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Fx Any Burn For Me

Jan 14, 2019
Sweet Dreams
Hey guys, Daisy here~

I've been roleplaying on and off for the past 10+ years, mainly on other forums, but I'm happy to start a new RP or two here on BM~

.: The Rules :.
  • No god-modding or Mary Sues - by that I mean I dislike playing with a character who is basically invincible and does everything.​
  • Threads or PMs are the only ways I'm interested in Roleplaying here. No Discord, No Email. Don't even ask. You will be ignored!
  • No one-liners​
  • Ditch friendly~ People get busy or lose interest... I get it. If you want to drop or ditch, that's fine. Just be upfront with me. Summon some courage and say "I'm not into this anymore" or something. If not, then oh well~​
  • I have a life, and my work sometimes it's super fucking demanding. Please be respectful of that. Don't take it personal, if I'm inactive for a few days or something. I am very open about my availability, and often I'll tell you ahead of time, if I think its going to be a slow week.​
  • "It takes two to tango" -- Basically, I'm not going to do all the work in driving the story, nor do I expect that from you. Good communication and a little effort will usually save an RP from a bad end.​
  • Please contact me via PM if you're interested.​

.: Characters :.

My primary character(s) will be female

For the right story, I'll play futa too, maybe even a monster or male character, but I tend to play females primarily.
I often include lots of NPCs to fill out the story and keep things moving. But.. while I'm not above playing multiple NPCs or doubling, it can get kinda tiring to do it long-term.
I'm not also not big fan of harems either because the traits that makes each character interesting can get drowned out pretty easily.

Dom or Sub?
My characters rarely fall into neat little categories.

A character who is cooperative, maybe even submissive, has a line that shouldn't be crossed, and could retaliate. A character who prefers dominance often hides some deep insecurities, and may show a vulnerable side. I write whatever the story or character calls for.

What do I look for in a partner?
I prefer characters who are a more the aggressive side, but I'm flexible there. More specifically, I love characters with depth, someone I can get attached to~
My partners can and have been almost anything. I'm perfectly fine playing against F, Fu, or M characters, even non-human characters (see below)
I'm not timid or shy about what I like or don't like either, so if you aren't sure about something ask. Chances are I have an answer for you.

.: Preferences :.

Story > Smut
Without a bigger narrative to carry it, pure smut doesn't really hold my attention. I love characters I can get attached to.
Whether its rooting for an unrequited love, the drama behind a political marriage, a couple struggling to stay together, or a passionate affair as the world ends, I want to be invested in what's going on. It makes the smutty scenes so much more enjoyable.

I like slow or medium burns honestly, but playing through the aftermath of an steamy sex scene at the start is also fun.

I also love world-building and developing characters. It's probably one of my favorite parts of roleplaying. This is not a requirement, but I generally like to talk things out a bit first.

Fair warning: If we do any brainstorming, it's some what common for me to bombard you with ideas and questions. Don't panic, that's normal for me. Just pick out the ones you like, and get back to me.

OC > Canon
You may have picked up on it, but if not I say it clearly: I prefer making my own characters from scratch over playing some canon character from a fandom. That said, I do enjoy playing canon characters if the story is right.

.: Kinks :.
My kink list is pretty wide and varied, and totally depends on the RP. Literally, my kinks change based on the story and character I'm playing. So if you don't see your specific list below, just ask me. I'm pretty open to most things, if there's a good story to go with it.

Faves = stuff I enjoy pretty much all of the time
(?) Depends = Things I will do, but that heavily depend on the characters and story
(!) Nope = Outright "No" every single time. Don't ask. >.>

❀ Kissing!!! ❀
From hot steamy and erotic kisses to awkward, but passionate to dueling tongues~

❀ Touching! ❀
Caressing, hugging, playing with hair, snuggling. All yes~!

❀ Warm, romantic, lovey-dovey moments ❀
Cuddling on the couch, spooning/cock-warming after sex, in the morning when your dick wakes up before you do ;3, or gentle love after a rough argument

❀ Sexual tension ❀
I like the build-up prior to a sex scene. Maybe our characters have been trying to have a moment alone, but keep getting interrupted?
Leaving us both hot and bothered and wanting more? I'll take two~

❀ Heat ❀
Whether my character is in heat, enjoying your character's heat, or its just hot outside, I like hot, sweaty, steamy, and spicy things <3

❀ Foreplay ❀
licking, oil massages, I'm into all of that!

❀ Cum play ❀
inside me, on me, on my clothes, drinking it, swapping it! Yep, all of that. Just not absurd amounts

❀ Love Triangle ❀
Classic cliche and I'm not ashamed for liking it. <3

❀ Threesomes ❀
Extra guy or gal wants to join? Fantastic! Enjoying more than one partner is hawt! But... harems are not~

❀ Risk of pregnancy ❀
This gets me fired up~ Actual pregnancy not so much

❀ Consensual ❀
Always welcome

❀ Light Bestiality (Sapient) ❀
Intelligent and capable of expressing themselves. Think fantasy creatures or monsters like dragons, maybe a pokemon

Dub-con (?)
Generally yes, my girls may say "No" sometimes, but that doesn't mean she isn't enjoying it. x3

(?) Rape/Non-con (?)
Can't be the sole focus, needs a decent story to make it work

(?) BDSM and bondage (?)
Can't be the sole focus, gets boring

(?) Roughness (?)
Generally yes

(?) Casual sex (?)
Needs to make sense somehow

(?) Dirty Talk/Verbal Abuse (?)
Generally yes, but needs to be done right.

(?) Ass/pussy worship (?)
Maybe, gets kinda boring sometimes...

(?) Pregnancy (?)
Solid maybe? Needs to matter in the story somehow, and not purely for smut reasons like "alpha werewolf needs new breeding slut" ...nah.
"Alpha werewolf needs new mate or he loses his position as pack leader to rivals"... See, I can work with that.

(?) Light blood play (?)
Not often, but sometimes... sometimes... a good vampire-esque RP comes along and well.. it's hawt >.>

(?) Light fire play (?)
Basically anything leading up to but no including actual burns or injuries (wax, candles, etc). I like heat, but not lasting pain.

(?) Polyamory (?)
Usually yes, but needs to be well thought out. RP's focused on it tend to implode on themselves.

(?) Bad Ends (?)
As long as it doesn't lead to death or serious injury, we can get pretty dark.

List of Nope
Unhealthy bodies (super fat, super thin/sickly) (!)
(!) absurdly large or small anatomy (!)
(!) mind control (!)
playing dumb bimbos (!)
extreme violence (!)
gore/mutilation (!)
bathroom stuff (!)
Cuntboys (!)
death (!)

If you send a PM, Please put "❀" in the title, so I know you read this part.

. : | : [] : | : .

.: Stories and Pairings :.

On to the good stuff!

Style = ❀ My Character x Your Character
❤ = Strong craving
(AxB) = like.. FxF or FxM, this is my preferred line up for this story. I'm flexible usually, so just ask if you have another idea.

Original Plots
Story Idea
Deep in the snowy forests of Skadi wild spirits roam freely. Thaalia (MC) is the keeper of Skadi's Hearth, a shrine dedicated to the goddess which gives the forest its namesake. Her tribe has long protected the sacred places favored by the goddess, and knows of ancient magic to call upon her power in times of need. Despite being home to various holy sites, the forest is widely believed to be cursed. A noxious miasma, called the Black Mist, seeps from fissures in the ground and its corrupting influence turns mundane beasts into fell creatures. To keep the miasma in check, each year the Hearthkeeper must make a harsh winter pilgrimage around the mountain, hunting monsters and lighting the ritual pyres along the way.

Shortly after starting her pilgrimage, Thaalia encounters an injured (wo)man, YC, at the edge of a mountain trail. Lacking the suspicion of outsiders her tribesmen normally have, she brought YC to Skadi's Hearth and nursed her back to health. YC feeling they owe Thaalia a life debt, swears to serve and protect her. However, winter has already begun and the forest will become ever more dangerous until the pyres of the goddess are lit.

Running theme
Gods enjoy playing games through unsuspecting mortals.

Skadi and the other gods participate in a battle for control that they call the "Eternal Hunt", where mortal champions chase away the monsters of the Black Mist. They call it the "Eternal Hunt" because the Black Mist can never really be defeated, only forced to retreat until next winter. Each god can have their own champions, some which want the Black Mist to engulf the world, and others who want to seal it away. Lighting the pyres just happens to be Skadi's method of dealing with it, and her champion is Thaalia.

YC is one of these champions as well. And while our characters don't know it, sealing the Black Mist for good means they will have to join forces! Perhaps in more than one way ;3

My Character
Thaalia was born on an auspicious day according to her tribe's customs. That meant she was destined to be a hearthkeeper long before she ever knew what that meant. Her tribe had always been small and few, following the same nomadic lifestyle for generations. Thaalia, however, was trained in the 'old ways'. Instead of learning to hunt, she learned to commune with wild spirits. Instead of learning the songs, she was instructed on how to serve the goddess, the danger of the Black Mist, and the importance of the pyres.

Her tribe keeps a reverential distance from the Hearth and only visits to leave offerings. Despite being revered by her people, she struggles with loneliness even now. Isolated in this quiet place with only wild spirits to talk to, she has grown into a bit of an oddball. Having learned the wisdom of the spirits, she can is sharp and knowledgeable, but woefully naive about the rest of the world.


❀ Post-Apocalyptic
❀ Steampunk
❀ Cyberpunk
❀ High Fantasy (D&D, LotR, etc)
❀ Urban Fantasy (e.g. Dresden Files, Supernatural)
❀ Isekai (Needs a super good plot though)
❀ Arranged Marriages

General Pairings
❀ Hacker x Investigator (FxAny) ❤
❀ Hacker x Assassin (FxAny) ❤
❀ Priestess x Warrior (FxAny)
❀ Priestess x Monster (dragons, shifters, etc) (FxAny)
❀ Demon x Angel (FxAny)
❀ Witch/Sorceress x Warrior (FxAny)
❀ Witch/Sorceress x Royalty (FxAny) (Force Marriage idea for this)
❀ Princess x Foreign Royalty (FxFu/M) ❤
❀ Noble's Daughter x Tribal Warlord (FxAny) ❤
❀ Maid x Master (FxAny)
❀ Thief x Guard (FxAny)
❀ Workout Partners/Yoga Instructors (FxF) 1 2 3

Cyberpunk 2077
(Can just be cyberpunk-themed too)
❀ OC x OC

(All OC's only)
❀ Runner x Runner
❀ Assassin x Runner
❀ Assassin x Target

❀ Viera OC x Any OC
❀ Au Ra OC x Any OC

FFVII Remake
❀ Tifa x Canon/OC (FxAny)
❀ Tifa x Jessie (FxF)
❀ Jessie x OC (FxAny)

❀ OC Trainer x OC Trainer (FxAny)
❀ OC Trainer x Pokemon/Anthro (FxFu/M)

Fire Emblem
Azur Lane
Genshin Impact
Dark Souls

Not Craving any of the below anymore...

Original Plots
Story Idea
It's been six months since the Awakening happened. Random people began transforming into magical creatures of all kinds, anything from Minotaurs to vampires. Even more people are transforming everyday. The world is still reeling from the chaos this caused, and many are anxious about what the future holds. MC was a highschool boy who woke up one saturday morning as Succubus, and now has to deal with a new sexy body and all the quirks that comes with living as a sex demon. Worse still, it seems succubi don't survive on normal food, they live off the life essence. That means semen. She can drink, or take it from her other holes, but if she doesn't get enough she can die.

Our characters were friends before all this happened, but now YC is dangerously attracted to this fledgling succubus and offers to 'take one for the team' to save MC's life.

YC could have already transformed into some kind creature (A minotaur, ogre, werewolf, etc), and the gender doesn't matter so much, as long s/he can offer some cum once in awhile. ;3

Despite the smutty intro, I imagine this will play out a bit more like a slice of life, and I have some ideas for character drama later as well.

Story Idea
The war may have ended, but old grudges still remain. Born to opposed warrior clans, YC and MC were groomed to hate the other's family, and never offer them a shred of respect. However, both clans were loyal to an even more powerful family and for the sake of peace, they never went to war on the battlefield. Instead, the two clans brought their rivalry to the lord's court: either through political scheming or duels for honor. Our characters were swept into this world and, for awhile, they did hate each other, but as they grew older, those feelings changed.

When a mission from the Clan head sent them both to a distant city to fend off bandits (or monsters), MC and YC got hit by some strange magic or ate some fruit, which acted as an aphrodisiac. Our characters couldn't hold back and they spent a night together. However, the morning after was much more awkward.

Maybe this raunchy encounter made them think twice about their feeling towards one another? In any case, they could never let their families know or they would be disowned.

Harry Potter[/B]
❀ OC x Canon
❀ OC x OC

Fate Series
❀ Osakabehime x Canon (FxAny)
❀ Osakabehime x OC (FxAny)
❀ Osakabehime x Consort Yu (FxF)
❀ Scathach (Lancer) x Cú Chulainn (FxM)
❀ Scathach (Any) x Cú Chulainn (FxM)
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