Fx F or NB Let's play kinky 5e play by post (all rules and information inside)

Ban the Game

Jan 2, 2016
I wanna play kinky table top. That's the short of it and I'd be perfectly fine being a player or DM but my experience tells me that the best way to do this is by slapping my metaphorical DM cock on the table. So, that is what I will do and here is all the information you'll need.

Our dice roller will be either roll20 or discord. I don't actually care where we post stuff but if I say your post needs to be editted than it better get editted. If you are one of those people who are picky about post length minimums than this game isn't for you and it's not just because of my personal tastes. DM to player RP means that my posts will vary from full page descriptions to basically one liners all dependent on context. "You examine the chest, carefully tampering with the mechanism. You don't find any traps and it appears to be locked." Trust me, this happens and it's unavoidable. That's just the nature of the game.

Kinks Requirements:
I have particular tastes but they aren't that difficult to achieve. I simply have a small list of hard requirements. I play futanari and transwomen. If there are extra characters and NPCs they'll probably be ciswomen. I'm super into BDSM and want sub/dom pairings. I switch so I can do either or both. I love chastity play and basically all of my transwomen have caged sissy clits, even the really dominant ones. I don't have a k-list because it would just be a small list of favorites, a small list of hard no's, and literally everything else under the yes category. The No's list basically just includes scat and pederasty stuff.

Character Creation and Party Options:
Ability Scores: 27 point buy or roll 4d6 drop the lowest and reorganize.
Hit Points: Max at first level, take the static number determined by your hit dice for all other levels (6 for d10 for example).
Races: Any published race except varient human, 3rd party and homebrew races allowed under review. I have my own rules for homebrewing races.
Classes: Official root classes only, UA subclasses available under review, UA Revised class options always online. 3rd Party subclasses allowed per review but only for material in a published book.
Starting Level: Usually 1st level but see campaign options.
Spells: Officially published spells only. Custom spells can only be acquired by quest or Stronghold research.
Feats: Allowed and you gain one bonus feat at first level. No UA feats allowed. 3rd party feats available under review.
Experience Points: Goal based milestones. You complete a goal, you immediately level up. I'll usually tell you or at least hint at available goals OOC if it's not obvious.
Alternative Rules: Slower Natural Healing and Healer's Kit dependancy. The latter is altered that instead of requiring a healer's kit to spend hit dice, you gain a Wound counter when you take damage unless you already had a counter. Critical hits add two counters. As long as you have a wound counter you can't spend hit dice to heal and long time spent with a wound counter might require saves to avoid disease and infection. One wound counter is removed for every magical healing dice you recieve or healer's kit charge spent.
Party Options: You have 3 to pick from. Certain campaigns only support certain party options so check there. To clarify, I am expecting this game to only have one player and me and this choice doesn't effect that. Read each option carefully.
You'll make up to two(2) single class characters using standard generation methods. I will then make NPC companions until we have a party of 4 total characters. You'll be expected to play as all characters you make throughout the duration of the campaign. If any die you'll make a replacement for them.
You'll make one(1) character with two classes using my own gestalt rules. I will make one(1) character with the same method to act as your companion. This will create a party equivalent to 3 single class PCs. Gestalt characters gain all class features, saving throws, and proficiencies of both classes and take the best hit dice between them. ASI's count as class features. Spellcasting works parrelel so a 5th level cleric/wizard is a 5th/5th level casters not a 10th level caster. Standard multi-class rules apply.
You'll make one(1) single class character and I will make one(1) single class character to be your companion or you can opt to have a Retainer companion. Content will usually be scaled down to match you. Non-direct combat classes such as necromancers and rogues are recommended.
Regarding my Homebrew: You don't have to read this list if you really don't want to. Not everything here even needs to be used but this is what I have.
Rage Caster Feat
Prerequisites: The ability to cast one spell, and the Rage ability.
1. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain concentration on your spells while raging.
2. You can cast spells and concentrate on them while raging.
3. When casting a spell while raging that deals damage you make choose to take damage of the same type as the spell equal to your rage bonus damage, if you do you may add your rage damage bonus to the spell damage.

When using partial caster multiclasses(paladin, eldritch knight, etc) you round up instead of down when determining your total spell slots. The reasoning behind this is pretty complicated but basically you get shafted really hard by that round down rule in a way that full casters don't.

Humans now use the following stats: +1 to all ability scores and +1 extra skill proficiency of any skill. Variant Human is banned unless you give me a good reason.

Paladins get 1 cantrip at 2nd level from the cleric spell list
they receive a 2nd cantrip at 9th level and a third at 17th. They may also take the two weapon fighting style.

Primeval Awareness no longer requires a spell slot, but it does require 1 uninterrupted minute of concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell).
Favoured enemy now reads: At 6th level whenever you use Primeval Awareness, if any of your favored enemies are detected it also reveals their numbers and general direction and distance (in miles). Additionally for you can continue to sense their presence for a number of minutes equal to half your ranger level (rounded down). This has no effect on creatures that are not your favored enemy.
Rangers may take the Great Weapon Fighting Style and get 1 cantrip at 2nd level from the druid spell list
they receive a 2nd cantrip at 9th level and a third at 17th

Rangers gain the following class feature:
Beast Trainer: At 1st level, you gain a beast companion that accompanies you on your adventures and is trained to fight alongside you. Choose a beast of CR 1/8 or lower. It is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands.

In combat, the trained beast shares your initiative count. It can move and use its reaction on it's own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take the action in its stat block or the Dash, Disengage, Help, Hide or Search action. While traveling in your favored terrain with only your trained beast, you may move stealthily at a normal pace.

As long as you have more Ranger levels than any other class, the trained beast gains the following bonuses:
1. It's HP maximum is equal to it's normal maximum or it's Constitution modifier(C) + your Wisdom modifier(W) + five times your level in this class(L) (meaning (C+W+5)*L), whichever is higher.
2. It adds your proficiency bonus to it's damage rolls.
3. It may use your proficiency bonus in place of it's own.

You may train a new beast by spending 8 hours bonding to one that is either friendly to you or charmed by you, but you may only have one trained beast at a time.
Rangers may no longer take the Beast Master archetype
As a note: "take the action in it's stat block" means all of it's attack and multi-attack as well. Or web. Or whatever.
All features that say something along the lines of "make a melee attack against a creature within 5ft of you" are extended to the reach of your melee weapon. The same thing applies to Horde Breaker. Giant Killer now works on all targets larger than you.
Planar Warrior and Slayer's Prey now read: Your trained beast acts as if you used your bonus action to command it when you use this feature.
Foe Slayer's(Ranger capstone's) effect is replaced with: When you use the attack action on your turn you may make an additional attack that can only be used against your favored enemy.
Tentative, experimental, envelop pushing change: Favored enemy now reads: At 14th level, when you use the attack action on your turn you may make an additional attack that can only be used against your favored enemy.
Natural Explorer: Urban is a favored terrain option, Coast is replaced with Water, and you can pick a 4th favored terrain at 17th level.
Favored Enemy: You can pick another favored enemy at 19th level


Wildshape now uses the following advancement table:
  • Lv 2: CR 1/4 no flying or swim speed
  • Lv 4: CR 1/2 no flying
  • Lv 8: CR 1
  • Lv 12: CR 2
  • Lv 16: CR 3
  • Lv: 19: CR 4
Circle of the Moon:
Circle Forms now replaces your wildshape advancement table with the following:
  • Lv 2: CR 1/2 No flying, no swim speed
  • Lv 3: CR 1/2 No flying
  • Lv 4: CR 1/2
  • Lv 5: CR 1
  • Lv 6: CR 2
  • Lv 9: CR 3
  • Lv 12: CR 4
  • Lv 16: CR 5
  • Lv 19: CR 6

Elemental Wildshape: At 16th level this ability uses one(1) use of wildshape instead of two(2).

Curse of Strahd: A very, very good castlevania style sandbox game. Low resources. Guns. Starts at first or third level. Your character can be from literally anywhere in the multiverse. Nothing scales to your level in this game so if you don't know when to run from fights it's gonna be a short game but you have an unparrelled amount of freedom. You basically only have one major goal for the whole game and a bunch of subgoals to help you prepare for that encounter. It plays a lot like Fallout 1 and 2 in that regard. There are additional alt rules associated with spellcasting. Party Options: Gestalt or Full Party only. Max level: 10 to 15 depending on completionism.

One Shot Rampage: I have a bunch of random one shot adventures published by Paizo that I'm working on turning cannibalizing for a large hexcrawl sandbox game. I'd like to test these out more by stringing them into an episodic adventure campaign. This would provide the most variety and would probably make a good environment for having kids for example. Level ups would have fairly quickly. Party Options: All. Max Level 20

Iron Gods: Basically Mad Max grabs your standard fantasy setting by her pigtails and has their way with them. You don't just have guns, you have energy weapons, and androids right alongside wizards, crusaders, and barbarians. It's a very long campaign with a very slow level progression. You start in a town that could easily be your main base for the whole adventure and underneath it is a megadungeon that lasts for an entire chapter. It's also fairly player driven but still mostly a linear story. Party Options: All. Max level 20.

Ravnica Roulette: I will open up Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, roll on their campaign generation table and we'll see what happens. I've heard that this is a thing you can do with that book and I'm up for giving it a go, but mostly I just wanted a fourth option. It will obviously be an adventure in Ravnica and we'll be using rules from that book. Party Options: Gestalt Only. Max level I have no idea.

Pick your stuff, design a character, and shoot me a PM. Also PM me if you have any questions.
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