Fx Female An Angel returns

Angel Fire

Romance Freak, Cuddly Kitten
Oct 15, 2009
SF Bay Area
It has been a while here since I posted. To all of my old partners, I am so sorry but work took me over and my ideas have changed.

I am looking to expand my horizons but also, I would really love a story that... let's just say, it drives me back to the days where I really look forward to a reply.

I am opening things up to include fantasy and maybe even steampunk if those are your desired settings. May main ones of modern and Sci-Fi can still work here.

I may not respond much during the week but on the weekends, you have me completely if I am really interested in our story.

People love pairings sometimes but me? I want to help create a world for us to live in. It can start with just the two main characters but later on, I would love to include some side stories.

I am going to try to open myself into other genres... which can include BDSM (in those stories, I am the sub).

Right now, this is a general thing but if you wish to know pairings, ideas or anything else, I would love to see your PM's.

I look forward to hearing from y'all soon! Thankies to everyone that sees this and... stay safe! *Hugs*
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