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Looking for Romance and Danger


Property of the Irish Ace ♣
Nov 12, 2015
Hello to all those who are looking to roleplay!! I am Dancingfennelfox and I'll be entertaining you this evening.

~Tell me if you aren't interested in the roleplay. I don't want to waste your time and I don't want my time wasted
~Be honest. Tell me your kinks. Tell me what you don't like. Basically work with me and I'll work with you to make the rp the best we can
~I work and I'm in school. I have a life outside of BMR. Please understand that. Sometimes life can get in the way and I may not be able to answer for a couple of days. I'll be super understanding with you too. However if more than 7 days go by without a response from you, I'm going to consider the RP dead.
~I am not picky about the lengths of posts. I totally understand that there are times in a story that you can't really describe that much. That's totally okay. Just please no text talk and no one liners. That's annoying.
~ I only roleplay on here. I PM first and it'll take some real convincing to do a thread. No AIM, Skype or whatever

Now without further ado, let's get to the reason you're here:

~Sexy clothes
~Dominate personalities (Not me, my partner)
~Alpha personalities (again not me my partner)
~Future pregnancy/potential pregnancy
~Age differences
~Size differences (1 to 1.5 Feet)
~50/50 Story/smut


Original Pairings (I am the character in red and I will always be female playing against a male)

Shy Girl x Athlete
Makeup Artist x Rockstar
Human x Alpha Wolf
Demon Hunter x Demon
Good Girl x Bad Boy
Best Friend x Best Friend
Good Girl (who understands cars) x Street Racer
Figure Skater x Hockey player

Star Wars Pairings:

Jedi x Sith Lord
Grey Jedi x Bounty Hunter
Jedi x Jedi

Batman Pairings: (I am extremely craving these at the moment)
**** For these I am looking for a lot of romance*******

OC x Damian Wayne (Injustice Video Game version)
OC x Jason Todd

The OC's for these are as follows:

Hadley Kim(MC)xJason Todd(YC)
Age: 16-21 (depending on setting)
Ethnicity: Korean/American
Hair: Black/Curly
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'4"
Abilities: Kumiho (If you play LoL, Ahri is a Kumiho but basically it's a nine-tailed fox that in Korean mythology is the bringer of death)
Markings: Fox prints up her spine with hangul

Emerson Sakamoto(MC)xDamian Wayne(YC)
Age: 16-21
Ethnicity: Japanese
Hair: Curly/Black
Eyes; Sapphire Blue
Height: 5'5"
Abilities: Master assassin for yakuza
Markings: Tsubaki blossoms across right shoulder
Weapons: Katanas
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