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Fx Male Seeking a Long Term/Literate Partner


May 18, 2010
Hello everyoneee...

OK, so I'm looking for a long term, literate partner. Keeping this short, sweet and to the point:

I tend to be pretty open-minded, so don't be afraid to throw suggestions and plots my way. I'm sure we can figure something out. I tend to write 3-5+ detailed paragraphs in my replies and I would love for my partner to do the same. I can write you a novel, but I won't go out of my way to do so if you don't. I tend to match my partner's writing length because it's only fair (at least I think so).

Proper grammar is a must. NO RPs based solely on smut and no disappearing on me! If you have to take a break due to RL, I completely understand, but please have the courtesy to let me know - and I will return the favor.

I like my stories to be plot driven and romantic, and the sex will come with it. I also don't do anime or animal/human stuff. Sorry!

As for pairings, I'm pretty open to suggestions. We can do modern stuff or era based RPs. I'm kind of a history buff, so that could be fun.

**At the moment I'm craving an Era RP (perhaps the 20's) where my character is engaged/recently married to a man of high society. He found his wealth from stock or coal, or he could be old money. I'll leave that up to you! After some time, she begins an adulterous affair with a man she meets. This new man basically comes from nothing, and she is torn between both worlds.

I prefer to RP over PM but may be open to suggestions.

Anyways, I'm open to a lot of things, so PM me if you've gotten this far and you're still interested!
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