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Fx Male Plot Idea - Ocean Born Mary (a pirate adventure)


Mar 23, 2010

A portion of my plate has opened up with room to possibly indulge in another roleplay. Yay!
I've been brewing this one up for a while now, and maybe someone else will find it interesting enough.
If you do, throw me a PM!

Some small-bits about me:
- I am a wife, a mother, and a pet owner.
- PM only, please.
- I am a casual-paced poster, so I mesh well with partners who are fine with a once-a-week post.
- The weekends are hectic in my life, and my online activity during those days are minimal.
- When bit to the bone, I lean submissive.
- I am a lover of all sexual interests and their depths. I only care if it makes sense and stays true to our story and our characters.
- For this roleplay in particular I am not interested in micro or macro, or furry crossover hybrids.

This roleplay is based off a folklore story that has historical truth, of which I have expanded and manipulated around to suit my roleplaying interest, quite a bit.
Although there has been recent development on who she was and her life-story (by which this wiki
article is found a bit out-of-date and needs a revamp) I still invite you to peruse the folklore surrounding her if
you've got the time. No worries though. Reading this article is not required to play this roleplay idea.
She is merely an inspiration to my spin on things and I felt it my responsibility to give credit due!

Ocean Born Mary

The Backstory -
In 1720, aboard a ship named the Wolf, a Scottish family were immigrating to the United States when the vessel was overtaken by pirates. Known for the pirate-captain's 'give no quarter' reputation and 'dead men tell no tales' belief, all aboard the Wolf feared they were about to be murdered. But in the midst of the chaos a feint cry could be heard coming from deep within the storage cavities of the ship. Upon investigation the pirate-captain found a Scottish mother hiding, trying to hush her newly born infant. Moved, the captain swore to spare their lives and depart peacefully if they would name the child after his own departed mother, and vow the child into his possession when she came of age. Everyone agreed and the captain departed, but not after gifting the child with silks and pearls.

Ocean Born Mary ended up in New Hampshire and grew up under her mother's watchful eye. She had been told of the events surrounding her birth, but the tale had been nothing more than an adventurous story shared on rare occasions. The pirate-captain had never been seen or heard of again. Mary evolved into a young lady who was 'elegant in her manners, resolute and determined, of strong mind, quick of comprehension, sharp in her conversation, and very witty with a strong brogue'.

Where we Begin -
Our roleplay will take place in 1738. Your character is the son of the former pirate captain, who has always been driven to live up to his father's expectations and follow in his footsteps; even in wake of his passing. Before dying, the pirate captain had gifted your character with a map to the location of all of his hidden loot and treasures. Unfortunately this event was witnessed, and the rumor spread to the ears of your character's enemies. They plotted and kidnaped what your character holds most dear, in ransom for all of his father's recorded hoard of treasures and loot. Thus pushing your character into a frantic hunt to gather the list of treasures before time runs out. Mary happens to be recorded as a possession of loot.

We will start out with your character entering New Hampshire and rudely interrupting Mary's life with the demand that she must go with him. Nearly dragging her to his ship they set sail for the next item on the list. Mary tries to understand what is going on but your character seems to be short with his words, leaving his explanations, motives, and reasons in broken pieces. It seems like his mind is squared with a mission. Although he may have never desired to pluck Mary from her family and life, he is just as ruthless as his father was and determined to save what is dear to him from the clutches of his enemy. Whatever this beloved possession is (a wife, a daughter, a dog, a trinket), which he feels is worth all his father's treasures, it is still up for discussion and you can decide.

Along the journey your character is confronted by other individuals and organized groups who are also in pursuit for the map of treasures that his father imparted. Perhaps even his own crew turns on him in mutiny, believing their payload would be grand if they upended the map over to a wealthy entrepreneur. I believe there are many possibilities here for adventure and drama. I can play the role of these third-party characters, or you can, or we can split them up! I am a huge nerd for watching events fall naturally, being surprised by plot twists, and changing things up, but yes... I do intend for some kind of romantic relationship to develop between Mary and your character!
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I never found a partner for this one, and thought I would give it a bump and try again. :)
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