from the chore of finding a suitor, a queen sates her desire with a menagerie of monsters and beasts.

    Nymeria was only young when her parents were assassinated and her kingdom invaded from the south. Aided by the last surviving members of the Royal Guards, Nymeria fled and capital and joined up with what little remained of the kingdoms army. Despite her youth, Nymeria wasn't one to give up. She rallied her people, inspiring the and leaning them as a fierce shield maiden. For years she fought, leading her warriors in guerrilla warfare as they slowly turned then tide. With growing support for her rebellion, Nymeria pushed the invaders from her kingdom and finally retook her rightful place as Queen of the North.

    Now, at only twenty one years old, Nymeria has led her people into prosperity. With a strong council of trusted advisors and generals, she has strengthened her kingdom, making it more self-reliant than ever. Lately however, there is growing pressure from her advisors for her to wed and produce an heir. But Nymeria is no blushing maiden. She came of age on the march. She's taken a lover or two and on the whole found it rather… disappointing. So she distracts herself from the task at hand.

    Lately she has found herself intrigued by her fathers old menagerie. The old king had always been interested in monsters, exotic beasts and creatures of a magical nature. He collected many of them, housing them in a magical menagerie for study and safekeeping. To an outsider, the menagerie simply looks like a huge park, with winding pathways and strange archways. Yet to one who possesses a key, the archways are portals to pocket dimensions, perfectly tailored to suit the monsters housed within. Seeking distraction, Nymeria wanders the menagerie, and one evening she finds the solution to at least one of her problems.

    She stops by the portal that houses the orcs, surprised to find it open. Stepping through, she creeps closer to one of the orc encampments and, on the outskirts is shocked by what she sees. On her knees is an elven serving girl, throat bulging as the cock of an orc Nymeria frequently chats with pushes deeper. She can't believe it. Mesmerised, she watches as the orc then repositions the girl, impaling her tight elven pussy with his huge green cock.

    Nymeria watches the who ordeal, shocked and yet more than a little aroused. Face red with embarrassment, her fingers find their way between her legs, teasing her folds. She brings herself to orgasm as she watches the orc dominate the elf girl, before sneaking away.

    Several days later, Nymeria's temptation and curiosity has grown too much. She sneaks away to visit that same orc and, she confesses what she has seen. Then, Nymeria, Queen, Warrior, Liberator, asks to see his big green cock. Before the orc can protests, the human queen is on her knees, begging to feel the pleasure he gave that elf girl. And so the orc agrees.

    It's not long before the mighty queen finds herself in a secluded forest clearing, bent over a log, moaning like a cheap whore as a thick, throbbing orc cock slams deep inside her, awakening something within. Nymeria soon finds herself in a self-corrupting cycle of sexual awakening. The queen needs monster cock, and each night she visits the menagerie, determined to experience a different monster, fulfilling all the deepest, darkest fantasies that she's ever had.

    For Gold & Glory
    Pairing: Adventurer x DM
    Vibe: Long Term, Can be Plot or Smut Focused
    Synopsis: I'm a new, fresh faced adventure seeking to make a name for myself. And you DM my adventures.

    Kinda pretty simple and open ended, this one is going to need some serious discussion. But I would love somebody to DM my characters adventures as she leaves her humble beginnings behind, seeking fame and fortune. Is she successful in her, or are her adventures full of trials and tribulations?

    Lemme know what you think and any thoughts you have and then let's see what we can come up with.

    Unusual Interrogation Techniques
    Pairing: Elf Commander x Captured Monsters
    Vibe: Short/Mid Term, Super Smutty
    Synopsis: Desperate to get usable Intel from her latest prisoners, an elven warrior resorts to desperate measure to persuade the monsters, getting more than she bargained for.

    Commander Sarilla is, without a doubt, one of the most respected and experienced warriors in the Great Holy Army. Right hand to the princess, chosen one who is said will one day destroy the dark lord, Sarilla leads her forces against the dark lords army of monsters. For years now the dark lord has sent forth his vile monsters and beasts, seeking dominion over the mortal world. Slowly human kingdoms have fallen until only the Great Holy Army remains, locked in a stalemate with the dark forces. Yet the mortal army is beginning to dwindle, morale is low and they need to strike at the dark lord sooner rather than later

    After her latest Skirmish, Sarilla sees an opportunity to capture several enemy soldier. Transporting them back to her headquarters, Sarilla seeks to extract information from the monstrous beasts, but none of her torturers are able to have any success. One evening as she pours over maps and strategy, a goblet of wine in hand, she decides to take matters into her own hands. She'll wring the information out of them no matter what it takes.

    Upon entering the dungeons of her castle, the monsters take an immediate interest in Sarilla. Despite her age of 67, her half-elven blood keeps her body looking young, pure and extremely fuckable. As she converses with the monsters, Sarilla notices the way they look at her. They eye up her body, gaze lingering on her cleavage. She lets her robe fall open slightly, exposing more of her perky breasts and prompting a reaction from the monsters. The bulges in their trousers grow bigger, and she smiles to herself.

    Sarilla may have just found her advantage, and they must use any and all advantages to defeat the enemy. But it's a fine line that Sarilla walks, especially for a warrior with as little sexual experience of her own.

    Seeing the way the monsters long for her body, Sarilla offers them a deal. In exchange for useable information, she will reward the monsters, letting see and touch her perfect elven breasts. After all, there must be some perks to fight for the side of good. And so the monsters are true to their word, giving her viable intel. As a woman of her word, Sarilla sneaks into the dungeon one night and lets them touch and grope her breasts. The feeling is surprisingly good, despite knowing how wrong it is to let monster touch her in such a way. From there, she continues to bargain with the monsters. However the more valuable the information, the bigger the reward they expect. So the next time she rewards them they want to see er pussy, groping her body and fingering her, surprising the elf as they bring her to orgasm. Them from there they might want to tittyfuck her, enjoy her lips wrapped around their huge cocks and, eventually, her tight elven pussy or ass. But Sarilla continues to tell herself that if it leads to victory then it's worth it. The fact that she loves what they do to her? Well, that's just unimportant.
    This idea is a similar set up to the above idea, except the monster see what Sarilla is trying to do. They let hr tease them, watching as she dresses sluttier each visit to get them all pent up. Seeing how desperate the elven commander is for information, they give her just enough, but demand that they be rewarded. They claim that the only thing that will lt them think clearly enough to be of any help is sating their desire. At first they just want to see her naked and playing with herself, jerking off as she does. But from there they start to push boundaries, getting their hands on her body. Letting one of the monsters slide his cock between er breasts, Sarilla feels oddly intrigued. Blushing furiously with embarrassment and humiliation after the creature blows it's load all over her face, she still comes back the next day. Things continue to build until eventually, one fateful night, she lets the beasts fuck her. She quivers and moans as the first monster cock slowly sinks into her tight pussy. It's not long until she's begging for more, being passed around by the creatures and utterly defiled as her corruption grows. Desperate for more, she allows herself to be taken by the monsters over and over again. When they see how desperate she is to experience more, they convince her to help them escape taking her with them. Does she end up as the plaything of the dark lord, or does he leave her to be used by the lowliest soldiers of his army?
    After realising how the monsters lust for her body, Sarilla uses it to her advantage. She teases them, getting them all pent up. But she has not intention of actually letting them touch her. Several days pass by of her mercilessly teasing them, hoping to get them so frustrated they let something slip. However, things go horribly wrong. During her last trip she sits just out of reach, fingers plunging deep inside. Frustrated beyond belief, the monsters break free from their restraints, and are on her in an instant. They easily over power Sarilla. Soon it's their finger deep inside her, a hand around her throat, others holding her drown, groping her body. To her surprise, the elf finds herself crying out in unexpected pleasure. She's soon putty in their hands as her tight entrance is impaled by a monstrous cock, until her mind is broken and she's a quivering mess.

    Pairing: Witch x Summoned Monsters
    Vibe: Short/Mid Term, Super Smutty
    Synopsis: A witch starts using summoned demons and monsters to bolster her onlyfans account.

    This is pretty basic at the moment, but the main idea is, in an urban fantasy setting, my character is a witch. Of course, studying magic doesn't exactly pay the bills, so she also has an only fans account with a decent following. However struggling to boost er numbers, she has a radical idea. She performs a spell to summon a tentacle monsters, and records the ensuing sex for her onlyfans account. Of course, nobody would ever suspect it's real, even if they don't know how she could make such realistic monster porn.

    Her numbers skyrocket and so she continues to explore this idea further, theming her content around monster sex. Perhaps she continues too use the same tentacle creature, or maybe she starts exploring wit different monsters and beasties.

    Either way, lemme know what you think, I'd love to discuss this idea further.

    The Grim Sisters
    Pairing: Mercenaries x DM
    Vibe: Long Term, Can be Plot or Smut Focused
    Synopsis: In a dark and dangerous fantasy world, The Grim Sisters are a mercenary group eager to establish themselves, earning their fortune taking on dangerous world.

    My character is a mercenary, leading her own company of all female warriors. I'm looking to play the leader as my main character with plenty of side characters as we follow them on their jobs and adventures; from a small mercenary group, to a large and feared battalion. They'd take on all manner of work, from hunting monsters/aliens, protection duty, assassinations and even open warfare.

    A lot is up for debate, but I'd love for it to be kinda dark and brutal, with the opportunity for plenty of bad endings. My main character will always survive or scrape by, but I figure there will be plenty of opportunity for some of the other women who join her to meet their fates, whether it's smutty bad endings, fatal or a mix of both.

    Let me known if you're up for discussing ideas, and I'm more than happy to take on the DM role myself if you would prefer.
  • Starbound
    Pairing: Explorer/Mercenary/Pirate x DM
    Vibe: Long Term, Can be Plot or Smut Focused
    Synopsis: Finally managing to claim my own starship, I venture out amongst the stars in search of adventure and fortune.

    Kinda pretty simple and open ended, this one is going to need some serious discussion. But I would love somebody to DM my characters adventures as she ventures out into a big, wide galaxy full of alien civilisations, pirates, strange mysteries and opportunity. Is she an explorer, constantly looking to the horizon? Is she a wannabe mercenary, determined to make a name for herself taking on any and all jobs? Is she a fearless space pirate, seeking riches at any cost?

    Lemme know what you think or any thoughts you have and then let's see what we can come up with.

    Stuck in the game
    Pairing: Gamer x VR Video Game
    Vibe: Long Term, Smutty but with room for plot
    Synopsis: A popular gaming streamer gets her hands on the latest VR experience, but finds herself trapped in the game world.

    Alright, so this idea revolves around some of my darker desires, including bad ends and possibly snuff and gore if you wanted. The basic idea is that my character is video game content creator in the near future, where pretty much all games are hyper-realistic games. With a decent following on social media and YouTube, my character gets an early copy of a new game that's being hyped up. When she dives into the game, everything seems great, until she realises she can't pause or leave. She's trapped in the game. To make matters worse, the realism setting has been cranked up, as has the violence and sexual content. This means she feel absolutely everything. Every touch, grope, caress. Every thrust of a monsters cock, every yank of her hair and even every cut or stab with a blade.

    With no way out, she decides to push forward, hoping to find an escape by completing the game. However in order to do she must endure all manner of trials culminating in defeat after defeat, resulting in her respawning and trying again and again.

    If you're interested, hit me up as I would love to brainstorm some ideas for the type of game she's stuck in and what kind of enemies she must face, etc.
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Let's explore our favourite worlds together!

I tend to be a bit selective about Fandoms as I prefer to play original characters in pre-made settings. The following settings are some I would love to explore. Any ideas I have will be listen below.
  • I have nothing concrete here, but would love to explore something sappy, romantic between Alex and Steph.
  • I've never actually played a Metroid game before. So I'm sure you can imagine how I surprised when I found out who Samus Aran actually was, and that she was an absolute hottie. So I've got two ideas. The first is that the Samus takes on some help, in the form of another sexy young woman and, through the course of their missions and adventures, and bond forms, leading to the two women tearing off their skintight suits and having some hot, lesbian sex.

    My second idea, and probably my preference, is to pair Samus up with some monsters. I mean yeah, Samus looks great, but I think we can all agree that she looks her best when she's squirming on some big alien cock. I imagine this would mostly be dub/non-con, but I'm open to consensual as well.

    Hit me up and lemme know what you think, I'm open to all sort of ideas for the sexy bounty hunter.
  • There's no doubt that V is an absolute badass, and every version of her that I create is a total babe. I just love the contrast between her being so tough, and then making her dress and act like an absolute slut! I don't have any ideas set in stone, but here are a few basic ideas and some visual inspiration.

    • 01, A - For the corpo origin, perhaps this is how V lands the job in the first place.
    • 02 - When a contact tries to make V run around doing favours, she hasn't got the time. Afterall, few things work as well as a blowjob, even if he is scum.
    • 03 - A clash with Maelstrom goes wrong, leaving V with fe options other than to be their new fuckdoll for the night.
    • 04, A - SOUND WARNING! Send to track down a missing experimental sexbot, V is surprised to find it a anthro horse man, complete with an impressive horsecock. Intrigued, she decides to test it out.
    • 05 - Sometims you can pay off the cops, but sometimes they're more demanding.
  • I've only played the free trail of Stellar Blade so far, but fuck me this is a horny game! Like, the characters ass was amazing, and I've seen some of the sexy little outfits that you can unlock for her. So, playing as an absolute fuckdoll like that, fighting all manner of horrific monstrosities, it naturally gives me one idea. Bad Ends!

    What if my character, Eve I think, were to fail, over and over again. And each time she found herself at the mercy of the monsters, her body used and violated as they tear into her skintight jumpsuit? We could literally play it out with game mechanics. The monster use her, subject her to whatever kind of bad end, and then she simply respawns.

    Or for something less monstrous, perhaps Eve gets captured by some human raiders who just can't resist her perky ass.
  • I've not played a Zelda game in years. They've never really been my thing. But you know who is my thing? Zelda. That pretty lil blonde babe is gorgeous. But forget about Link. I wanna see Zelda in a solo adventure that pits her against all manner of monsters and beasties. And I have a feeling she's gonna lose to them. A lot!
  • Do I really need to explain|? Like, seriously? There's Kim and Shego, two hot babes who clearly have a thing for each other, so let's play that out. Hit me up with some ideas and let's see what we can come up with.

    Or its could be fun to explore something with either of the two women realising that the best weapon they have at their disposal is their bodies, leading them to using their feminine charms and getting into all sorts of sticky situations.
  • I love all of the Fallout games and I would really love to play an OC. I just love the thought of playing a sexy lil vault dweller leaving her vault for the first time and venturing out into the world, finding it to be a harsh and hospitable place. So if somebody is up for GMing my adventures, that would be awesome! We can tie it into any of the games, or we could set it in a previously unexplored part of the world.
  • I've played both games several times and I absolutely love them. Aloy is adorable and hot and I would let her do so many nasty things to me. I also think it's incredibly easy to ship her with just about anybody, though personally she gives me kinda queer vibes. Anyway, I have two ideas for this universe.

    For this one, I'm looking to play an original character opposite Aloy. I've got a bit of a idea fleshed out. Basically my character is one of the old ones. Locked away inside a bunker, she continued to tinker with her personal project; cryogenic preservation. When catastrophe strikes and the life support systems of the bunker fail, my character locks herself in her cry pod. Fast forward and my character is discovered and awoken by now other than a certain redheaded badass. With nowhere to go, my character travels with Aloy, learning about this strange new world while Aloy in turn learns more about the old world from my character. The two of them eventually bond and start to fall in love… and have some pretty intense post-apocalyptic sex.

    This idea is straight out of the core of my perverted mind. Basically I'm looking to play either Aloy or an original character, opposite the machine. As in, I wanna be railed by the machines. Maybe it's simply a universe of sex logic and that's how my characters tames the machines. Or perhaps a warped, rogue AI takes over some of the machines and enjoys fucking human hunters.

    Basically I just want some smutty, human/machine lovin'!
  • So I've been replaying this game and my perveted mind can't help but think how this could make a really fun, smut filled roleplay. So I'm thinking I would play as Talia, a female ranger who find herself bound to a wraith. This could be normal Celebrimbor, or a female version of him.

    Either way the plot would be more or less the same, except with more sex. For example, Talie might often use seduction to lure Orcish captains in and then bind them to her will… after being thoroughly pounded of course. Or after losing a fight, she could become the plaything of an orc or given to his men or generally subjected to all manner of bad endings. There are lots of possibilities and I'd love to brainstorm them and work out something fun together.
  • I don't really have any concrete ideas for this, but I think it could be really fun to play our own characters who are students at the school. It could be set after the books and have sort of a slice of life vibe to it. Like a cozy, angsty high school thing but with magic and smut.
  • I love all the games, though the Pre-Sequel is my least favourite and I haven't played Wonderlands yet. Anyway, there are plenty of dangerous and smutty situations would could drop a sexy heroine into. Captured by bandits? Seduced by Moxxi? Ravaged by alien beasties? The possibilities are endless!
  • So I've decided it's time to really tarnish my childhood memories and do a roleplay where I get fucked by some Pokemon. 'Cause why not!?

    I don't have anything concrete, just a few basic thoughts:

    Maybe she's a researcher who wants to learn everything about Pokemon, including mating. What better way to learn than to get some first hand experience?

    Or maybe she's a trainer who's not very good and has to pleasure the winners Pokemon?

    Oh, or she could be the very best trainer in the world. Her secret? She uses her body to motivate her Pokemon.

    Or, something with hypno? Maybe a fellow trader uses Hypno to turn her into a whore for his Pokemon? Or perhaps a wild Hypno has it's way with her, and leaves her with a desire for more Pokemon cock?

    Either way, here's some super NSFW inspiration :
  • I love artwork of sexy Disney characters and would love to do some smutty roleplays around them. Let me know if any of the following prompts or NSFW images appeal to you.

    I read a really hot story in which Elsa secretly creates some living snowmen to cater to her every desire. Things get a little out of hand and she ends up getting gangbanged by them and, well, I wanna play that out.

    Also here's some sexy imagery of the Ice Queen herself.

    What if instead, Cinderella had two wicked step-brothers who were content to keep her in her place and on her knees?

    There are so many possibilities for good old Red. Maybe she's just an innocent girl ravaged by a beast? Or perhaps she is a monsters hunter who seduces her targets? Or maybe a hunter that is bested by her target?

    A hot babe trapped with a monster? I think we all know where this his going to go. It turns out Belle is a bit freakier than anyone ever thought and she soon begins to seduce the beast. Before long his ferocity is keeping her desires sated… and I'm sure some of the living furniture could help as well.

    I mean there are just so many ways we could make Alice In Wonderland smutty, throwing her up against all manner of characters.

    Super sexy Snow White is taken in by seven dwarves but feels bad because she wants to help out around the place. Well, I'm sure the dwarves might have an idea or two on how she can help.

    I have very little for Rapunzel other than one image I can't get out if my head. Her hair is wrapped around her neck, used to choke her as she's either bent over and pounded, or spit roasted.
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How to grab my attention
So you can grab other parts of me!

So, you've made it this far, and you think I sound pretty cool? You wanna roleplay with me, but you're not sure how to grab my attention? Or maybe you just wanna chat and send some naughty imagery back and forth? Well, whatever you do, don't just message me and say Hey slut, wanna RP?

I obviously want to roleplay, it's why I'm on here in the first place. But I need more from you than just one line. Here's some handy hints to help you grab my attention.

1 - Put some effort in.

Nothing interests me less than a one line message. I want some effort. You don't need to match the crazy amount of effort I've put into my thread, but you gotta give me something. Tell me what idea

2 - Send me some images or gifs.

As you'll have seen by now, I have a ton of naughty images and gifs linked in my thread. So let me know what you think! Send me some of the imagery that you have enjoyed the most, or even send me some that you think I'd enjoy.

Or, here's a fun new idea I've had. Send me a bunch of images and gifs you really like, and I will build an idea out of them.

3 - Send me a starter.

If you're feeling really confident that we will be a good match, and you've got an idea that you just know I will love, send a starter my way and we can jump right into it!

Okay cool, with that cleared up, I can't wait to hear from you all.


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Currently in the process of updating the thread, but I'm eager to get some roleplays started, so bump!
Bump! Got a few more tweaks to do and a couple more ideas too flesh out and then I'll be done updating my thread.

For the time being though, my current cravings include:

Monsters, Aliens and anything beastly & inhuman.
Wholesome, loving lesbian romance.
Any kind of Dub/Non-Con
Powerful, prideful women brought to their knees, especially villainesses
An older sister getting some good loving from her two younger brothers, either consensually or not.
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