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Sunny79 (RP Details)

Jun 28, 2020
Wouldn't you like to know. ;P
Hello, my name is Sunny!
I'm a new player to BlueMoon, but not to rping. I have been rping for about 7 years now, maybe longer, and I am currently looking for anyone wanting to rp. I tend to prefer rping female characters, but I am open to rping a male uke character if you're into rping yaoi.

***If you haven't seen my introduction, I am currently on the lookout for an old rping partner of mine. He went by the name Sami and liked to use a picture of Sesshomaru from the anime Inuyasha as his profile pic. He is known as Cookie115 on this website, but he has not been active for some time now. If you know him, please message me and let me know how I can get in touch with him or let him know that I'm here. I would love the chance to reconnect with him and see how he is doing!***

Okay, now onto my preferences.


- Please use decent grammar and show that you have a grasp on how sentences and punctuation go together. I'm not expecting your writing to be perfect, but please put forth some effort in your responses.

- Please try to type out at least three lines, and I’ll try to do the same. I'm someone who prefers writing longer, detailed posts; however, I don't mind doing shorter responses if you are able to give me something to work with.

- I’m fine with first person, second person, and third person. I do tend to lean towards writing more in third person though.

-Currently, I do not have any plot ideas or anything in particular that I am craving to rp, so if you have any ideas, please feel free to run them by me. I'm open to almost anything, so don't be scared to ask me to try something new. I will let you know if there is anything I am uncomfortable with.

(I will post any rping ideas that I have here later and possibly my rping likes and dislikes as well. Right now I'm a little too lazy to bother. Dx )

If you think you might be interested in rping with me, feel free to send me a message! I don't bite...hard. lol

Some pairings I'm interested in: (These are just a few pairings off the top of my head, but I am open to trying new things! Feel free to message me with any ideas you are really wanting to try. I'll let you know if there is anything I am uncomfortable with, but usually, I love to try out new things! )

Master x slave
Prince x Servant / Slave * (Seeking a dominant personality for the servant or prince. Whichever role you would prefer to play.)
Vampire x human

Fandoms (I have tried doing fandoms in the past, but I was never satisfied with my writing when I did. I felt like I could never do the characters justice, so unfortunately, I do not rp fandoms. Please do not ask!)

Here's my f-list. I finally finished it!
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Hey everyone! I wanted to post a craving/plot idea I’ve been wanting to rp recently. If you think you might be interested, please feel free to PM me!

Recently, I’ve been craving a slave/master rp that has a little bit of a romantic twist to it. MC would be a young woman who finds herself taken as a captive by a group of ruffians. She is either brought to the group’s boss or sold at an auction to the highest bidder. (MC would most likely come from a broken background and would have little to no knowledge of the slave trade world, so she will be quite scared and attempt to put up a fight at first.)

YC would either be the boss of this group or the bidder who wins MC at auction.

Boss scenario: YC is given MC as a gift from his henchmen or another group of ruffians who are seeking out his good graces. YC is powerful, influential, and highly respected in the “underworld,” because he is known to be quite a powerful and intimidating man. When MC is brought before YC, she is terrified and confused and desperately seeking for a means of escape. For some reason though, YC takes pity on the woman brought before him and decides to help/protect her from the dangers of his world by keeping her close to him. To keep up his appearance in front of his men, YC feigns intimacy with MC in order to protect her, and at first, MC would be resistant out of fear. However, when she realizes YC actually has a kind heart and is trying to help her, she ends up falling in love with him and soon begins to long to make their fake show of intimacy a reality.

Winning Bidder: MC was taken from her home, where slavery was nonexistent, and sold to a wealthy business man who beat and abused her. Having never been accustomed to such a lifestyle, MC naturally fought back and attempted to escape her captor. However, she was forced into submission and eventually her spirit was broke and she became accustomed to her new life of slavery.

This story would take place with YC purchasing MC from this wealthy business man at a private auction. The businessman will not disclose why he suddenly decided to give his former slave up for such a cheep price, and although she is beautiful, she appears listless and devoid of all emotion as if she has lost all sense of hope. She is also quite shy and timid. Later in the story it will be revealed that she was sold due to a rather, shall we say, “unfortunate” incident.

Once YC has purchased MC, he takes her home and attempts to get her accustomed to her new life. Despite any concerns/suspicions YC may have of the business man at first, MC turns out to be a very well behaved slave. She performs her duties meticulously, seeking out her new master’s approval for fear of being mistreated, and although she is reluctant and nervous to perform intimate relations with him at first, she does so willingly when YC treats her surprisingly kindly.

(For this rp, I would love to include some light bdsm/punishment to fit the theme.

MC is used to being mistreated and severely punished whenever she makes a mistake, which is natural in the life of a slave. However, YC would not punish her for normal household mistakes. Rather, he would “punish” her for things that he has instructed her not to do. These minor forms of misbehavior will end up being done accidentally and unconsciously due to previous habits.
[For example, when our characters first meet, MC won’t be able to make eye contact with YC because her previous master forbid it. YC doesn’t particularly care for this because he wants to grow a mutual bond of trust and respect with his servants, so he tells her whenever she doesn’t look at him while they’re speaking, he may tease her body or lightly punish her. (I’m open to suggestions and would love to hear your thoughts!)

One thing I would love to have MC “punished” for is her resistance to him trying to pleasure her. MC will do everything she can to please YC, but whenever he tries to reward her efforts, she becomes flustered and embarrassed and doesn’t want him to touch her so sweetly. Her previous master never sought to bring her any kind of sexual gratification, so whenever YC seeks to do that, she tries to deny him claiming she’s unclean and beneath him in status.]

Over time though, MC is surprised to find that YC is completely different from the slave masters she has encountered. YC, although strict and seeks obedience and respect from his slaves, is quite kind-hearted to her and seeks to look after her. Because of this, MC grows quite attached and dependent upon YC, to the point where she develops feelings for him and serves him faithfully, becoming one of his most trusted servants. I would love for the two of them to eventually share the same feelings for one another (maybe a forbidden romance), but I’m willing to go with the flow of things pan out differently.
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