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Mx Female Dark Tales of Kidnap [NC]


Apr 27, 2020
New Zealand
Looking for female RP partners for NC scenarios in a modern, realistic setting involving bondage. I'm a sucker for the classic cliches, but I am always open for more original and detailed setups.

Scenario ideas:
  • Burglar Gets A Juicy Bonus: A robber thought the house was empty, but the homeowner's friend was there house sitting, so he helps himself.
  • Impulsive Home Invasion: A gorgeous woman catches the eye of an ordinary man out on the town, and he follows her home on a whim. ...and lets himself in.
  • Snatched Off The Streets At Night: A serial rapist is out on the prowl in his well-equipped van, and tonight one unlucky woman will disappear. Perhaps forever.
  • Stalking the waitress/office girl/jogger/student/nurse/other ordinary girl: He had been stalking this girl-next-door type for weeks, studying her routine, planning his attack, so that she did not stand a chance when he finally decided to strike.
  • Detour To Hell: A lone woman on a road trip gets lost at dusk in back rural roads and ends up stranded in hillbilly country. It could be losing control and driving into a ditch, running out of fuel, or getting stuck in mud, but she has to go out on foot for help, and the nearest sign of life is the farmhouse occupied by the man who will make her regret ever going on that trip.
  • The Babysitter Trap: It seemed like an ordinary job, if a little out of the way. She should have stuck to jobs in her own neighbourhood, because there was no child to mind, and no one around who would come to her aid even if they heard her screams.
  • Anything you care to add.
Some of these can be done with a second character. For example, the Burglar setting can involve a home with flatmates, instead of a lone woman, or two burglars working together.

The darker and more brutal the better. My only absolute must is that the victim does not end up enjoying themselves (the character, of course – the RPer must be having fun ;)). See my F-list for compatibility with your kinks and squicks. I tend towards smut over plot; really just enough plot to make the smut more interesting, rather than plot-focused RP. I only RP via on-site PM. No Discord, email, or anything else.
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