
Queen of Obscure Pairings
Apr 29, 2012
Basically with the plot, but paired with my OC X The Shame Wizard

[Title/Job Profession]
Thee Addiction Sorceress
[Full name]
Her real name is unknown. Since she was abandoned, at a foundlings home (only a couple months old) She has chosen to go by the abbreviation of her Profession “TAS” Finally giving her self her own name.
Amityville Horror/Tim Burton reject (Slurs by Connie)
She is also a personification of Pyromania. But sadly, being born with the Blood Illness Deadly Personification Manifestation is a recurrent illness in some Monster families.
She still caught in human years, then monster years. 19 going on 20, but she doesn’t act her physical age.
She’s has a precocious nature. She mentally thinks/acts like a thirty years old. Though still being a late-teen/young adult, she does have her moments, where she does indeed act her age.
5’6’’ in shoes
[Place of Birth]
Somewhere in the Monster Dimension. But if you want to get technical, she was born in their version of England/Wales.
[Lives in]
The main Capital of the Monster Dimension
Since she is a Poltergeist, and the root-word does link back to German.
So she is of Germanic roots. Or the Monster Race’s version of Germanic roots
Given her Profession, she knows them all.
(Though admittedly some may be difficult, then others)
And as her name implies, she is THEE! addiction monster. She comes to all ages, once puberty hits.
Think of her like demonic possession, hence her Poltergeist nature. She manifests when the addiction gets stronger.
But she handles all addictions! No matter how benign, or dangerous they are.
Tas’ life started in a foundlings home ( and she likes to joke, she was born out of thin air, she had no parents. Though nowadays does question, ‘ Maybe I was right, after all?’) In these days she had not a name, but just a number. This wasn’t the best of foundlings home either. Not because there was neglect or abuse, the staff didn’t want to get attached. They choose to be professionally indifferent. Hench having numbers replace names, believing naming would cause attachment problems. Now let us fast forward to her early adolescence, as her infant/toddlers years are of no real great importance.
Her adolescence years were far more competitive, as schooling and business opportunities would be offered to the foundlings. Foundlings who past would be granted the position of imaginary friend, and from there, could leave the home and go live with their selected human. That was when Tas’ darker side start to take root. As people know there only two main core emotions, fear, and love. And she feared she would lose. So to lessen the competition she started to turn foundling against foundling, to have infighting. Then seek a way to work on her studies, and graduated top of her class, as all others were far too busy fighting. Choosing not to work together as a classroom stood. All part of her plan to look better in compression. She felt no guilt for her actions, she wanted out of this shit hole! Only at 6, she saw a bigger picture.
And frankly cared not for her classmates, she was what you called a social loner if that could even be coined a real term. She didn’t really wish to insert herself to a group, but if asked, she was more then happy to Tagalog, or interject some witty conversion. She wanted others to make the move, actions spoke louder than words. But this wasn’t always the case, she learned the hard way. She tried to make friends, but she always came off a bit ‘touched’ to them. And only called upon her when they wanted some entertainment. She was not here for their amusement, so she was ‘screw them!’ what soon created her now ‘ social loner’ behavior. She came around now when she wanted too, for her own amusement. To twist and mess with their emotions of her own enjoyment.
...What said early about her it didn’t take long for her human to reject her. She started to give her additive personal traits and was far too clingy to her. Wanting her around all he time, not letting her go off and be alone with her family. Doing things that cause her human to get blamed, with her human saying“sparkles did that, not me” (Tas’ name at the time don’t ask)
The final straw that broke the camel’s back was when Tas give her human pyromaniac trendies. It was all fun and games until she demands her human to burn down her house. When her parents refused her human’s wish to get newest and fancy game system that was on the market. Waiting for them to fall asleep, then dragged her out, spun her around to face the house from the driveway.
Then pointed an index finger towards the house, demanding that she “BURN IT DOWN!”Then slowly her image started to change before the girl’s eyes. Her icy blue eye begun to glow an eerie glow, and talons formed from were normal fingernails once where. The human didn’t like what she saw, stepping away slowly. That was when her human denounced her. Stunning Tas, her friend denying her very being. Tas then offered the girl grin. A very wicked grin. Snapping her fingers she formed aflame in her hand, then send that fireball flying into the house. Tas too looked stunned at what she did, all. “Wait...I..did...this?” Then started laughed, loving this new form of power and freedom.
Naturally, this got her now x-client toss in a mental ward, since adults would never believe it was their daughter’s imaginary friend . Where Tas herself was tossed in monster’s world version of Juvie.
Tas was in lockup, till she was 13. During her stay, they realized she was one of those unlike ones, a creature born to be a personification. It seems she a represented of Addiction, and her subcategory was pyromania. They worked hard to get her back to the stable mental state, but it seems Tas was always going to be bit ‘funny.’
While in there she was tossed into another program, only this time it was trying to find jobs for deadly/wicked personifications. Naturally, Tas did the same there as she did back in a foundling home, on the sly. And managed to rise to new heights, and claimed Thee main face of Addictions.
Which brings us today...


Given their jobs, a good % of their ‘ Clients’ (children) do overlap. Since with Addiction, feelings of shame do follow behind. This isn’t always the case for everyone, but mostly, yes. Wouldn’t you agree?

They look at each other as sparring partners. Always trying to outdo the other. (trying to outdo the other), till they burn one another, and watch the utterly strange organized chaos they have created. (of course, in the end, the children always suffer. As these two, have yet to find a balance. Not yet knowing they should work together, then against one another)

But of course, when on the job they do fight a lot, but in a very professional manner. And surely shit must be said under their breath, in hopes the other will hear, to get a rise out of the other.

And Shame is irked at how he has to deal with a ‘ child’ too. (Though it seems a lot in the department over look this, or trend to forget completely) But even so, they are still co-workers, meaning she is his peer and equal (in a sense) Even if she is old enough to be his granddaughter

But Tas precocious nature does draw him in and intrigues him. And he has admitted to her, he enjoys her company greatly when sparring, or when they are being civil in the break room. She is a nice little distraction. And frankly, she offers more input and thought into things, then their other Co-Workers. And her being the first to genuinely enjoys talking to him, or giving him a few smirks/chuckles at his stories/jokes, may have explained why she has earned a special spot in his heart. Feeling he can call her, something close to a friend.

And soon Tas becomes his own shame. Yes! Shame had ended up manifesting feelings for tas. Which makes him a GRADE-A-Hippocratic. Since she is old enough to be his granddaughter. and that is pretty shameful. (it also seems Maury has become aware of his truth. And now chooses to torment him, just like how he has tormented Andrew and himself on many occasions)

Shame Does indeed carry his own ‘ hellfire’ of this woman. However, he keeps this hellfire of his, to himself. He is nothing like that one french archdeacon/judge. But still, such an eternal hellfire rages inside his very soul, whenever he sees this woman.

Yet he continues to hide it well, and not letting it interfere with this work, though there have been times he has slipped. But he masterfully manages to talk Tas to another topic. Or by some odd chance, some outside interrupt happens, drawing their attention to that.



When first coming to the department, she kept to herself. It was Shame who she met her last when dealing with one of her clients, that just so happened was also his. They had heard about one another in passing, but their ideas of one another were completely off.

He told her, he hadn’t expected her to be so young. And she taking offense to that told him, she didn’t accept him to be so old! He laughed it off. Calling her ‘Plucky’

It became clear to them, they shared a huge portion of the same children. So they started off rocky. She loved playing the ‘ anything you can do, I can do better’ game with him. And when Addiction was higher on the charts, and Shame was dropping, she happily rubbed it into his face.

Telling him he has been replaced, she is reigning supreme. (linking back to when he was ‘ feeling irksome’ by her, having to deal with what he considered as a self-entitled child. Still baffled at how someone so young landed such a job.)

It was only a little bit later did Tas notice, how people talked about him, behind his back. Or how they treated him, outright. And secretly, she did hate it. As it reminded of herself back in the foundling home. So she could relate. (Tas is not without a heart, but rarely did she use it. It took to much)

She then decided to pull back a little, on her own fighting with him. But kept her facade of them being Frenemies, when around him, or when on the job with him. But like Shame, she too ‘ slipped’ many times, and ended up letting him in. Even going as far as forgetting herself, at times. Like laughing at his joke, nor did she force it. They were real chuckles. Or when Tas was having an off day, he offered her hand. A place to vent. And she took it. And realizing how many hours passed so fast, with them merely talking. Oh how she found a rather strange, kind of solace with him during their Battles of Wit and mighty. Or how she enjoyed him, inadvertently becoming her teacher. Showing her some of his own dirty tricks, as well as “tricks of the trade.” She had stated to like the attention he offered her, when they were not sparring. Starting to see they where turning into something more then just Frenemies.


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Soon it became complicated, as it seemed both of their higher-self’s knew they liked each other. The two saw how compatible they where for each other, but where just far to awkward with themselves . Letting their true feelings only escape(ever so slightly), during their ‘Sparring Matches’

They knew they were no longer Frenemies. But their pride/egos refused to bend to their own wills. And still continued to safe face. Still believing they where nothing more, but close work acquaintances. Soon starting to deny to themselves , ‘how could he/she ever love someone like me?

And still they continue, trying to suppress their feelings. And for the most part they managed to function properly, when around each other. But the tension ( as well as sexual tension), was slowly building up. It was only a matter of time, till someone would finally snap!

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