Fx Male A vague, overdrawn, fluff piece on what is it exactly that this woman wants


Jul 7, 2020
So, I suppose any publicity is good publicity. And I have a habit of hedging expectations when it comes to selling myself.
Oh, did that come out wrong?
I write this request with the intent, rather than provide a specific command for my needs and desires
of the moment, to cast a net far and wide and hope I may catch the sight of the elusive white whale. Can I call you Dick?
You can call me Sally. I'm not necessarily looking for eclectic and laid-back romance in the late eighties in Manhattan, nor do I
particularly pine for a prince Charming, although as long as they are the dirty kind, they can be mine.

I like to let my imagination wonder when I think of you. My writing, I will wager, is an attempt at both tragedy and farce.
If you can make me laugh...Well, that's half the battle won. I will argue that I do not like tear-jerkers, but I do have a soft spot for
jerks who make me cry. It does what it says on the tin. I may be looking for a tin man, too. And...You may be in for a cold shower,
depending which sort of treatment you give me.

So, as a noble and valiant man, with his heart set on pleasing, both in taking and receiving, you may be wondering...
What is it that she wants exactly? You truly are a provider. I admire that very much in men.
And I guess, you should ask too : what does she really have to offer, except vacuity? Is a hole really a hole, then?
But, I'll answer both...

I have some needs that need addressing. A stream of desires, one after the other, that only leave my tormented soul,
once I am truly depleted, dejected and satisfied. I desire the absolution of all my sins, but only after they are done.
I want to live a thousand lives, experience a thousand deaths, a thousand heartbreaks. I want to feel alive.
Elsewhere...Anywhere. Make no mistake, I do enjoy my life, my beautifully dull, oh so canny slice of life.

But I also dream. Of something different. And in those dreams, eerily, it does not feel so strange and alien to me,
to be who I am on that day, to do what I do. I want a man that will take my hand, and ask me to close my eyes,
before we cross together into a different world. Someone whom I know, will lead me into the depths of my own
soul, and touch the very lining of my dreams, carefully. Am I looking for a bull when I am a China doll?
I want him to operate a kind of magic on me that only imagination can hope to achieve.
That is what I want. Is that too much to ask? I venture here, not so much...

And in return, I promise I will walk in every step that you take, lay my eyes on every thought you bring to life,
speak honestly, correctly when I must, and act in the beautiful tragedies that we will write, whose only downfalls,
is that they may only have happened in spirit. But I'll be there, in spirit, and I will gladly act a guide when strength
may fail you. I want a companion I can call my own. I am not afraid to open up, to confess all my thoughts, my worries,
my regrets and my dark, depraved desires. I will not claim purity or perfection. I will be me and you will be you.
That's all I ask for and promise too.

You can read my introduction for some pointers as to what genres I prefer, and what plot ideas I would love to explore,
with you. I am also very open to hearing any ideas, and thoughts out. I hope that by this request, and my introduction,
you will gather, I may not be the most superb at (my own) character development, but I try to be the most truthful.
Feel free to write to me, even just to discuss. I do like epistolary correspondence, too.

Thank you for reading,
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