Fx M or F Apocalyptic, Cobra Kai or Star Trek

Anna Skywalker

Jun 13, 2020
I'll keep this short and to the point. My main focus in writing is within original settings and with original characters though, I am open to fandoms and canon characters. There are very few fandoms I'm willing to write within and even fewer canon characters that I am willing to write. I'm open to about any era in time or fantasy futuristic ones as long as the general theme is made to be apocalyptic and accompany zombies. I'm also open to stories set within the Star Trek Universe or a modern day setting with a school/karate theme (The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai; I'm willing to write a story set in the 1980s or 2020).

- Third-person only.
- Modern, medieval, and futuristic.
- Realism or fantasy.
- I usually write multiple characters.
- A balance in story and sex.
- Real references for face claims.
- One paragraph up to five or six.
- I reply every one to five days.
- Long-term only.
- Discord or private messages.
- Open to discussing kinks.
- I write characters from their late teens to fifties.

It is a preference of mine to discuss things back and forth with whoever I'll be writing with. I'm not really into overcrowding a thread with information that may change at a later date. As stated above, I am mostly after a balance between story and sex. I'm not interested in heavily one-sided sexual stories. Please send me a private message if you're interested in writing together.
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