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Craft your legendary weapon!


Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
So I made a game for Facebook back when my book launched, and almost all the options turned out really cool, so I thought I'd bring it over here too! For extra fun, describe what it's power might be. Also, DMs and GMs, feel free to steal this for your games! Feel free to use your real name, (which you don't have to reveal) your BMR screen name, or a character name.

Mine is Mithril Spear of the North, which sounds like it would inflict ice damage on an enemy.

Legendary Weapon.jpg
Silver Sword of Knowledge. Gives a +2 to all intelligence checks, unless we're using dice pools in which case it gives a -2 to any difficulty ratings relating to intelligence.
Silver Dagger of the Shadow Prince.

(DnD 5E stats) +2 Weapon, gives +10 to all Stealth checks, imposes Disadvantage on Perception check to spot wielder while held, adds +3d6 to Backstab damage
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Kingly Sword of the Purifiing

Twohanded, +1 to attack and dmg, required attunement to someone of royal blood, legendary

Wieder has advantage on saving throws against spells

Sword has five charges, as an action, wielder can burn the charges for following spells.
1 charge, protect against good or evil
3 charges, dispel magic
4 charges, banisment smite

Sword doing extra 1d6 weapon dmg against undead or fiends
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