Fx Any Falling Down (Done by a Proper Writer)


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
The year is 1500 since the foundation of the Caledorian Empire. But in the cities and farms that were once great and thriving, the people are forbidden to sing, pray or even speak their history. The Empire, along with the rest of the world, was defeated fifty years ago by the Day of Fire, a simultaneous surprise attack by the elves and millions of their dragons upon the rest of the world, and made into a dependency. 90% of the farmland it was able to have on the cold isle burned and salted, and most women sexually enslaved to elves to prevent a resurgence of the Caledorian population.

Abigail Woods is a prostitute in a seedy tavern on the outskirts of the practically leveled Radiant City, the Dependency’s administrative capital. She’s owned by an elvish bartender who she cannot refuse to bed unless she has paying customers. So when between two and four, ideally balanced between male and female, and mostly human mercenaries bring back the head of a monster as well and drink their troubles away. So when she offers them a good time, and mouths for them to help her, they pay her and pretend to go down to the basement for some good times.

But she reveals her true intentions. She needs their help. Abigail has secretly harbored vengeance against elves for killing her father for asking a simple question. She started saving enough to buy her way out of this life, but soon found a secret dwarf tunnel, long since abandoned by an extinct species, with ten foot tall unfinished prototypes for rideable machines made of clockwork that are durable. With some modifications, she was able to make them rideable by humans and filled to the brim with capabilities. She has enough underworld allies to manufacture an entire army of these Titans, as she calls them. But she needs bona fide heroes to ride them into war against the complacent elves.

And eventually, ride her as well.

If this sounds interesting to you, shoot me a PM and let’s talk details!
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