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Fx F or NB Trans Girls Who Like Girls


Jul 8, 2020
So hopefully the title was pretty clear, I'm trans and looking for some fun roleplays where I'll play those kind of characters, opposite whichever female/femme characters you want to breathe life into.

Got an F-list here so you can get a better idea of the kinks I'd love to include and what I want to avoid. Oral is pretty much my top kink of the bunch so if that sounds fun to you we're off to a good start. I guess the distinction between "Favourite" and "Yes" isn't set in stone as certain things I feel could go in either, but it's rough guide.

Here's a few ideas I have in mind, see if you like the sound of anything here, or suggest your own ideas if you want. I only enjoy doing fully consensual scenes though, so no blackmail or anything like that.


Think of Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, Deus Ex, that type of thing for the setting here. In this neo-feudal society the majority are scraping by with whatever they can scavenge while the elite live in their glass towers enjoying every luxury at their disposal. Technology now exists to create artificial humans or modify bodies into the most desired forms. I'm also thinking they could be superhuman in fitness, or at least a lot stronger than they look, and maybe in other senses as well. Now there's two kinds of humanity, those with bodies sculpted to society's idea of perfection, and those who are stuck with the limitations of the flesh. YC would be one of these new humans.

Now this set up could go a bit differently depending on whether these new humans are the elite enjoying this new technology at their disposal, or whether they are created to serve the elites and treated as property. Personality wise YC could be anything from a hardened revolutionary to very naive and innocent about the world, depending on what you'd prefer her origin to be. But either way she ends up on the run from the corporate police and in the slums far from the world she's used to. MC would be just another member of this underclass who manages to survive by petty crime. YC runs into MC who helps her get out of danger for the moment. Or it could be the other way around and she saves MC from the police, who returns the favour by offering her shelter at her place to lie low for the time being. She'd be captivated and enticed by her new guest, but she'd also have doubts as she knows she is putting herself in danger by helping YC. Perhaps she even considers turning her in at one point, or she actually attempts that, if you want more drama, there could be a bounty on her to cash in. Perhaps they gets betrayed by friends who quickly realize her new companion is no ordinary person. Whatever happens it's sure things won't go smoothly, but soon they start to depend on each other and grow inseparably close. And they start to come up with some kind of plan to escape from the city...

Modern/Slice of life

YC has just moved in next door to mine, or vice versa. MC has gone over to introduce herself, or for any other reason that might fit, that's not terribly important. She could be the shy virgin type or more bold and openly horny. I imagine YC is kind of bored and sexually frustrated and in the mood to have some fun. I want this to start with lots of teasing and really building up the sexual tension. Maybe she changes into something enticing. Maybe she's out tanning by her pool and wants MC to apply some lotion. Or help her with yoga stretches. You get the idea. Maybe nothing directly sexual even happens on their first meeting, leaving MC fantasizing about her and getting even more eager until she finds some excuse to visit the next day. Anyway, I imagine their encounters turning into a regular thing. Perhaps they end up enjoying each others company for more than just sex, getting closer to each other and developing some kind of relationship. Or perhaps YC just wants to keep it based on sex.

Also YC could be married or living with a partner. Cheating isn't particularly a big kink for me, but I think it could add a fun spin to it if they have to keep things secret. Or maybe YC might want to keep it secret for some other reason, up to you.

Our characters would be close friends, YC has had a crush on MC for a while, but MC just sees her as a friend, and YC wishes that would change. Perhaps MC's girlfriend just broke up with her so she goes over to see YC feeling miserable. Alternatively MC could still be in the relationship but they've just had a fight or her girlfriend has done something to upset her, so she's gone to see her friend. YC could be jealous of the girlfriend thinking she doesn't treat MC right and doesn't deserve her. So she wouldn't feel guilty about trying to steal her away and try to show MC why she's the better option, even though she might think of herself as less attractive than the girlfriend perhaps. Or we could just leave the relationship angle out entirely, MC could just be seeking support after some other bad news/event, and maybe the pair of them were both just too shy to act on anything until now.

Anyway, the comfort MC has come over to seek would start out platonic, but all this cuddling on the sofa and so on steadily becomes more and more intimate, and by the time it's crossed a line neither of them could deny, they won't have any thoughts of stopping.

I always find these kind of unexpected pairings cute. Something like those "plot twist they're gay and dating" versions of those terrible bimbo/"other girls" etc memes. YC doesn't have to be the stereotypical "popular" type here, yes she could be the classic cheerleader type but she could also be goth or whatever else. Just basically they're not in the same social circles. But they might've had enough of an interaction before for MC to have a crush on her already. Perhaps YC is really bubbly and kind-hearted but a bit ditzy, or maybe she's kind of a mean girl with a softer side. She could ask for MC's help in tutoring her after school, but they end up getting very distracted by each other. Or, perhaps she's MC sister's friend, or the sister of MC's friend, and they end up getting very close at a sleepover. I'd especially like this to involve MC losing her virginity, but that's optional. Anyway I imagine them growing closer and developing a relationship, which would be a surprise to their friends and people around them once they're open about it.

Or YC could just mean with a slutty side if you like, and just hooking up without wanting anything more from MC. Or thinking she'd ruin her image or something. Like, it might be fun having her acting a bit mean to MC and giving mixed signals. But I'm not looking for a bullying/humiliation based scenario or anything like that.

I'll be honest, this one is heavily based on smut. Though it could also just be incorporated into one of the other plots here, but I thought I'd list it on its own as well. Basically MC gets a massage from YC which becomes a lot more erotic than she first expected, as YC uses many different parts of her body to please many different part of MC's body. And I'm talking about the erogenous parts, obviously. There're a couple set-ups that could work for this. Most simply, MC has gone to a spa where YC is working, who gives her the massage, which becomes erotic. Alternatively our characters could be friends/roommates who probably have a lot of sexual tension between them but neither has made a move yet. MC comes home complaining of tension/sore muscles etc, and YC offers to give her a massage, which then turns erotic.

This would involve MC taking a vacation at some kind of luxurious tropical resort full of hot and horny people. Think one of those trashy reality shows without the cameras. And the compulsory heterosexuality. On second thoughts, don't think of those trashy reality shows...

Anyway, I was thinking this could be a fun setup for anyone who enjoys playing a few different characters or taking a GM type role, as MC tries her luck with various people she encounters there. That said, I'm not looking for the whole "sex goddess who adds everyone she meets to her unfailing devoted harem" type of deal. I don't want to feel like these characters have no life or thoughts beyond their relationship to MC. Anyway, it feels like playing D&D with infinite HP or something. Boring. And unrealistic. Not that D&D is meant to be realistic, of course, but you know what I mean. And I'm not saying our setting has to be strictly mundane either. Maybe this is some kind of sex-positive utopia where people pursue pleasure without shame. Maybe its a nudist place. Plenty of twists we could put on it.

And you know what, on third thoughts I actually would be up for making this idea into one of those trashy blatently sexual reality shows. Just a much, much gayer one. Could be fun to add all the intrigue and drama with couples pairing up and so on. Could also work nicely 1x1 if we focus on a central ship.

Basically a similar concept to the above but a different setting, instead of an island vacation it would be about MC starting college and what she gets up to there. A very warm welcoming committee? Getting to know her new roommate on intimate terms? I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory tbh.
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