Scribe's Scribblings A/A


Apr 8, 2020
Just a heads up that my replies may be a little slow in the following days though I can't say how much, we'll see. And I'll try to give a heads up but there may be a day or two where I dip out as one of cats is not doing well. Think she's giving up on things and when she fully does, I will be a blubbering mess for a few days because I love most animals more than people. I'll try to keep things updated as needed. Hoping she'll recover while preparing for the worst. Never easy to say goodbye to a long standing pet for me.
Our cat passed away on Monday night, it was pretty rough a day overall, and have been dealing with the banalities of things that come in the wake of her passing. AS well as trying to decompress and all. I had to push some work time to the weekend to be able to arrange for things so I'm hoping my mind will be there by the weekend but not sure the time will be, so may be until Monday before I start getting replies out.
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