Fx Male Seeking Fandoms (FE3H, Zelda, GoT, & Others)


Sep 25, 2018
Update (08/24/20) - Closed
No longer seeking the following ideas. Thanks to everyone who showed interest!

Welcome to my fandom seeking thread!

I will preface this ad with an important note: I tend to take my projects a smidge too seriously. I understand that roleplaying is for fun, it's not like we're trying to publish a novel here, but... I need a partner who gives it their best effort. I don't ask for perfection: I just request that my co-author care about the project we are creating together. I will admit, in the realm of fan-fiction I'm particular, more so than in an original setting. I know it can be creatively stifling, to conform to an existing character; a sort of finesse needs to be applied to do justice to the existing content, all while forging a unique story line. I don’t expect an expert of Fódlan/Hylian/Westeros lore to respond, but I’d greatly appreciate if my partner has experienced the source material in some capacity and has a basic foundation of knowledge on the title.

I am looking for a writing partner of any gender, though I prefer to play against a male character. I am slightly more inclined to play a female role, myself, though I would not hesitate to switch if my partner is more interested in MxM. I am open to FxF pairings, as well, but wouldn't say I am actively seeking a female partner. If you play a lady, and you're interested in writing with me, I hope that you won't be discouraged in sending me a message: just be forewarned that it takes a particularly talented and awesome woman to catch my fancy.

Please keep in mind the ideas listed below are not my only interests. If you have a desire for an alternate story within the specified realms I am most certainly open to discussion!

Further Considerations (About Me)

Posting Frequency
: I can commit to one or two posts per thread per week. There is a potential for more though I'd rather promise less instead of setting unrealistic expectations.

Posting Length: Generally speaking, my responses are usually in the realm of 1,000-2,000 words (not counting introductions/openers, which can be even more ridiculous). I'm not opposed to shorter replies - story-wide or for particular scenes/interactions - but I'm a long-winded bastard so it's unlikely I can contain myself to less than a page at a time.

Story Pacing: I prefer a slow burn romance but will consider alternatives. In fandom settings, I think the pacing will be largely determined by the characters involved. A pairing that includes Sylvain (FE3H), for example, would likely result in earlier intimate interactions than a pairing involving Seteth (FE3H). It's all about the dynamic. ;)

Medium: I will write in threads or PMs. Will consider e-mail or Discord only for an exceptional partner with such preferences.


  • Romance
  • Forbidden Love*
  • Flawed Characters
  • Age Differences
  • Power Struggles
  • Vanilla Sex
  • Rough Sex
  • Non-consensual
  • Limited BDSM
*Excepting incest (which you will conveniently see listed as one of my OFFs below). We're talking hero/villain, paladin/demon, whatever enemy or socially scorned relationship we could dream up.

Age Differences: I'm comfortable playing the older or younger of the pair. Preferred age ranges for the characters: 30-45 / 20-29 (with at least a decade difference between the two)

Limited BDSM: I'm not particularly into the S&M scene: I don't like inflicting or suffering too much pain (for clarification: biting, scratching, spanking, slapping, pushing, choking, these things are enjoyable; cutting, burning, whipping, or other such torture-type activity, not so fun), but I do enjoy bondage and discipline. I'd call myself a switch, though I don't see myself as being truly dominate or submissive; I tend to be considered too gentle/loving for those craving an actual Domme, and too uppity for those desiring a good little sub. As such, I seem to thrive best in a power struggle environment - or with a partner that also isn't inclined towards intense D/s dynamics - whereas the BDSM aspect is more for bedroom play and less of a lifestyle. Currently craving gentle femdom~


  • Infidelity
  • Underage
  • Incest
  • Bestality
  • Torture
  • Snuff
  • Bathroom play


And onwards to the proposed fandoms!


Fire Emblem: Three Houses

My familiarity is largely based around the Blue Lions and I am seeking to write a story that revolves primarily around this house. While I am not opposed to playing characters of other allegiances, I will admit to a biased preference for “my team” (with some exceptions).

Please note: I am not at all interested in a Black Eagles story line. My apologies to the Edelgard fanboys: I’ve tried to play her in the past, and while I think I did an okay job portraying the character, I don’t enjoy writing for her. I’m willing to include characters from the Black Eagles house in the story, of course, but I’m not looking to recreate the Crimson Route or focus on their house leader outside of a NPC role.

All characters to be aged up to 18 (as applicable if our story is based in the academy phase)!

Male Characters of Interest

Ashe (preferred!)
Yuri (If including Ashen Wolves)

Female Characters of Interest

f!Byleth (preferred!)
Ingrid (preferred!)
Flayn (*aged up appearance*)

**These lists are not all inclusive. For example, just because Hilda is not listed above does not mean that I refuse to include or play her in a story. I simply find her less appealing as a main than those already mentioned.**

Ideal Parings

x Byleth / Ingrid
Claude x Flayn / Dimitri / Byleth
Dimitri x Ingrid / Byleth / Claude
Felix x Sylvain / Ingrid / Byleth
Seteth x Ingrid / Byleth
Sylvain x Felix / Ingrid / Flayn / Byleth

Bonus: Felix x Sylvain x Ingrid

**Please note that all Byleth listings are intended for either the female or male version of the character**

**Also note that I am open to other pairing suggestions, the above are simply a general guideline of what appeals to me at the moment**

The Legend of Zelda

I'm looking to create an untold story involving the Hero of Time. While I'd be open to considering existing versions of Hyrule (as seen in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild, etc) I'd muchly prefer to create our own.

All characters to be aged up to 18 (as applicable)!

Male Characters of Interest

Dark Link

Female Characters of Interest

Zelda/Sheik (preferred!)
Navi (with the ability to shift to a humanoid sized form)
Midna (Twili form)
OC (adventuring companion)

Ideal Pairings

x Zelda/Shiek/Navi/Midna/OC Companion
Dark Link x Link/Zelda

**Note that I am open to other character and pairing suggestions, the above are simply a general guideline of what appeals to me at the moment**

Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire

As will no doubt be obvious by some of the pairings, our story would most likely exist with an alternate version of events. Open to using the books or the show as our base source.

All characters to be aged up to 18 (as applicable)!

Male Characters of Interest

Tyrion Lannister (strongly preferred!)
Sandor Clegane (preferred!)
Jorah Mormont
Petyr Baelish
Jaqen H'ghar
Tormund Giantsbane
Jon Snow
Robb Stark

Tommen Baratheon

Female Characters of Interest

Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Daenerys Targaryen
Brienne of Tarth
Cersei Lannister

Ideal Pairings

Sansa Stark
x Tyrion Lannister/Sandor Clegane/Petyr Baelish
Arya Stark x Sandor Clegane/Jaqen H'ghar/Gendry
Margaery Tyrell x Robb Stark
Daenerys Targaryen x Jorah Mormont
Brienne of Tarth x Tormund Giantsbane

**Note that I am open to other character and pairing suggestions, the above are simply a general guideline of what appeals to me at the moment**

Here is a list of other fandoms in which I'd be interested. Potentially to be expanded like those above in future edits~
  • LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete (preferred!)
  • Fire Emblem (titles other than Three Houses)
  • Final Fantasy (Tactics or VII, primarily)
  • Spider-Man / Spider-Gwen
  • World of Warcraft (OCs set in classic or burning crusade setting)
  • Vlad Taltos/Khaavren Romances (OCs within the Dragaera setting)

If you're interested please send me a pm, don't reply here.

Thanks for reading!
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