Thinking about posting a story here..... **UPDATED**

Jun 18, 2020
I started writing the other night in hopes that I could fulfill the urge I had to do a darker themed roleplay. I haven't finished my writing yet but may post it on here to maybe give an idea of how I write or just to entertain others. I'm not sure yet.

I'm currently in the middle of a smut scene and writing it made me wet and just craving that sort of rp even more.

The story is based around a couple who are mercs are making their way through a desolate apocalyptic world. Money, violence, sex and drugs fill their world.
I'm just unsure of where I want to take it. I want there to be a quality story behind it. I'm just unsure of where I should start the story aspect of my writing.

I've decided to post a sliver of my writing in the stories section to get a feel of things and see what kind of feedback I can get.
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