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Small Adventure Party (SciFi)


Not all those who wander are lost.
Jun 8, 2020

Looking for: A Small Party for a Sci-Fi Adventure
Content: Story Focused Adventure
The Party: Male 1 (Myself), Male 2 (Open), Female 1 (Open), Female 2 (Open)
Requirements: 3+ Paragraphs per post.
Frequency: To Be Determined

Konrad vomited violently, a mix of blood and goey liquid splattering onto the floor in front of him. He shivered uncontrollably, his muscles twitching. He only stopped vomiting when there was nothing left in his stomach. A gradual warmth through his body suggested that the drugs had started to kick in. Finally. It was only then that he was able to gather his senses.

Abandon ship. Abandon ship. System failure. Hull breach. Abandon ship. Abandon ship.

The monotone female voice echoed through out the ship. It was accompanied by a blare horn that would wake even the dead, with red lights flashing. Sparks flew were circuits were being fried. Artificial gravity was still working, which was good, but the ships AI voice - calm as it was - had caused panic to rise up in Konrad throat. What the fuck had happened? Where were they? What was the sit-rep? He had a million questions but knew that time was short.

He struggled into his uniform and was finally able to look at his PDA - stitched into the left sleeve of his uniform, so that it was always at hand. There were at least 100 Critical Error notifications beeping for his attention but with the ships AI having assessed the situation, the Abandon Ship order was blaring. Of course, waking up a Colony Ship from Hypersleep in an emergency...well, that was never a good thing. The blood in his vomit might be the least of his worries.

There really wasn't anything he could do. The warnings on his PDA only increased with each second. The Hull Breach especially was worrisome. The ship could break apart at any moment. Konrad quickly made his way down the hallway and to an escape pod. He had to hope that they were near a planet. In Deep Space, there was no Search and Rescue. Gods, he didn't even know what system they were in! He downloaded the flight records as he moved to the escape pod - the benefit of being Captain was that he had his own pod right next to his Hyper Sleep chamber.

He stepped into the hatchway as a deep rumbling passed through the ship. That wasn't good. Not good at all. He waited as long as he dared, downloading as much data and information as he could to his PDA before strapping into the crash chair. It was surprisingly comfortable, well padded and encompassing him in a hug. It had inner compartments with survival gear but was basically a giant ball of shock-gel with some skin-friendly padding where a person came in contact with it. It could float and had limited fuel for short microbursts of steering (just so it didn't accidentally launch you into something like a sun or gas giant) and supposedly had a high survival rate in the right circumstances.

Darkness enveloped him as he closed the door and punched the EJECT button. A violent shudder and he was free of the Colony Ship. Everything was eerily quiet as he floated away, the escape pod systems booting up. They were in the gravity well of a planet - a Class 2 planet - which was great news. That meant Earth-like conditions, but further scanning needed. Class 1 was Earth, of course - only a few true Class 1 Planets had been discovered. Class 2 were just as good, but usually had something different - differences in gravity, extreme weather, toxic gas in places. That sort of thing. The brief scan and information he was able to do before entry into the atmosphere didn't even pop up a name for this planet. That probably wasn't very good, but he had other things to worry about.

Like being shaken violently by turbulence as he entered the planets atmosphere, the temperature reading of the Pod sky rocketing. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his teeth - he'd forgotten to put the bite-tab in that was meant to prevent you biting off your tongue - and prayed to God he'd come out on the other side.
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