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When Dead Flowers Bloom [High Fantasy ERP Scene]


Tiny but Mighty~!
May 26, 2020
On a cloud far from here.
The theme for this scene is a slice of life/fantasy. Taking place in collage or otherwise.

I've been wanting to play with idea regarding the power of lay lines and how they both give and take energy. Ive got this witch character that I have been wanting to play as and do this whole balcony/garden scene with.
This could start out with something along the lines of she's showing someone her magic and plants and how it's like a whole cycle and stuff. Or her friend/crush/bully/whatever that stumbles in on her preforming magic they didn't know she had. And things can escalate from there. The area they will be in is gonna be her very own homegrown jungle oasis, where two lay lines cross underneath. It'll perfectly sets the mood for any really good and steamy erp in it because you know, sexual energy is still powerful energy.

It can be really story driven, but I also wanna have fun I guess lol. Any other addition themes or addons is up to your imagination!!! For an example of what im kinda looking for, I wrote up this quick post as preview! It can be changed and twicked later.!


By the time the Pale Witch had finally finished her classes and work shift for the day at around half past 6 p.m. and unlocked the door to her own private little condo just outside of campus, she was ready to pass out or maybe drink and smoke her problems away... Today had been another long, not not so much boring, but definitely draining day.

The classes were her core subjects. Subjects she would rather eat poison ivy then ever do again outside of class, but they were required and she had been putting then off since last year. She shift at the local blood drive wasn't bad but it was super slow now in days..
Absynthe Vintolè had shivered upon feeling ghostly warmth of her protection ward for the home wash over her skin as she crossed over the threshold into her little house. The embodiment of said magic ward was a red and orange tinted sahvanna cat, that was near transparent but entirely solid. It even let out a distorted and wobbling meow as it came trotting over to the door, and greeted her with a not so gentle headbutt to the knee.
"Ouch-- Okay. Missed you too." She had uttered out sounding irritated, but she still bent down to pet it for a bit.

Why she wanted to go to college.? That was even beyond her, but it could have something to do with the fact that she had lost her mom during her senior year and this was one of her mother's biggest dreams for her after all.
Absynthe may not be able to be open about her powers directly, but if she were to study one of the bases of her magic, she would not only become more powerful but also unlock a other possibilities, like a decent job for herself and to create her own little life. Absynthe was a carbon copy of her mother inside and out. Smart and charismatic and bold at the mouth. She wanted to be just as optimistic and bubbly as she was too but things didn't always work out that way.

Her coloring was off.

And for that people labeled her weird. Different. Unwanted. Outcast. Witch.

She loved what she was, truly, but years of hearing all of those kind of mean names spat back at her had made her hate the words and the feelings that they would bring back...

"Ugh, that's enough Absynthe." She had scolded herself as she started to unpack her bag and drop her things off into their respective places around the little house.

Her place was decently sized for a studio on part time pay. Also kept nice and neat if she doesn't say so herself. It's main room was double the size of a regular room for two back on campus. There is also a private bathroom, small kitchen, and her beloved balcony that was thankfully the first floor of the complex.

It was decorated it modern-day boho with pastel accents and deep earthy green black and red tones. That seemingly small balcony of hers was where she was trying to rush off to right now however. Messily dumping her books and school work on her desk that she had set up to the right of where one would come in.
To the left of her front door was her own small living room that she kept full of the softest blankets and pillows. All tossed around over a two-person couch black couch and a hanging chair. She spends a lot of time there so she might as well try to get the coziest things she could find!

After dumping her books and her bag off, she had walked passed the kitchen and into her "bedroom" area, with her queen-sized bed to her right again and passed the closed door of her bathroom, on the left. She was walking towards the back wall to her balcony that was the literal hub of her little home. Her magic sanctuary oasis if you would, that she was mighty proud. An amazing and powerful collection of plants that ranged from simple house plants, to plants that no one has ever heard or seen before. From poisonous to no poisonous, and in a vast array of colors. Vine plants that she had purposefully grown big and strong had grown and weaved around the columns of her balcony, and mixed with the thin wooden racks that she had put up in the large open parts above the thin rails.

It all formed into semi sturdy wall of wood and vine that made it a bit harder for others to see into her balcony, but somehow she could still see everything else.

The sun was still able to penetrate the "walls" and light the area up with individual little spotlights that lit everything in a soft glow, and right now the warmth was perfect on Absynthe's pale skin. The air felt so nice when she breathed it in for the first time since this morning. Smells mixing in her nose as she stepped further out and started to attend to each plant with her magic. Her pale eyes had rolled back into her head and out of them shined white light. The indecation of her powers, and she began to recite spells under her breath until the tips of two of her fingers glowed.

This was her usual ritual after school and every pot out here actually had a name on it, along with various symbols and strange words. These were her friends and some had even represented the few kind people in her life. The one or two acquaintances that she really wished she could call friends... The witch had shaken her head and scolded herself again. She needed to stop thinking like that while in her safe place, she didn't want that kind of negativity in the air. Before she had gotten too deep into her ritual, and to distract herself, Absynthe had ran around inside to roll herself a small joint, put on some chill rap music on the speakers out in her garden and got to work.

While the witch was in a hurry to get outside, she had also forgotten to lock her front door after closing it. The protection spell on her house not fully secured. But her neighbors usually kept to themselves and hopefully no one would come sniffing around the "weird girl's" house anyway.


This is just a post to set the scene and describe some details. Lemme know if you are interested in the idea by dropping me a message on my discord! My tag is Chaos.#7685
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