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Mx F or NB Mind Control and Transformation


Jun 4, 2020
Hi all. I'm looking to get into a roleplay involving transformation, mind control, and a whole other mass of kinks (of which I'll try to provide a list below.) The types of transformations they'll be will vary wildly. I have plenty of ideas I'd like to explore, but I'm open to any suggestions my partner may have. I like to keep open communication to ensure we're both having fun.

But you're not here to read me grousing about etiquette. Here's a few potential scenarios I'd like to explore:

S1: I'm a brilliant scientist, advancing the field of nanotechnology in leaps and bounds. A year ago I developed nanotechnology that can function inside a human, controlling every last function and aspect of them right down to their DNA. Problem is, I haven't been able to get approved for human testing. After a year of struggling to get approval, I start considering whether I might have to test without approval, the world needs this technology. And who better to test it on than someone I can keep a close eye on and monitor, such as my own stepdaughter?

S2: The setting is a small farming town. Population hasn't been above 5 digits its entire existence. The sort of place where not going to church on sunday is considered as much a sin as the worst of them. The head pastor recently died under myserious circumstances, but thankfully someone has already taken their place. He's slick, charming, and there's just a hint of brimstone if you really try to pick up the smell. He's here to guide all the lost lambs in the true way.

S3: I'm a guidance counselor at school, and you've always been the biggest trouble student. Loud, obnoxious, constantly getting sent to me for bullying. Finally, I decide to try hypnosis on you only to find it works extraordinarily well. Years of pent up frustration ensure my goals with this in mind will be anything but noble.


If you have a suggestion for a mind control/transformation scenario you'd like to explore, I'd love to hear it. Of all the kinks I'll list after this, those are the only two I truly need to enjoy a roleplay. With that said, here's some kinks off the top of my head I enjoy exploring in a story.

Intelligence Reduction
Dress Control
Breast Growth
Mind Break
Extreme hole stretching

Some definite turnoffs/no-go's:
Anything furry (cow partial exception)
Any superhero stories.
Any RP in an established fictional universe (Harry Potter, Witcher, etc)
Any clown stuff.

I can enjoy most everything though, so if you enjoy transformation/mind control and want to explore your own kink besides those I will be more than happy to entertain it.

I'd like to do the roleplay on a chat program as well, skype/kik/whatever. Not so big a fan of doing it by email/forum. If this interested you, please PM me so we can discuss. Look forward to hearing from you.
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I just wanna stress that the only mediums I'll use are skype, discord, kik, or anything else that facilitates live chat. I genuinely don't know why some like or prefer to do it by forum post or email, but those mediums are far too slow in my opinion. Sorry if that rules someone out, no judgement on my part.

Though if someone's bored and kind enough to reach out and explain why that's your preference, I'd be genuinely interested to find out why. Either way, hope whoever's reading this has an excellent week ahead; take care of yourselves.
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