Fx F or NB Post Apocalyptica


Jun 19, 2020
•I have seperated things into two seperate threads.
•This one is dedicated to the dark and harsh DM/GM style play. The second thread is specific for fandoms/pairings.


From here lies an extreme natured Post Apocalyptic GM/DM Plot. Not for the faint of hearted.


To any of you who are reading this who came from my introductory thread, I have a joy of writing Post Apocalyptic stuff and more recently, i've been wanting to try my hand at delving into writing as a DM/GM for you, the player!

I'm also not going to sugar coat things there, by default, these stories that we may engage in will get to the more darker themes so you must be comfortable with that kind of thing. To name a few examples of what you, the player (You) may be subject to:

• Bad Ends (A variety of means.)

• Gore/Bloody Themes

• Death (This does include, your character as well. Yes, there is a chance that depending on the actions he/she takes and if the dice isn't in your favour.. your journey could come to an end at any given time.)

Should the above happen to YC and it is in the realms of possibility, if you enjoyed our time together I am more than happy for you to play as another character and see how far that one gets!

• Potentially vore-ish themes (Depending on how we decide the End of the World happens. i.e what could happen to fauna.) *Entirely Optional*

• ...Okay, I think you get the idea that these stories can and will get dark and house all the kinks that could dwell within.

Here is an F-List Profile with a baseline of kinks. Use this only as a general guide.

...I know people won't be into any of these themes and for that, I apologise! ..Anyone still here? Good. Read on!


Alright, for those that remain, what can I offer you?

First off, I will admit my experience in writing as a DM/GM isn't exactly long, i've mainly been as the player but I wanted to really explore building our own worlds for you to travel in.

The main thing that I can offer (Outside of writing.) is the key thing of all, communication. I want us to create world that we enjoy playing in, together.

I do not have any pre-written posts about the start of the world you will explore, why is this? I have always disliked the times I have played as a player as the DM/GM has just thrown something to me that they copy and pasted from a document. I understand why, of course, but I don't feel like my own writing will improve if I just throw a start to you that I could have given multiple other people.

Needless to say, I will be playing as the World and any and all NPCs that you will come across and yes, while things are story centric if you really want to, you can do smutty things to the characters that I will write alongside you.


Time for some themes that we can write in. This list may expand over time.

Zombie Apocalypse!

Yes, the typical tried and tested method that's spawned a million and one movies. A virus that can animate dead cells with the side-effect that the risen dead are mindless, seek out fresh meat in the form of humans to feed on or the pass on the infection should one get away from them with a scratch or a bite mark. This is your rather basic scenario in which small pockets of survivors (Or people going solo! ..Bad idea though.) try to live day-to-day, with no to little amenities such as water or electricity, everyday is a struggle. Those who venture out must brave the infected wandering the streets.. abandoned buildings and underground complexes to scavage for something.. anything to make the days go easier. Zombies aren't the only threat, however. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. You have it, someone else wants it and is prepared to kill you for it, even if "it" is just the clothes on your back.

*This one is probably going to set a few years after the outbreak day.*

Nuclear Holocaust!

Think Fallout series for this one. Nuclear war and fire raged on for whatever the reason, petty or not.. but no one remembers the exact reason why it happened anymore. What did happen though, is that the world as you know it has been irrevocably transformed into a bleak wasteland. Sickness is a common theme in this story, with much of the worlds oceans and drinkable waters being irradiated, but no with other choice for people to drink, becoming sick from the radiation is something that happens day after day. Food, Medicine.. everything is at an all time low, forcing people to scavenge in hostile and inhospital areas for something, anything. In this storyline however, it isn't just bandits or looters you need to worry about. Years and years after the bombs dropped and the radiation set in, there are bound to be changes to the native fauna and flora of the world, rumours of mutated creatures roaming the wasteland, it looks like life only wants your life to get harder from here on.

*This one is probably going to be set at least 50-A couple hundred years after the bombs dropped. Depending how brutal you want things to be..*


How apt for todays world, huh? No, I am not going to expect someone to write about the aftereffects of coronavirus with me. I'm thinking The Last Of Us series is a good indicative of this kind of world but i'm going to add my own twist to it. While a pandemic did sweep the world and cause heavily fatalities, it turns out that the virus/pathogen was quite volatile. It did untold damage and caused society to collapse as you know it, but it didn't kill everyone and those that it didn't.. well, they got infected anyone but it didn't kill them outright. Not just yet, anyway. In this world, even if you didn't die from the virus, you ARE infected. Everyone you know and love are infected. This story, will be about survivors dealing with being infected and staving off the symptoms that get worse if you can't afford the available Supression Medicine.

*This is more a mega homebrew thought. It combines the general survivalist elements of what you have to go in a post apocalyptic world but with the added effect of that you must take your medicine. Failure to do so.. increased how infected you are until you are lost.*
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Particularly in a mood for Mass Effect Styled stuff.
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