Fx Male Wanna play?


smut queen.
Feb 19, 2020
this shitty planet called earth
and now that i've got your attention, mayhap take a little peek at my thread, hm? 😘

so, i am in some serious need of good roleplay after getting ghosted--again. and the funny thing is, one of them contacted me first. fucking what i have two going right now, but i used to have about five or six, and i like to keep busy. i don't know what it is about me and my writing but for some bizarre reason, i keep getting ghosted and the only explanation that i can come up with is people are intimidated by me and my beefy posts. and here i thought detailed, fleshed out posts were a good thing. apparently i was wrong?

whatever. i suppose if you're weird and don't like it when people actually make an effort to paint a scene and create visuals with details and background, then i am not the woman for you. buh bye, kisses. ❤

however, if you do like a woman with a propensity for beefy posts, is fluent in sarcasm and cursing, and with an oftentimes twisted sense of humor, then i think we should talk, yes? ^_~

still here? good. hi, my name is Duskii, i'm 30, female, been roleplaying for more than ten years, and right now i'm really craving a jelly filled donut. the following aren't so much as rules as they are guidelines, and i'd appreciate it if you'd take a gander before contacting me, pretty please. :)


01. please be 21 years or older; i do not RP with minors and i do not RP as underage characters. similarly, i will not RP with a character that is underage.
02. i ask that you have a basic understanding of the English language and use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. (don't worry; i only write like this in OOC, not IC.)
03. i can post anywhere from a single paragraph to 6-10. while my intros tend to be long, after that i like to mirror my partner's posts in length. effort provided is effort given; the more i have to work with, the more i'm able to give back, yes?
04. big fan of OOC chat. it's a good way to brainstorm and come up with new twists and ideas to make the RP interesting so it doesn't fall flat. also i like getting to know my partner and making a new friend.
05. i love smut in my roleplays. i love building up the chemistry and i feel that it spices things up. my f-list can be found in my signature, though a fair warning: i'm fairly vanilla so if you're hoping for some extreme kinks, chances are you will not find them with me.
06. just because something is not on my f-list does not mean i am okay with it. always ask me first.
07. following the above, i also like a fair amount of plot with my smut. just pure sex tends to get boring.
08. if you are not happy with something i wrote or it made you uncomfortable, please don't be afraid to tell me so i can edit my post. i want us both to be happy with the RP.
09. if you are the type of person that only posts once a week, which is perfectly okay, i just ask that you please let me know so i'm not constantly waiting for a reply that i'm not going to get for another few days.
10. i like it when people pick my brain on what i like and dislike.
11. i can be very insecure; i will PM you and ask if you're enjoying the RP or if there's anything you'd like to add to make it better.
12. i am not a dom, don't ask me to be.
13. i can RP in PM, threads, email, or Discord (though be warned the word limit on Discord annoys the hell out of me and it's not my first preference)

14. if you think that something as trivial as the size and shape of your character's dick is important or you obsess over the size of my character's tits, then move right the fuck along. dick and bust size have no place in a discussion for smutty roleplay and if you think otherwise then we are not compatible. small details like those shouldn't and don't matter.
15. i'm an open book; ask me anything!

more to be added as i think of them.

some likes and interests:

Slice of life
Rough sex
Size difference (in height)
Light action/adventure

all of these are open for discussion as they are vague and rather simple :)
angel/demon; romance, slice of life
i don't really have a plot for this; i just like the cliche idea of two people from opposing sides being forced to work together and inevitably falling in love. think Good Omens. i would play the angel and the demon, YC, keeps popping up thwart MC in her attempt to to like...idk do angel stuff i guess lol.

anthro/human; romance, slice of life
i won't lie; anthro RPs are probably my favorite type. i love playing a small human woman and having this big, strong anthro dude sweep me off my feet for some hot and passionate sexytimes. i don't mind playing a female anthro as well, but i do prefer being a human woman most of the time. my preference in anthros cater more to the canine family than anything else; dog, wolf, fox, ect. what can i say, i'm a simple woman with simple tastes. i'm easy to please lol. although that's not to say i don't like other ones. if you don't want to be a canine type, just ask me what you'd prefer and i'll let you know what i think. i'm pretty flexible. a warning, though: if it has scales or a tough leathery hide, you'll probably have to convince me.

zombie apocalypse; romance/action/adventure
i'm a big fan of TWD. which is funny, before prior to watching it, zombies used to scare the fuck outta me lmao. this idea will have the general survival plot every zombie movie has. maybe MC finds yours and they team up together. maybe YC finds mine injured somewhere and takes them into their party, or vice versa. maybe they are even rivals and they must work together to take down some evil overlord dude who's hoarding supplies and killing innocent people *cough*negan*cough* lots of potential for this one!

supernatural hunters; romance/action/adventure (tentative slice of life)
hey let's get together and kill some monsters bruh. and no it's not based on the tv show. i just like the idea of going around and shooting some demons, wendigos, ghosties, and ghouls :) or you know, what have you heh. tentative slice of life because i don't want to focus mainly on the killing baddies part; it would still be a modern world, with fantasy elements of course. MC would just be trying to live her life as a normal woman, but also she goes around killing stuff and saving people. maybe YC can be someone she saved and he wants in. maybe YC is another hunter and they team up. also lots of potential for this one!

fandom: BNA; romance, slice of life

aight, so i just finished this series today, and i am already hooked on it. i love the contecpt of beastmen and them having a human form. i'm not very confident in actually playing Michiru or anyone else, so i would be playing an OC. YC can either be an OC or Shirou because i ain't gonna lie, i love that wolf lol. so basically we would just be living in Anima City or something and well...how we meet is up for discussion. C:

keep in mind those are only a few of my ideas. if you'd like to share your own idea or plot with me, then please, by all means shoot me a message and let's see if we can work something out! if i don't answer, i'm either a), afk for a brief amount of time, or b), sleeping. i promise i'll respond as soon as i am able.

for those of you that are curious, here's a an example of what you have to look forward to when you RP with yours truly ❤

It was still dark outside when Ryder was jerked awake to the sound of a deafening explosion that rocked the entire brothel, jostling the woman curled up against his side into wakefulness. Koi gasped and blinked at him in confusion, but Ryder ignored her as three things captured his attention simultaneously.

One, he heard people screaming and the unmistakable shrieks of demons. Two, he smelled blood. Three, dust and debris were raining down from the ceiling and Ryder had a split second to grab the woman at his side and hurl them both onto the floor before part of the ceiling collapsed onto the bed.

Koi was screaming, clearly terrified as the building continued to cave in on them as Ryder pushed himself up onto his hands with a colorful string of curses. What the fuck—?

“Get down!” he roared and threw himself over Koi, curling himself around her to protect her as the rest of the ceiling, along with some roofing crashed to the floor right on top of them, the window shattering as half the wall went with it. Ryder grunted and grit his teeth as heavy wood and stone struck his back and he felt small arms wrap around his waist, the woman beneath him curling into him and trying to make herself as small as possible, sobbing and shaking in fright.

The building was still crashing around them, crumbling to the ground as the foundation creaked and groaned, threatening to give way, and the prince knew they had to get the fuck out of there before they were buried alive. Preferably now and opening his eyes, he was met with the sight of wide blue eyes staring up at him, glistening with fright-induced tears from a face gone white.

With a grunt, Ryder heaved and dislodged the debris pinning them down. His back would likely be bruised and sore for a while, but at least he’d been able to protect Koi

“We need to get out of here before we’re buried,” he shouted over the din, grabbing her arm and hauling her up with him.

“What—what—” she tried, clearly in shock, wobbling where she stood, and then looked down at the floor in horror when it started creaking ominously beneath their feet.

Ryder ignored her and with thankfully minimal difficulty managed to dig out both his suikan and sword before promptly shoving both of them into Koi’s arms and then sweeping her up into his own arms. She gasped and hid her face in his shoulder as he lunged through the opening in the wall just as the entire building collapsed into ruins.

The first thing Ryder was aware of as he landed on the grass outside was the village was on fire and the smoke was thick in the air, people screaming and crying and running as they either tried to fight off the ravaging demons, or escape for their lives. He set Koi on her feet and stunned, she just stood there, gaping at the collapsed ruins of building that had been her home for the past week.

“What the fuck is going on?!” he growled when suddenly Koi gasped sharply, dropped his suikan and sword carelessly to the ground, and took off.

“Sen!” she sobbed as the other woman, also crying, ran to meet her halfway and the two threw their arms around one another in a relieved, desperate embrace.


The prince tore his gaze away from the women to watch his second in command jog up to him, face grim.

“Explain,” he snapped, scowling darkly and in no mood to fuck around.

“The village is under attack,” Sebastian obeyed without question, voice curt. “It’s another horde of blood demons, although this horde is the smartest we’ve come across. Fire, Ryder. They’re setting things on fire and blowing things up. How—”

“There’s no time,” Ryder cut him off, watching his men strike down demon after demon, some of them half naked, some of them completely bare, but not letting that stop them from protecting innocents. “We’ll discuss what happened later, but right now we need to destroy these vermin and put out the fires.”

Sebastian nodded and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything the sound of his name, uttered in a shaky voice and just loud enough to be heard over the pandemonium of the village, had his gaze snapping around to land on an ashen face and wide maroon eyes.

Ryder followed his gaze and cursed. Sen and Koi stood a few feet away, arms wrapped around each other, and Sen was wearing Sebastian ’s purple suikan with nothing underneath. He exchanged a look with Sebastian and nodded once. He didn’t know what happened to the Madam or the other girls, and to be honest he didn’t particularly care, but they couldn’t just leave these two here unprotected and vulnerable. Even though he hardly knew Koi, Ryder knew he’d never be able to forgive himself if something happened to her.

“Split the men, half on the fires, half eliminating the blood fuckers. I’ll take care of this and join you shortly.” He put his fingers to his mouth and turned before giving a sharp, shrill whistle that pierced the air for several seconds.

Sebastian looked relieved and nodded once before taking off to do as he was told.

Stopping to collect his sword and suikan, Ryder shoved the blade into place at his hip as he stalked toward the two women, holding each other and silently watching him approach. He could smell their fear, but it was strangely dimmed, and their confusion evident on pale faces. He didn’t miss the way Sen tried to push Koi back, obviously still protective of her and Ryder had to approve of that, even if it was unnecessary.

“I know you’re scared and wondering what the hell is going on,” he began and reached forward to drape his suikan over Koi’s shoulders. Her eyes widened and she flushed but said nothing, accepting it without question. “But I don’t have time to explain and if you wanna get out of here in one piece, you’re gonna have to trust me.”

Sen frowned, clearly skeptical, and she opened her mouth to say something. But then her eyes suddenly went very wide as she directed her gaze to something over his shoulder and he knew Ghost had just landed behind him. Koi gasped and the look on her face was an endearing mixture of delight and awe.

“Ghost will take you somewhere safe,” he explained as the large horse trotted up beside him and nudged his shoulder. “He’s not dangerous, and he does what I say without question. So when I say he’s to protect you two until I summon him back to me, he will. Understood?”

To his surprise, Koi nodded with a small smile and the fact that she trusted him already even though she barely knew him had something warm blooming in his chest. Sen, on the other hand, still looked like she was having a hard time processing everything, switching her gaze between him and Ghost with a wary look on her face and biting her lip. She kept looking over her shoulder as if searching for something, and he knew she was looking for Sebastian.

Ryder sighed, impatient, and before either of them could protest he grabbed Koi around the waist and effortlessly lifted her up onto Ghost’s back. She gasped, hands fisting in his bright orange mane, and he turned to do the same thing to Sen. She went to step back but he didn’t give her the chance, snagging her around the waist and heaving her up behind Koi.

“Don’t,” he snapped when Sen looked about ready to tear him a new one, face red and brows low over her eyes. “I already said I don’t have time to argue with you, so just fucking trust me, alright? I’m trying to save your life, woman, so let me. Shut up, hang on, and don’t be scared of the fire. It won’t burn you.”

He glared her down and didn’t give her a chance to retort back. He glanced at Koi, who stared back at him with large blue eyes, before stepping back and gently slapping Ghost’s rump.

“Get ‘em out of here,” he ordered and the demon horse snorted once before taking off, great hooves pounding into the dirt before giving a mighty leap and soaring into the sky. Predictably the women shrieked in surprise but Ryder paid them no mind, already turning around and unsheathing this sword in the same movement as he stalked into the fray, ears pinned and scowling darkly.

He had some nasty blood demons to slaughter.

aaaaaand for inquiring minds wanting to know how i write smut, well.....

ciao, darling~

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