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Fx Any Panda Seeking DM for story


Leader of the Cardboard Cult
Jan 20, 2019
Texas CST
Greetings and hello! I am the Restless Panda and I am looking for a GM. Specifically, I am looking for an RP partner who wants to run me through a story, with the backbone of a TTRPG game system. Let's get some of the details out of the way.


I am an avid Rper. I have 10+ years of RPing and it is my favorite hobby next to D&D and other TTRPGs.

I want to be taken on an adventure. Be that fantastic or horrific or beyond infinity, I want to create a character and experience a new world.


I am very okay with sexual themes in TTRPGs. As long as stuff makes some level of sense, I'm down.

Things I'm not okay with includes but is not limited to scat, vore, gore, godmodding, watersports, underaged, and execessive pain. Anything else will be noted should it arise.

Things I'm okay with is a long list, and varies from RP to RP. if you have an idea, or want to try something, let's go. But I reserve the right to time out.

I REQUIRE people to be up front and honest with me. I NEED people to let me know if they are just gonna dip out, or aren't feeling it, or want to go a different direction. I'll respect you more for it.


What am I looking for? As far as settings is concerned, I'm the most used to Fantasy, but I am open to SciFi, Modern, Horror, X-Punk, Super Hero, and Anime.

What tone am I? I land a healthy mix of Over the top Anime with Marvel. I guess if you wanted to know how I write, take FF7 Advent Children and mix it with Metal Gear Solid.

How MUCH do I write? It depends. I write scene to scene, moment to moment. I do NOT over describe stuff or feelings or senses because I want the story to move on. If I write multi-para, its because I have something to say. If I have a 3 line post, its because I want the scene to flow and move on. Sometimes, It's just dialogue, and there's only so much fiddling around I can deal with.


Need some idea of what I'd be down for? Okay, here are a few that I'm familiar enough with to have characters for.

The Curse of Strahd
A world covered in darkness, ruled by the devil and governed by the night. A twisted land where the dead roam free, and the sun never shines. A wandering adventurer finds themselves trapped in the mists that plague this world, and cannot leave without confronting the Dark Lord Strahd...

Hoard of the Dragon Queen
The Dragon Cult is on the move. All over the continent the masses are being plagued by the worshipers of Tiamat, who are planing on the revival of their Dreaded Queen. An adventurer is swept up in the chaos, and goes on a journey to take down the cult, and end the rise of Tiamat.

Tomb of Annihilation
Jungles! Curses! Treasure! All of this and more awaits in the distant land of Chult. When zombies rise in the dinosaur filled landscape, whispers are spread of an ancient tomb that has terrible powers withing. An adventurer sets sail to this far off land in search of riches, but what will they find?

Eberron Setting
Ravnica Setting

Have a story you want to tell instead? I'm all ears!


Systems and Games

I'm MOST familiar with D&D 5e, but I'm willing to learn another system if need be. I\ve played some 3.5 and 4e. I\m also open to World of Darkness and L5R. Pathfinder is cool, and so is other indie games. I'm always down to learn.


I hope I've given you enough to consider taking me on as a player. I would love to RP, be it in game or out, but this is my first and foremost want. I'm available here, in DMs or Discord.

Hope to hear from... well... Somebody.
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