Wilde Hunt (Looking for Long Term)


Jun 21, 2020
Hello! I have been out of role playing for a few years and was looking to maybe try and get back into the swing of things. I will try and make this thread as straight forward as possible.

Some information about me:
- I have been role playing for 10+ years, life got a little too hectic and I fell out of things for a bit. But looking to get back into the swing of things now.
- I usually will post at least 2 paragraphs and like to think of myself as detail oriented. Usually will try and at least post once a day.
- Feel free to chat with me as we roleplay I do not mind that at all, just obviously be respectful.
- I do tend to work a lot so I am not on a whole lot, but I will do my best to post on my profile if I will be gone for any period of time. So please don't hassle me to respond, I like to do this for fun not for it to feel like a chore. ^-^;
- Writing is something I have always enjoyed along with video games and comics.
- I am willing to double up on characters, no more then 3 at a time.

Looking For:
- Long Term
- More story driven then smut driven, though of course smut is fine.
- Minimal 2+ paragraphs, I like to have something to work with.
- Third person only

I am pretty open to most things, feel free to check out my F-List Nothing on there must be met by any means, but it can be a good way to see what boundaries there are.

- Honestly I will do just about any pairing expect for MotherxSon, that one just never stuck with me.
- I am also fine with FxF, MxM, NBxF, NBxM, etc. I have no gender preference at all with my pairings.

Fandoms: (I don't do canon characters a lot, tend to stress myself out trying to get them accurate)
- Fallout
- Dead by Daylight (I don't mind doing canon characters for this one since all lore is extremely low)
- Skyrim
- Fire Emblem
- Borderlands
- FarCry 5
- Mass Effect
- Persona
- Feel free to ask about any others, those are just the ones I can think of at the moment!

Plot Skeletons:
- There was no way magic was real, there just seemed like nothing to support such a thing could exist. So why was there suddenly some mythical, magical creature being right here? Also, where the hell is 'here'? Nothing looks like the same at all. (Basic idea is a human getting transported to a more monstrous/alien realm. World building would be involved and survival. Happy to talk out deeper plot points!)

- The bully gets caught in a situation (we can discuss exactly what that is) where the one they were bullying suddenly has the upper hand and is able to blackmail the bully. Will things go too far? Will feeling actually bloom? Or is all meant to end poorly. (Lots of ways to go about this one, would love to discuss more details!)

- More to come later!

- BullyxBullied
- MonsterxHuman
- Blackmail
- Sacrilegious
- More to come later!

Thanks for stopping by! ^-^/)
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