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Fx Male Weaving A Web - Specific Story Starts


just waiting to be told
Jun 16, 2020

I'm glad that you've stopped by to check out my list of specific (and not so specific) story starts. Here is where I will be putting any plot, stories, ideas, vague concepts, and inspirations that tickle my particular fancy and want to write out - with you! Here's a few things about me first...

**Disclaimer: Right now, I'm only looking to pick up one or two more roleplays specific to the plots I have in RED. Right now, unless it is really compelling, I won't be accepting any additional plots or story ideas.

  1. I am a busy adult with a busy adult life and that's OK! I'll still try and find time to write as much as I can because I enjoy it.
  2. I have been roleplaying or writing to some capacity since the nineties. I still refuse to date myself with this statement.
  3. I am functionally a 'literate' or 'advanced' roleplayer. That means that I'll typically write anywhere from a few to several paragraphs of content. I by no means expect anyone to match this, but I do appreciate quality returns.
  4. I only write original content; I won't roleplay anything canon.
  5. I enjoy elements of realism, fantasy, magic, supernatural, romance, suspense, futuristic, dystopian, punk, drama, erotica ... among other things.
  6. I like using pictures to go alongside my roleplaying. Real people or drawn art. I don't like anime pictures.

Keeping it simple (aka some pairings to consider). Bolded are the roles that I would be interested in taking; and you can be interested in taking ANY role listed...

  • Queen/Chieftain/Princess x King/Chieftain/Prince/Noble/Knight/Etc
  • Supernatural Entity x Other Supernatural Entity/Human
  • Slave x Master/Mistress
  • Submissive x Dominant
  • Wizard/Mage/Witch x Apprentice/Wizard/Mage/Witch
  • I’m somewhat open to other pairings, but the above is what I’m really wanting.

Plots and Ideas…

  • My character is a young noblewoman who is the ambassador of her lands. In order to protect it and her people from invading forces, she seeks your character out on her own to form an alliance. This plot idea is a husk waiting to be filled out and something that we can have fun with as roleplayers. She could come to your character and propose marriage, or she could come to your character and have something more sinister be proposed in exchange for your character’s help. For sexier overtures, your character could decide that she be their sexual possession.

  • My character is gifted to yours as a spoils of war. Little known (and possibly soon to be known) to your character, she is actually a powerful magus that has been brought down and as punishment is sent away to your character’s keeping. Instead of a captive, I can also go the route of an apprentice to your powerful wizard, magus, or warlock.

  • My character is a former high priestess of a more primitive people who were poached out of their own lands and sold into slavery. Through a charm bestowed on her as a magus, she cannot defend her people or herself from being taken. Your character buys her from a flesh market. This idea is also flexible, but I’m hoping for elements of a Master/Slave dynamic that builds a power exchange relationship between the two characters.

  • My character is a woman who, from a young age, was taught to hunt down preternatural forces that upset an Order’s laws when it comes to the mortal lands. This is a modern story idea, where my character is, in simple terms, a monster hunter that is part of a neutral faction for paranormal and preternatural peoples. There is a second Order, who decides the laws, that her own affiliations don’t necessarily agree with, but also don’t bother with. Your character can either be a part of this second Order, could be a ‘monster’ that she is sent to face against, or could be working with her as one of her own Order. There is much room to plot here!

  • My character is an elusive woman who runs/owns a private or secret club in the underground of society. This idea has been spinning around in my head for a while and has more of an erotic focus to it. The setting is meant to be modern, but really I think it would be more interesting if it took place sometime in the future in a dystopian society. I will entertain more fantastical setting if it's compelling. I'll also entertain having supernatural elements, since I love that. The idea is that a strange, mysterious woman has been growing her social prowess by introducing a secret venture that only those who are the most privileged or most cunning are able to attend - by word of mouth, invitation, or secret password to grant them access. Every now and then, there is a theme, and all guests are required to conceal their identity - usually with masks - to preserve anonymity. Think: Fizgerald-esque type parties mixed with debauched sex club, if you will. However, my character is rarely - if ever - seen actually participating and prefers to take a voyeur's stance on activities. I'm looking at you to bring a strong, confident (maybe even dominant) male main character to the table. I encourage both of us to play multiples! (taken!)

  • My character is a supernatural anthropologist. Or maybe a supernatural private eye. The concept here is that my character (bookish, a bit priss and proper, smart as a whip) works within the bounds of supernatural society to collect data on supernatural entities. She might even be a private eye sent to investigate some sort of occurrence in the supernatural world. The plot bunny around this idea would be that (for whatever reason that we can discuss) my character has been sent out in the field to find your character - a supernatural entity. (taken!)

Vague Ideas and Concepts...

  1. Something involving druidism, or wild magic, in a Medieval/Fantasy setting.
  2. Something involving a post-apocalyptic wild west (with brothels).
  3. Something involving a shamanistic ancient society (fantasy).
  4. Something involving a Medieval/Fantasy Master/Slave dynamic.
  5. Something involving modern day fair(ies) tales.
  6. Something involving a post-apocalyptic gang-banger society.
  7. Something involving a post-apocalyptic or modern spin on Alice in Wonderland.
  8. Something involving a modern day witch who is in a struggle for power with someone who is just as dominant as she is.
  9. Something involving a monster hunter who happens to be something of a monster herself.
  10. Something involving shapeshifters.
  11. Something involving voodoo or other dark magics.
  12. Something involving demons, in a modern day setting.
  13. Something involving a wandering witch, and maybe a prophecy.

As I mentioned above, for this request thread, I’m only interested in taking part of roleplays that are some of my specific plot ideas, are in my 'vague ideas and concepts area,' or if you're in the mood for a bit of roleplay roulette based on my current cravings around the more simple pairings. So please feel free to send me a PM if you are interested in plotting something! I’m open to long term or short, sexually charged scenarios … that could also lead to long term erotica. I don’t do “plot to smut ratio,” as I think the sexy bits should come with the natural chemistry of the characters.

If you have any other ideas (that involve fantasy or magic), you’re more than welcome to pose those ideas as well.

(Please do not reply to this thread. Send me a PM.)

F-List For You Naughties

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Bam boom! Only looking for two plots listed in red.
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