Psyduck's Dreams (NSFW)


Sep 23, 2019
Feeling inspired by some of the threads I have seen here, I decided to also start a little collection of gifs that I find inspiring and enticing. As those who have seen my request thread might know, I have a huge weak spot for older men, and particularly them being with younger women (and yes, my own bf is quite a bit older than me).

Here, I'll be keeping some image references I'm using in role-plays, in case people want some inspiration:












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Most people don't realize it , but that that their preference for method of entry is dictated by their individual anatomy. The placement of their internal organs, and how the anus, labia and vagina are innervated have a tremendous bearing of how it feels best for you.

These gif's of course are porn and the performers are only doing their job! Lol
Most people don't realize it , but that that their preference for method of entry is dictated by their individual anatomy. The placement of their internal organs, and how the anus, labia and vagina are innervated have a tremendous bearing of how it feels best for you.

These gif's of course are porn and the performers are only doing their job! Lol

That's very true, different positions work for different people. For men it can also be really different, and it's not just the view or the like, it's also the shape of everything.
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Very true! The physical "construction" each partners body (where and how the Genitals are "located" on their bodies has an immense effection on "how they'll fit together" which often determining success or failure ni terms of sexual pleasure and satisfaction..
Absolutely! It's really important to have a good match in that regard, and perhaps even more important, to experiment on what works well for both partners.
Definitely! Absolutely! I would say though, that - given the complexity of a woman's sexual body - and the number of "masters" that need to be "served," (compared to a man's) - that even though accommodations can be made, getting the "perfect fit" for a woman is far more difficult that for a man.
That's true enough, and it has led to me having a certain taste, because seriously, I like it when things work well!
Gosh... it's a long time since we've talked. I didn't know you remembered me. Mabe YOU dodnt but the "system" did.

I like your new gif , but an older woman would more enjy the depth of the pleasures of be "eaten out."

I like your new idea, but i'm not a fan of blackmail. I might play tis another way., though. I have to think about it.
It is!

And I can't help it, I love playing younger girls with all the extra issues that entails. But that's just me I guess.
I don't mind your being a young girl... are you even a girl? and I'm just not into blackmail ! here are plenty of other things to do with a young girl loving/caring/wanting/worshiping/ living with/sucking and or fucking an older man.
Oh absolutely! I'm no longer a young girl, but there is something about that period of life that I love to play. And you're right, there are plenty of things that can be done in such a pairing. It just needs something to overcome the natural hesitance for risking everything with a girl.
".....but there is something about that period of life...."
I'm with you on that friend! If you wasnt t play that very scene (Blackmail) that isn't for me, if you'd entertain a different sceario - maybe and older uncle teaching his youn abused niece what love, caring, and /or sex is. I could do that. I'm happy to listen to your ideas, too. I'm flexible. No hard feeling either way. It's nice to get to know you more - regardless.
I understand that blackmail isn't for everyone and I think that we could indeed set something up. I personally prefer to avoid incest, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any options. For my current request, part of my character's background would be that she has been through quite some abuse, which has really twisted her perspective. That is something that could also be included in another story where a man somehow wins her trust and love. There would however still be the question of why he would want a young girl like her because I'm not the biggest fan of it just being sexual attraction. I like there to be some sort of conflict.
Pardon the delay in replying

Agreed. Pure sexual attraction is a bit sophomoronic (sic), there has to be something else.

Being a nurturer I would like to help this young girl "grow" as a result of whatever relationship we mght have. I don't have to be her uncle - of something technically incestuous.I could be a mentor, or and friendly neigbor that she takes a liking or affection to, and things are succh that she need to experience love or loving - to "check that box" or get over her viginity, or just do it a whole lot to "get it under her belt," or just KNOW about it. He M/C does enjoy it- it woul be a disservice to her just to "go through the motions" - knowing that her sex really DOES excite this man, but he lets her be the drived and doesn't push. When she doesn't snuggle up to him - which is her way of signaling him - he doesn't press her. He's older and doesn't have the drive of one of her 17 (15?) year old contemporaries.

Sorry for the operetta. I though you might like to know where I was coming from.
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It is!

And I can't help it, I love playing younger girls with all the extra issues that entails. But that's just me. Especially because of the taboos around it and the breaking of boundaries. Additionally, I really like morally strong men, and just going for a younger girl like that doesn't really fit it of course.

And a gif:
My Dear Psyduck,

I know you can't help it, and it's OK. We all have those kinds of paradoxical dreams. I myself am fascinated by some of the truly irrational things I too thnk about.

I especially like THIS gif (your new one) - for the pleasure and excitement it brings/has brought you, but also for it's mindlessness, and the business of producing porn.

I WOULD like to Fuck your brains out (and have the endurance of the man in the "looped" gif Lol) but my idea of fucking your brain out is not you happy like you just got "triple word" in scrabble, but you being so lost in pleasure, thad you're barely able to keep you head up, and we both still haven cum yet!

Or do I have it wrong?

Maybe you wising to be 17 again? Or being that carefree or innocent?
It indeed is a beautiful gif, it's all about enjoyment which I crave the most. I just love that feeling of truly losing myself to love and to have someone give that to me. And the age also helps, it feels transgressive, which always helps. And yes, there always is a past with lost opportunities and all that.
I this THAT - specifically is the point - your age (I know you're not 17) is a big factory is a big factor in losing yourself in love. Even know when - and if - you can be in a meaningful sexual embrace the depth of the experiece can be rivaly by any experience you had when you were 17 (like in the gif - which is porn... the true meaning of pornography.)

Of course the other side of the argument (though is IS a different argument) is that you were "brand new" when you were 17 (or 13 0r 11 or 8) so you had no frame of reference: you body had no idea and the reflex arcs had not been set up yet!.
In a way, that certainly is a thing. I like the idea of being young again, free from what happened later. But I hope you understand that I won't go too deeply into that sort of thing!

And another gif:
Yes I like this gif too - youc an just imaging his glans massaging her g-spot and Cervix. Even the way her breasts jiggle takes you back I'll bet.

Re: "... I hope you understand that I won't go too deeply into that sort of thing!" Of course I understand! That's why I'm writing you! I don't want you to forget that it can't be the carefree "let's just Fuck - there's no risk" sex that it used to be. BUT NOW , the encounters you have (if you are having any) have much more depth and meaning to them... even verrbal.... or would you disagree? I can match you - one for on - on missed opportunity / mis-spent youth.

Send me as many gifs as you want. I want to hear what your willing to tell me.
The written ones indeed have meaning, but nothing can ever match what one could never have. There's just such a deep difference because it's not real, and the imagined will always be better than the real.

True, but remember part of it - actually MOST of it - is far more than just matching the plug to the socket.

Have you ever had a spontaneous orgasm without being penetrated or fingered?
Oh absolutely. It's not just physical. I've had orgasms without touch to my lady parts, but that takes quite something in my case at least. How about you?

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