- Joined
- May 27, 2020
Annus Mirabilis

Status: Open
Potential kinks: Lots of BDSM, especially leashes, rope play, outfit control, humiliation, as well as corruption and seduction.
My Character: Male
Your Character: Female
Backstory: Our story takes place in a world where witchcraft is a real and historic event. Figures such as Merlin, Koshei, Ivor O'Donovan etc. are matters of historical fact instead of mythical and legendary fiction. Despite this seemingly insurmountable change in history, the 17th century exists largely identical to what we know ours to have looked like. King Charles II rules the Kingdoms of England and Scotland in personal union as well as a burgeoning colonial empire. The United Provinces colonial empire is well underway, while the Spanish Empire is entering its decline with the reign of Charles II. The Sun King reigns in France and the Holy Roman Empire is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. The flintlock has taken to the scene, though many are unable to afford converting their older matchlock and wheelock muskets to the new device.
With the prominance of witchcraft in the world there is also an abundance of responses to it; with the response within Christendom centered on one verse. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”Exodus 22:18. In Papist countries the Hammer of the Witches by Henricus Institor is the chief handbook for their witch hunters, the Inquisiitors of the Dominican Order. In Protestant countries methods varried in how the problem of maleficar, witches who did harm to their neighbors, was to be prosecuted. In Scotland in 1603 a Witchfinder Guild was established to regulate those who would call themselves 'witchfinders' and who would seek to fight supernatural creatures and maleficar in service to the crown. In 1644 the Guild was expanded by Parliament with its headquarters placed in London. Along with this law came a new policy towards witches.
Every witch accused of being maleficar, of using magic to harm her neighbors and making foul deals with eldritch or demonic beings was to be offered a choice by the Witchfinder who confronted her. Either death (by the rope or by the sword) or parole. A witch who takes parole would be placed in a leash where her magic would be limited by the Finder holding the leash. She would also be bound to follow three rules. First, to do no further wicked witchcraft. Second, to only do what magic she was permitted by her Witchfinder. Third, to obey her Witchfinder in all things, save one. The one exception was the one rule that every Witchfinder was required to follow, he must never take advantage of his charge in order to gain carnal knowledge of her. Instead it was his mission to guide her towards proper behavior in a Christian society while she aided him in his pursuit of monsters and beings like she had been.
Our story would start in 1665/1666 and it would feature a pious Witchfinder (Think Geralt of Rivia + Solomon Kane) and a recent parolee (preferably bratty and a little seductive) embarking on a quest hunting monsters and maleficar while for all intents and purposes being in a celibate BDSM relationship (at least until the witch gets the Witchfinder to let down his guard and give in to what he really wants.) I promise that you don't have to know much about 17th century history. Nothing I've mentioned or plan to mention can't be found on Wikipedia. But if the 17th century is your jam and you know all about it, I will literally beg you to do this role.
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