Fx Any Join me in the depths - R'lyeh's search thread


Totally not here to steal souls...
Feb 16, 2018
Somewhere in the ocean
Hello everybody!
Thank you for taking the time to peek at my thread. I'm in the process of doing a complete overhaul on my account, so make sure to check back for additions and alterations! To get started, i'm making a brand shiny new search thread! *Cue cheering and woo's from the crowd*

First things first, a few things that should always be addressed before going any further.
My Rules!
*duh duh duh*
Probably the most important one for me - THIRD PERSON ONLY. I cannot stress this enough. I WILL NOT participate in any role-play that is done in anything other than 3rd person. If you message me wanting first or second person, chances are i won't even respond. If you read only one rule off my page, please let it be this one.
No one liners.
Roleplays that consist of nothing but one line responses are dull and all together tedious. I'm not asking for an entire book in response, but a little effort goes a long way. I'll return the favor.
Now this one i'm more forgiving on, because i'm not innocent of ghosting either. If you can give a heads up before dropping, awesome. I will try to do the same. (sometimes life gets in the way. It happens. I fully understand.) If you aren't enjoying the RP, or just aren't sure where to go with it, reach out and let me know. Maybe we can work it out. If you need a break, totally cool.

Not so much a rule as a notice. I will NOT role-play through discord. Don't ask. I might be open to thread. PM is my preference.

With that business out of the way, how about a little about me section?
I am a 27 year old female. I have been role-playing for probably 15 years now. I consider myself pretty literate, but mistakes do happen. I value effort over skill level in a partner. I am a huge fan of detailed posts that really get into the nitty gritty of a character. I prefer fantasy or modern plays. Occasionally i can be convinced into a futuristic or Sci-fi plot but probably don't hold your breath. XD I play mainly female characters. Occasionally i can be talked into playing a secondary male character, but again, don't hold your breath. I will pair against any gender character with a preference for Male-Female relationships. For a quick sneaky at my kinks, here is my F-list. Please respect that if it's on my no's it's a NO, no matter what. If it's on the maybe list, i'm willing to try with the right story. May the odds be in your favor.

I'm equally interested in fandom based role-plays as well as original stories. There will be a list of quick connections and longer stories below.

Please, when you contact me, copy and paste the story idea you are interested in, along with your message. It will help me know exactly which part of the thread caught your attention.

Also, if you don't see anything that quite strikes your interest, but you think we might be good partners, shoot me a message anyway. We can try to work something out that suits the both of us.

The next section will be the story ideas. I'll break it into categories, Fandoms, Original stories, and finally just basic pairings with no real story behind it, but i think would be fun.
* denotes a craving

First off, we have our Fandoms -

Harry Potter
Always a favorite. I prefer to play with a mix of OC and Cannon characters, with the freedom to pick and choose events from the books that we want to keep or change to suit our own story. If you have a story idea in mind, feel free to share, or we can just make some random characters and drop them in. Lot's of opportunities with this one.

Huge fan of the pokeverse. There are multiple ways to play this one out -
Trainer - Trainer
Trainer - Pokemon* (a favorite, honestly. I prefer the trainer role, but can also play a pokemon.)
Pokemon - pokemon (less interested in this one tbh but if you have an idea, shoot it my way)

Trainer - Gijinka (Also less interested in this one, but again, willing to give it a go)

Star Vs the forces of evil
Another one i'd be welcome to going a few directions with. Either we use the general idea of the show and build our world, or we can use characters already made and build our own plot. Character pairings i would be interested in if we did purely a cannon run through would be -
Star - Toffee*
Star - Marco
Janna - Marco

Lovecraftian Mythos
Putting this one in the fandom section, though i'm not looking for a specific story in the mythos. Really just interested in the idea of taking some of the lore and adding it to a story. A little mystery, a little tentacle action maybe. Hit me up.

Lord of the rings
Mainly interested in OC characters just trying to survive the goings ons in the books. Maybe they run across the cannon characters and help them during their travels, but mainly it wouldn't focus too heavily on that. Or maybe it's an AU where our characters are given the job of taking the ring to mount doom. Lot's of possibilities.

A classic adventure story with the races from World of Warcraft. I'm not sure i need to go much deeper than that. XD

Same idea as above, but with Skyrim. Let's make some characters and run through an adventure using the lore of Skyrim/Elder scrolls.
Especially interested in Dragonborn - Dragon pairings.

I'd be interested to try and run a story that follows the general theme of saw, but the traps are all much more sexual in nature.

Ouran high school host club
I really just want to play this one. XD I see it being run as Haruhi and the host boys all as one big couple taking turns. Idk, let me know if you have any interest.

Not really interested in using any of the current princes or princesses. More interested in taking the classic stories and building a new story of the disney base. Would be extra interested in twisting the tales a bit.

Something along the lines of Tarzan. Girl wanders into the jungle and finds a wild man living with the animals. She teaches him to be more like a man, he teachers to express her wild side. Ideally a more romantic plot but not necessarily.

That's all for fandoms for the time being. Onto Original ideas!
I would like to play the first listed character of each idea.

Student - Professor
Sound's pretty basic, i know. Despite the over used cliche pairing, i'd really like to explore this one with an in depth plot driven story. How do they go about meeting up? Who initiates? Was it really all for the grade, or did one or both of them already have the desire? Maybe he's in a loveless marriage and his student is his escape? Maybe she gets pregnant and they have to hide it. Lot's of potential drama and room for a nice detailed story.

Human - Vampire
The old castle has stood for ages. Longer than anyone could remember. She found herself lost in the woods during a sudden storm and sought shelter, in the only place nearby. At first she thinks the castle is empty. That is, until she meets the strange man living there. He invites her to stay until the storm lets up. He's nice, quite formal, albeit a very odd man. The more time she spends with him though, the more she's certain the old legends must be true.

Servant - King/prince
1. She's always been there, quietly doing her duty. She's beautiful, but has never really stood out because... royalty can't love the help, right? But after coming across her and a few other maids bathing in the lake, he can't her out of his mind. He must profess his love to her.
2. He's royalty! He can take anyone he wants, right? Of course! He requests she come to his chamber one night, and of course she does, because she must! But he's waiting for her, and demands she strip or he will do it for her!

Princess - Prince
A classic tale of betrothal. Is it a good match, or one made against their will? Warring kingdoms? Or a time of peace?

Princess - Servant
Another pretty classic pair. Does he force himself on her and she secretly likes it, therefor not turning him in? Maybe she's supposed to marry an awful prince, but her heart lies with her personal servant?

Princess - knight
They were the best of friends when they were children. He went away to learn to be a knight. She of course had to learn to be future queen. Now that he's back, will they rekindle their friendship? Will it become more than that?

Princess - Outlaw/bandit
Was she really kidnapped for ransom? Or did she go willingly with the rugged stranger?

Bellow are all incest plots
(All can be run in a fantasy setting as well. In fact that might be more fun!)

Daughter - father
Another pretty classic pairing but i have a few different directions i like to take this one. A few con ideas, a few dub ideas, even a few non con ideas.
1. the naive daughter - Daddy's little princess. She has no real ideas about the ways of men, but she's blossomed into a beautiful young woman and boys are sure to notice. Not wanting her to be taken advantage of and have her innocent tainted, he decides to take it upon himself to show his little girl the ways of the world. Perhaps it started out as something he didn't mean to last, but she becomes his lover and they move their relationship from familial to something else entirely. Perhaps she even gives him a whole new family to love.
2. Daughter sees that darling daddy is lonely and sad. He needs a good woman in his life to tend to his needs and by god, why shouldn't it be her? Starting off slowly, or jumping right in, either way she makes her advances and he is receptive!
3. On the internet, you can be anybody, and you can talk to anyone. They meet on a website for fast hookups and after some playful texts and suggestive photos, they agree to meet at a hotel and act out their deepest desires. But oh no, when they arrive they see they are actually father and daughter. Will they put a stop to this behavior, or recognize the clear bond they have and take it further?
4. Nobody else should be allowed to touch her. Jealousy is a terrible thing, and it can lead to terrible actions. Unwilling to watch his little girl tainted by the dirty boys of the world, he takes it upon himself to make sure she is never touched by anyone, but him. Whether she likes it or not.

Daughter - Father - Uncle - Brother
Similar stories as above, but with an extra person. It's not just daddy who has eyes for his little girl. Maybe her uncle wants a piece of that action, or perhaps her brother.

Sister - Brother
1.They were always close, but lately, they had been growing closer. Maybe things at home aren't great, and they seek solace in each other. Maybe they are from a wealthy home and all they really have is each other because mother and father are too busy to notice them. Maybe they are just curious what it's like to be with the opposite sex. Maybe one of them is jealous of the other one getting a boyfriend or girlfriend.
2. He's always lusted after his sister. It's wrong, sure, but that's part of the enjoyment he gets out of it. Over the years he's snuck into her room when she was asleep for a quick touch, or maybe a lewd photo to hold him over. But that isn't enough anymore. He needs to be with her, whether she wants it or not. (Especially interested in the sleep aspect of this one. How much can he get away with before she wakes up? Or does he just drug her so he can do as he pleases without worry?)

Entire family
It's always been apart of their family. (Either the mother or father.) When they married, their spouse was receptive to the odd tradition and on each of their children's birthdays, (We can pick the age) they are welcomed into the family tradition by the parents of the opposite sex taking their virginity in front of the rest of the family.
Another take on this one would be a large family reunion where the kid or kids are introduced for the first time to the family tradition.

A bit more taboo

Medical play
A young patient, a corrupt Doctor.
It's her first exam. She's nervous, but it's perfectly normal to go through this, right? He's grown bored of always looking but not touching. She's innocent, right? She'd have no idea if what he was doing was what he was supposed to do, right? He can have a little fun, can't he?

She doesn't remember much. There was a loud noise, a bright light maybe. All she knows now, is she is strapped to a table with a number of people in lab coats staring at her. Various strange looking implements are on the tables around her. (Could be Human on Human, or maybe Alien on Human)

The strange creature and I
Heavily based on a hentai. A young woman (MC) lives alone. One evening as she's spending some time with herself, there is a crack in the ceiling and an odd little tentacle monster falls from the ceiling. They spook each other, but then he talks. He needs a moist environment to live in (Hence the attic) and he feeds on female sexual fluids. He's surprisingly nice and helpful around the house, so she decides to feed him and they begin a sort of mutually beneficial relationship. If he wants to go out in the world, he can either hide beneath her clothing, or inside her womb making her appear pregnant. As their relationship grows, she even begins incubating his eggs for him so he can reproduce.

Even more Taboo

A girl and her dog
(Dog can be a human transformed, have a mental connection to her, or just be a dog)
She'd never heard of it before, but now that she had, she couldn't get it out of her head. Surely if no one knew, it wasn't a bad thing right? Just something for her and her faithful pet to enjoy.

In a more medieval setting - There is a small town bordering a forest or perhaps a large mountain. (Depending on which beastie you want to take) For centuries, every few hundred years the most beautiful girl in the village is sacrificed to the guardian. (A large wolf or maybe a dragon) This time, rather than eat her, he decides to make her his mate and bearer of his offspring. She is raised to a deity like status so long as she remains by his side and accepts his seed.

The forest
A large forest that nobody dares enter. Said to be home to untold evils that nobody could survive. Surely it's just stories right? Hopefully, because she has to enter the forest and fine her way through. Unfortunately, they weren't just stories.
This one includes a little bit of everything. Sentient plants, various beasties after her. Tribal creatures, giant insects. The list is endless really.

Beauty and the beast
She stumbles across the old castle in the middle of a storm. She must seek refuge, though the old legends echo in her mind. A beast resides there. Surely though... it can't be real. She enters the castle and things are quiet, that is, until the beast makes his presence known. He could force himself on her, or try to win her over slowly. Either way, In order to be cursed of his... affliction... he must bed a woman who loves him, whether she chooses to or not.
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