Fx Any Getting High on Skye! (NSFW Links)


Jun 30, 2013
Hello there! I'm Skye and I like to roleplay!

I've been roleplaying for over a decade now, though the majority of that hasn't been online. I like to think of myself as a creative and descriptive writer when given something fun to play with. I massively prefer plot to smut, but when it makes sense to the story I go all out! My tastes vary wildly with only a few common threads, so feel free to suggest whatever you're into!

The themes I keep coming back to are:
1) 'Alternative' clothing styles, especially corsets, piercings, and tattoos.
2) Younger girls. Most of the characters I play are younger than 20, though this isn't a hard and fast rule.
3) Exciting or dramatic situations! Dull [teacher/student] style pairings just don't do it for me. I need something to be going on!

Aside from those, I'm very flexible. I tend not to play dominant characters, but I'm more than happy to let you convince me otherwise. I'm a fan of breaking taboos, anal sex, and a whole host of BDSM niches. I'm happily and openly pansexual, so I'm happy to play with males, females, or anyone else! With that in mind, please don't hesitate to mess with the genders of any of the plot seeds I have included below!

I'm keen to hear all your fun ideas! Here're some images to get your imagination rolling!

Cyberpunk/Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13

Scifi: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Steampunk/Victoriana: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Fantasy/Medieval: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Anime (You'll have to work to convince me on a heavily anime based RP): 1 2 3 4 5 6

Setting free girls I could envision playing! If you're presenting your own idea one of these girls might work as my character!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Stuff I could be persuaded to try given the right ideas:
o Incest
o Besiality
o Other non-human characters (Probably robots/androids/similar)
o Heavy non-con
o Large -to- incredibly large breasts

If none of that got those creative juices flowing, here's some ideas that I had! Feel free to chop up, mix, or completely change any of them! It's definitely not an exhaustive list!
(Ideas I'm particularly keen for are in bright red!)

1) The Depths of Bedlam.
Elizabeth Huntington is a well-bred girl of good character and quick wit, born to an aristocratic family in Victorian London. As was expected she was married off to strengthen her families' ties to their potential rivals and allies. Unfortunately, her new husband, nearly twenty years her senior, had other ideas. Shortly after the wedding, he paid the appropriate people to have Elizabeth sectioned in Bedlam, leaving him the sole executor of her estate.
Elizabeth is alone and desperate, subject to the bizarre and terrifying whims of both the staff and the inmates.

2) Price of Power.
Armour has been protecting her city for years. A set of psionic armour that she barely understands is the only thing protecting her from a world of crime and sin. Her innocence and naivete have caused problems for her in the past, and to any outside observer it is clear that some day soon someone truly nasty will take her down. Lucky for her, there's a new hero in town. Older, more experienced, and more pragmatic, they could hold the key to saving Armour from herself... or corrupting her forever.

3) The Light Fantastic.
Chloe is an ordinary girl, but Middleton High is not an ordinary school. Located at the confluence of three ley-lines of arcane power, the school draws in the unusual, the perceptive, and the magically aware. An open secret to those in the know, Middleton is populated by a host of paranormal and supernatural creatures, all living in a fragile truce, drawing power from its uniquely magical location. Chloe knows none of this. She just wants to pass her classes and make some friends, though others may assume more sinister motives.

4) The Forests of Coravia.
The fabled forests of Coravia have enthralled travellers and adventurers for centuries, their ancient temples and ruined cities offering wealth and fame beyond compare should they be found. Unfortunately the forest is home to an almost unimaginably various selection of deadly plants and animals, limiting exploration to the terminally brave or cripplingly foolhardy. Rin carries traits from both, having taken her father's sword to find the money to save her family from their debts. Rin has no idea what she is in for, and her only hope for survival is a kindly stranger teaching her how to survive. Obviously, upon finding a young and beautiful girl lost in the woods a stranger may have other ideas.

5) Interstellar Eden.
Naria grew bored of her planet early. Even as a child the idea of working to marry to have children to work for you seemed bafflingly dull when compared to the infinite possibilities of space. She had always been capable with machines, but it wasn't until a rustbucket called the Zephyr landed in the local spaceport that she realised that this could be her escape. After completely rehauling the aft compression coil she simply asked to stay on as a permanent engineer. The previous mechanic was displeased at being replaced, but this stopped mattering when they left him on Asphodel. Now Naria is flying on a ship she's still learning about with a crew that she didn't think to get to know before she left. She's got a long way to go.

6) The Streets with Secret Names.
Mae had nothing to lose. Everything had gone to shit. Another night in a dead-end counter jockey job and she was eating sugar every thirty minutes to prevent the shadows from settling down in her head.
Dumb punk comes in and shoves a gun in Mae's face and says to give him the cash. Sign on the door: “No more than $100 in register at any time.”
Dumb punk.
Mae's contempt was absolute and she had nothing to lose. She looked at his pinprick eyes and sweaty skin and said the first thing that came into her head.

“Eat me.”

Click. Click. Click.

And then he stopped pulling the trigger on the empty gun because the words “eat me” were bursting out all over his face, trickles of blood running all over like windshield glass from a drunk’s highway wipeout. He started screaming then. He was still screaming when they took him away.

Mae went out into the night. She played in traffic. She insulted motorcycle gangs. She took a kid’s skateboard and
sailed off a bridge into the frigid water below with her eyes closed and her hands in her pockets. The power built and built and built and she realized something.

She was alive. For the first time in what felt like ages.

The occult underground opened and swallowed her up, showing her the magic and mystery that she could access just by letting herself go into the arms of chaos. The Underground's other members are keen to meet someone with such a talent for entropomancy, and share in her joy for letting go. Mae's body is crackling with arcane power, and as she unleashes her affinity for entropy almost anything could happen.

7) The City of Thieves.
Song has been thieving in the city of Inar since her early teens, and has become quite adept, traversing the rooftops in complete silence picking her targets. She has run with several different crews, some of which are quite directly antagonistic, but she has no real loyalty for anything but coin. She's had word, from some quite reliable sources, of a really big score, but there's a chance that her past may catch up to her before she even manages to pit her wits against it's defenders.

8) Neon Streets.
In the near future, America is dominated by enormous hive-cities and run by mega-corporations that use their incredible influence to control near every facet of daily life. These companies use illegal, underground paramilitary groups to compete in transient proxy-wars, using cyberware, software, and wetwork to attempt to sabotage each-others' operations. Kay has been working in this dangerous system for a while, using her cybernetics and her quick wits to stay alive despite any number of opponents. Her crew love her like a little sister, while her foes hate her like a demon.

9) The Power Inside
Sakura was a normal girl, working hard to balance her school work with her social life. She muddled through life, getting good grades and making close friends, until received an unusual parcel in the post. Upon opening it, she discovered a magical staff of pure white wood. When she picked it up she felt power surge through her, changing her into something more powerful than she could have imagined!

There are others like her. Other girls that take part in the fight to defend humanity, and Sakura quickly fell into a loose team of girls with similar abilities. In high tension scenarios, romances can flourish, or will the forces of darkness manage to take Sakura away before one of her team-mates admits their feelings.

10) Made Men and Owned Girls.
Jackie Diamond is a stone cold killer. He runs Chicago's criminal underworld with an iron fist, crushing anyone in his way utterly without remorse or second thought. He has an eye for the ladies, especially those he has taken from his opponents, and ensures that he always has a bombshell at his side. The girls come and go at his whims, and he brooks no disagreement. Rosie is new to this. Her boyfriend dropped her off at Diamond's mansion after being told in no uncertain terms that she was too good looking for him. She's young, naive, and out of her depth. Just the way he likes them.

11) After the End.
The world ended months ago. Civilization crumbled, man turned against itself, and the dead rose from their graves. The dust has settled now, but there is little left. Small groups of scavengers pick their way across cracked asphalt and through ruined buildings. Life is nasty, brutish, and short, but mankind survives. Ella has been travelling alone since the death of her father, and is desperate for companionship. Will she meet a kindly guardian? A manipulative abuser? Or maybe someone even worse...

13) Tearaways.
Kaya is just starting sixth-form in a dull college in a dull town in a dull part of a dull country. She's going just because it's something to do. A way to meet some people and maybe have some fun. She knows there's nothing interesting to learn in school, but there should be plenty of booze to drink and spliff to smoke. She's out to find a group of friends and then waste her life on sex, drugs, and rock and roll!

14) Deus Ex Kori.
The Morrigan is the ancient Gaelic goddess of death, war, and strife. She lead her crows to battlefields across central and northern Europe, spreading panic, confusion, and frenzy wherever she went. She was present at massacres from Verdun to Ulster, driving the populace into wild hysteria.
Irish immigrants brought her to the states where she gorged her appetites on the fields of the civil war. She is war distilled down into a transient human form.

Khloe is a teenage girl living a fairly humdrum life in a small town. Her life is turned upside down when the Morrigan reveals herself to be Khloe's mother and draws her into a world of demigods and monsters. There are others out there with similar heritage, and Khloe will have to work with the scions of other gods to protect her mother's divine position.

15) The Sins of the Father.
Sarah has blossomed into a beautiful young lady, and her father has definitely noticed. He sneaks furtive glances when she darts from the shower back to her bedroom, and has been through her underwear drawer so often he knows it's contents better than she does. He would never act on his desires though. He's a good man, and a caring father, so he sticks to his surreptitious watching and tries to keep the whole thing secret from his wife.

This all changes when his world is turned upside down. An entity, invisible and unknowable, takes a shine to Sarah's father. His repressed desires are like a beacon to it, drawing it in and giving it strength. It starts to alter his thoughts, bringing his most repressed feelings to the surface, forcing him to act out his fantasies.

16) Aboard the Leviathan.
Fenria is the daughter of a minor noble on an agri-world deep in the Calixis sector. It has been decided for her that she should marry, so her father has brought her to meet potential suitors at the seat of the planet's nobility: A mighty mile long leviathan land-crawler. Here she must meet the men that her family has deemed to be suitable partners for her, aiming to secure alliances and treaties with other noble families to better their own. Will her suitors have her best interests at heart? Or will they seek only to take her as their own? Perhaps she will fall for some other noble, or even one of the innumerable serving staff that cater to the nobility's every whim?

If there's nothing in there that does it for you, feel free to propose anything else. I do like a bit of input on your part, so if you're getting in touch it'd be great if you would give me some glimpse at the characters or setting you're hoping to play in.

If you made it this far: Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!

(Let me know if you think I have too many pictures! I should probably spend some time editing the lists...)
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