Sane's RP Ideas/Thread/Etc formats


I'm just Gentle
May 15, 2020
Just gonna have my rp ideas/threads/etc formats here so I can do a quick copy and paste if I decide to bring something back.

So this is a simple Idea, I have several rp Ideas I've been wanting to do but I can NEVER get anyone to do with me. So I'm going to try this. I'm going to list a number of kinks I normally wouldn't do, and I'll do them in a separate rp of your design (Or I can design it) in exchange for you doing the ideas I've been craving.

RP STATUS: Open and Looking

Also do feel free to check out my other search which features more a challenge for me to come up with fun rps from keywords you give me.
ORDER UP! Custom Domination Menu

Quick Notes on Me
  • As an RPer I am: While I can write more, I am the type to write 100-300 words a reply. I am looking for PM rps primarily. I am fairly active and can get multiple replies out a day. And I am drop friendly, just let me know.
  • My F-List: F-List (NSFW)
  • Special Note: I only generally only want MxF pairings, with myself as the male. However the Payment Board is an exception to this. And I want characters to be 18+ only. In addition I am fine using art for faceclaims, but I won't be using any photo faceclaims for my own characters, you are free to if you want but I won't be.
  • Writing Samples: Check the second post in this thread for Writing Samples to get a feel for my writing ability
The Payment Board
How this works is simple, each space on this table is a Kink I normally would not do for whatever reason. Each column has a certain value to it, the kinks in that column all cost that many points to select it for an rp. You get the points from the Bounty Board down below.

1 Point Kinks5 Point Kinks10 Point Kinks20 Point Kinks (Pick only one of these)
Excessive SemenCum InflationFuta MC x F YCSub MC x Dom YC
Cum BathGender TransformationWatersportsLesbian
Face SlappingInanimate Object TransformationInterracialFurry
Flogging/WhippingOvipositionReverse HaremVore
Small CocksShrinkingMultiple M Characters x 1 F CharacterHeavy Guro
Hyper CocksGangbangSoulvoreFerals
Sentient CocksRacismSize Difference (Micro/Macro)Snuff
Setting: Modern Slice of LifeSpeciesismStory Driven
Non-Standard PenetrationInflation
RimmingNonsexual Pain/Torture
Weapon PlayNullification
FatplayLight Guro
Wound Fucking
  • I may adjust these kinks position.
  • I may add more kinks to this list, perhaps by request.
Quid Quo Pro Option
Alternatively, if you have an idea and you just can not find someone to do and it doesn't have anything to do with those above kinks on the payment board, and in general is agreeable to my own kinks, well then if you scratch my back then I'll scratch yours. You do my rp I'll do yours in that case. The above option is only for rps with those kinks in them.

The Bounty Board
These are the rps I am wanting to do. Each RP has a number of points associated with it, if you do that rp with me then you get that many points to spend on the Payment Board up above for a separate rp entirely. Now you can choose to do both rps at the same time, but if there are kinks you want to do that the rp doesn't give you enough points for. You can choose to do multiple rps on the Bounty Board to get those points. If you'd rather only do one rp at a time, you can instead choose to do the rp with me, and finish it, and then do the other rp. And this includes saving points by doing multiple rps and finishing them as well. I will add additional rps here as I get ideas for them, in addition to taking rps away as I no longer wish to do them.

  • Over time I'll adjust the Point Value of the ideas on this board depending on how much I want them and have had no luck getting them.
  • Of course if you just like the idea of the rp and just want to do that rp, we can skip the Bounty Board idea and just do that rp.
  • Any further details not mentioned in the rp post are up for discussion.
  • You may request using the points for a Bounty on the Bounty RP itself, I may or may not agree depending on the kink you want from up above and the rp.
  • RPs must be completed in order for the points to be saved up. Completing meaning either the set story is finished or we both run out of ideas for it.

Father x Daughter Incest Vacation Resort
Incest (Father x Daughter), Corruption, Mild Mind Control (Behavoral Modification not loss of agency)
Idea: A father and daughter have been having trouble getting along recently, the reason being the daughter having developed feelings for her father but can't express it for whatever reason. So instead they either act out, withdraw into themselves, or something else. Then a family friend/therapist/etc mentions a special resort that they could go to that will help reconnect them. A resort whose purpose is the encourage and bring to fulfillment that incestuous desire rather the try and get rid of it. Doing so through a multiple step program and various sort of hypnotic/brainwashing devices on the island that ease the process along. The daughter will have a general knowledge of whats going on but the father will not until they get to the presentation at the resort. And the rp will go from there as the father follows the program because they do want to help their daughter. I'm thinking this story follows three pairs, two newcomers to the island and one returning pair.
Point Value: 10
Enslaved Tourism
Kinks: Slavery World
Idea: Set in a Scifi setting, where there's this one independent planet that practices slavery, where all the women on the planet are enslaved to the men. Including any women that go to the planet. Your character(s) would be going to the planet on a "slavery tourism" sort of thing where they are going to the planet under a Guide to experience what its like to be a slave. How things play out as well as certain limits are up for discussion.
Point Value: 10
Voyeuristic Delight
Command/Obey or Mind Control/Compulsion, Multiple Characters, Sex Toys, Slutty Clothing, Casual Sex, etc
Idea: Your character is under the command of my character, either through supernatural means or willingly. Our characters cannot interact with one another at all, at least physically. My character will be giving your character commands that she must obey, which will inevitably end up being sexual commands. Where your character will be going on a trip around town finding men to have sex with while my character watches and enjoys.
Notes: This can be done a variety of ways, for someone who likes writing they could write out all the interactions between your character and the men she has sex with, or I can handle all the men in the roleplay and you handle your character and any women she interacts with. The exact method of the control my character has over yours is up for discussion.
Point Value: 10
Healslut Competition
Dom x Sub, Casual Sex, Competition, Multiple Subs
Idea: You would play two characters, both of them healers of some sort in a game/game like setting, and they would be competing in skill to be recognized by MC. Wanting to be rewarded by him for their efforts over the other, a reward typically being getting fucked senseless by him. Further
Point Value: 10
Compulsory Pettification
Petplay, Master/Pet
Idea:It is the year 20XX and a special program has been put in place to help with a birthrate crisis. The Procreation Enterprise Tour Program, or simply the PET Program as it was intentionally named. A program where women reaching the age of twenty would be randomly drafted into it, where they would spend a number of years as a PetGirl. A PetGirl having a few rules they must follow.
1) They will be under the care of a handler.
2) They can only speak if their handler allows them to
3) They are to submit to their handler's every desire.
The program of course is meant to be random, but there are cases where multiple members of the same family end up in the program making it seem less random. And its quite rare for unattractive women to be introduced into the program.
How long a woman stays in the program is dependent on a few factors, their family's social status, criminal history, education, and several other factors. Some are said to only be in the program a year, others for a decade. Some are said to even be in the program permanently.
While most who enter the program enter the program randomly, some enter the program punitively and under heavy drugging from agents of the PET Program.
Point Value: 10
Elf Madness
Fantasy, Orcs and Elves, Temptation, Teasing, Breeding
Idea: This is an Elf and Orc scenario, a bit cliche but this one has a twist. The Orcs in this scenario are the one in a civilized society, working together, farming, blacksmithing, building, etc rather peacefully. And the elves are sneaking around the outskirts, trying to tempt orcs into taking them, being comparatively primitive living out in the forest in a more tribal lifestyle.
This one is meant to be a bit humorous, you'd be playing elves and I'd be playing orcs who have a reversed sort of advancement. With the Elves desiring orc men because they're not only good providers but have fantastic cocks. With the orcs trying to resist the temptation, which'll be increasingly difficult as your characters get bolder.
Point Value:10
The Runaway
Modern, Slice of Life, Romance, Prostitution
Idea: My character was on his way home one day when he comes across your character, who has clearly out on her luck. And he decides to take pity on her.
I will say this up front, 18+ only. But ideally your character is a senior in high school who's recently turned 18 for the story reasons. Your character can't go home for whatever reason, either because she was kicked out, its not safe there, or whatever other reason she's not going back. My character decides to take pity on her and take her in.
This one would involve a decent number of timeskips. Basically the rp flow would go something like this:
My character is going home, and comes across your character. Depending on where he comes across her he may almost decide to ignore her only to change his mind at the last minute.
My character takes yours home.
They spend some time interacting.
They both go to sleep.
Next day your character may or may not be still there.
Timeskip to the next night and your character is waiting for mine and we repeat from step 2.
Smut can take a number of forms with this one as well as how it goes. But the way I see it is that your character tempts mine out of a sense of guild for taking advantage of him.
Point Value: 5
Magical Roommates
Modern, Slice of Life, Transformation, Brainwashing/Hypnotism, Personality Change, Corruption
Idea: Your character is roommates with mine, unknown to her my character is a spellcaster of some sort. And had been conditioning her into his perfect little sex slave since they moved in.
Your character is a totally normal person, who is entirely unaware that magic actually exists. My character is a spellcaster who takes advantage of magic to transform and brainwash her to be used as he sees fit.
Point Value: 5
Strip and Fuck
Modern or Scifi, Striptease, Prostitution, Competition
Idea: There exists a strip club where the girls go up on stage to strip, while the men in the audience bid. The Girl performs her striptease as a way to excite and get the men to bid more, as the winning bid gets to fuck her. The girl on stage can at any point see how much her current high bid is, who bid it, and who was the last highest bid so she knows how to excite the crowd and try and boost the bids up further.
Note: Requires someone good at describing a long striptease dance
Point Value: 10

With that said, send me a pm and lets see what we can figure out.
Adding some ORDER UP Plots here for future reference should I decide to add any to the specials, crossed out ones are ones that were claimed.

Enslave me Big Brother
Scifi setting, a sister has always been a bit of a troublemaker and promiscuous, making trouble for her father wherever she gets the chance. She hears about a special planet that her father has been having disagreements with, the Slave Planet of the universe. And decides to embarrass her father by going and making a complete mess of his reputation. But not wanting to go only to never leave she convinces her big brother to be her master for her stay there. Not realizing this was an opportunity her big brother was waiting for to discipline his naughty sister.

The Collar Club
College setting, Kemonomimi and human setting, there is a prestigious college that exists where a special all female club exists. A club known for its reputation of supporting and bringing up graduates who go on to succeed in life. Whether its through finding wealthy and powerful partners, making strong connections that land them incredible jobs, or any other thing. The Club is known as the Collar Club, a club whose members all consist of "Collared" girls. However the girls don't get to get the collar from the club, what has to happen is that an "Owner" must buy the collar, and then they choose who to give the collar to on campus. Your character finds out after have no luck in finding someone with a free collar that a certain teacher has a collar free.

Sugar Baby's Wild Ride
I'm thinking a more Urban Fantasy for this one, but less emphasis on magic and the like. Though Scifi Planetary could work too. What I'm thinking is that your character is a Sugar Baby, save her Sugar Daddy's aren't the normal sort, she's part of a program that brings in Sugar Baby's from all over (Galaxy or World depending on setting) to an all monster nation. Where they become the Sugar Babies to monsters of varying sorts, for what would easily become some of the wildest sex imaginable.

Conqueror's Ambitions
Three brothers go out to conquer a kingdom, leading three separate armies through the nation. However curiously there is little resistance, with the populace even welcoming them. And as they make their way to the capitol they each come across a carriage. A carriage whose occupant is thought to be the lone princess of the nation. The three brothers meet up at the capitol, each thinking they have the princess. And are welcomed with open arms by the people, finding out the rest of the royal family had already abandoned the nation. Leaving the throne open, but none of the three had a sufficient claim or achievements to be able to convince each other let alone their father on who should take the throne. Being told to sort it out amongst themselves, they decide to leave it to whoever captured the princess of the nation. Only thing is, the three girls captured by each of them all claim to be the one and only princess, all evidence in the castle of who the princess is has been lost or destroyed. With evidence pointing to each being possible as the previous king had a harem of different wives, so even if the girls are of different races they all could easily be the princess. So the competition is afoot as they try to figure out which of the girls is the real princess by any means necessary. Only being able to confirm through a magical divination that one of them is indeed the princess.

Succubus School Infiltration
Basically a School of Succubus is being infiltrated by a group of beings seeking to turn it into their own personal harem. The beings in question can vary, but I'm thinking things that can pass as human normally, Vampire, Werewolf, and then possibly a Dragon.
Succubus Mission Fails
Basically following a series of succubi going on missions to collect lustful energy/cum out in the world, only to end up falling victim to their target's dominating desires. All manner of creatures with this option.
Infernal Losses
Premise: A great war occurred between the various planes of existence, and the infernal forces lost big. Many of them being caught and enslaved by the other forces. And they are in the midst of being trained to be proper little slaves by the winning forces.
El Diablo Delivery
Basically a delivery service that employs succubi to work for them, because they're cheap to employ and work mostly for sexual desire/lust of their clients.
Guardian Demon
Basically your character is a guardian demon to mine, someone who has been watching over them since they were young. Making sure nothing bad happens on a supernatural level. Only for my character to find someway to interact with your.
Sexual Study Partners
Our characters are childhood friends in a modern world, grew up together and everything. Only for your character to come into their own as a succubus once she becomes an adult, having to attend succubi school. And she is in desperate need of a study partner as someone who had never had sex or really been able to deal with men normally before.
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