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Most disappointing RPG ending ever(no spoilers)

KOA: Reckoning
Only because it seemed too easy, and too obvious. Maybe if they’d been able to work on the end more? After all, it was an amazing game!
I'm gonna catch flack for this, but Twilight Princess.
It's hard to complain without spoilers, but dear god was it lazy. Fuck the final boss, fuck the half-assed attempt at adding some emotion without actual character development, and especially fuck the dumbass Midna bullshit.
KOTOR 2 ... Love the games, but the end was so anticlimactic that I didn't even realize it WAS the end until credits started rolling.
Star Ocean Till The End of Time
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
Xenogears....if they only didn't run out of money.
It's still one of my favorites but that second disc though...
Aside from the obvious ones like ME3's ending, the law and chaos endings in SMT strange journey are both pretty ass to get.
I am a HUGE Mass Effect fan. Yeah, the end of 3 was shit, but I pretend that doesn't exist and just keep replaying the Citadel DLC, which imo is the greatest little bit of gaming I've ever played. Thank goodness for fan fiction to fix the ending.
I think Mass effect is objectively the worst ever because it was so bad they had to redo it
Well, it's fairly infamous and obvious, but Mass Effect 3.
I am a HUGE Mass Effect fan. Yeah, the end of 3 was shit, but I pretend that doesn't exist and just keep replaying the Citadel DLC, which imo is the greatest little bit of gaming I've ever played. Thank goodness for fan fiction to fix the ending.
I am about 4 years too late to this thread, and while I agree, (😭) they did add to it with their remaster. Still a slap in the face, but I only went through half a box of kleenex.
So for me, the first time I finished a game and felt satisfied that I'd done it but unhappy with the ending was actually Final Fantasy VII. Like, what actually happened?
Final Fantasy 15. I realize everyone is going to have mixed reactions there, perhaps some even contend that it is not, but for me after playing that game that entire time...yeah it just, deflates ya. You expect to play a game and get a satisfactory ending for all the hard work, nope, they just slap you in the face and tell you all that you did was for naught. So yeah...realllly fun game there and the ending so top notch.
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