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Fx Female FxF Longterm Search!


Apr 8, 2019
Good morning, evening, afternoon, whichever!

I am looking for some nice, solid RP that can happen in many different universes or even one that we create ourselves. Also, I am open to modern, fantasy, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, slice of life RP, and find them to be just as exciting as some of the other ones if they are done in the right way. So for this RP thread here I am definitely looking to play opposite a male of any body type and race, that isn't as important to me, neither is age as long as they conform to the site rules and all!

For MC I love to play women who take care of their bodies and are in good shape, but not hugely muscular or anything of that sort, think of these girls below as they are my favorite face claims right now.


As for what I like in an RP? Well, I don't like all the really nasty things dealing with body fluids, or bodily harm unless its part of an action story or death leaves that out too. I can do taboo subjects like incest, cheating, risky sex both public and unprotected, rough sex, messy orgasms, you get the picture.

But if you think we can work out and connect well enough hit me up! I have discord and prefer to RP there or by PM here, maybe threads but those two would come first for me.
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