Mx Female Craving Creativity | Literate | Story & Smut | Plots Within


Jun 10, 2012
Availability: Open
Craving: Pregnancy - Smut - Romance
Note: Please, please, do not message me telling me to look at your RT.​

Hello, fellow writers! It has been a while since I've had a good story where I got to play a male character. So, this thread's purpose is centered on seeking a female character for my male. I am female in RL. If this bothers any of you, please move along now. If not? Great! Keep reading, you might like what you see!

A Few Important Things
Please specify that you want me to play male. I do have a female thread out there.
Must be able to write at least 3 good paragraphs: I am a multi-paragraph writer and usually write anywhere from 500-1000+ words. If you can not average out at least 3 paragraphs to go off of, I get turned off rather easily. I understand there are times when the story dies down, as will the amount we will write. But, I’m warning you now, if I get a one-liner, I’m dropping the story right then and there. I want description. Tell me what they are thinking, feeling. Describe to me their reactions and what they are doing. Details are an amazing thing and will always get me going.
All stories will be in 3rd person: This is non-negotiable.
I prefer writing through threads: I have been known to be convinced to write through PMs. But, I prefer threads. I've been writing a few stories through PMs lately. So if this is what you prefer, that's fine. Just let me know. I'll do either Threads or PMs. I Do Not roleplay through Discord. I have no problem discussing things or brainstorming the story through it. But, I will not write the story there.
I play heterosexual pairings: SInce I do have another RT out for female characters, I ask that you please specify that you are wanting me to play male when you PM me. Thank you!
I can be a slow-paced poster: My posts range from two or three times a day to once a week. It all depends on what is going on in my life and quite frankly, my muse of the story.
I may ask for a writing sample: If you contact me, I will look through your past thread stories and read some of your writing content to see if we will be compatible as writers. If I don't see any recent ones or any at all, I will ask for a writing sample before anything else. Please be prepared for this.
Give me a heads up if you have to be away for a while: I’m actually pretty flexible on people who disappear suddenly. I just appreciate it if I get a heads up, so I know you are coming back at some point or not. If I haven’t heard from you for a while, I will take you off my active story list and set the story aside and start looking for something else. If you come back at some point, I have no problem picking the story back up.
Do not ask me to play a sub: I prefer to play a more dominant character when playing male. I can play a switch, but never a sub.
Feel free to just send me a message of an intro post: If you have an introduction post of a story you really want to do, maybe someone dropped the story, or perhaps you just wrote it, doesn’t matter. Feel free to randomly send it to me. I’ll look over it and see if it piques my interest and I’ll let you know so we can move it to a thread or not!
PM me if you are interested: Send me a message of what you would like to do. May that be an idea of mine, one of yours, or just a simple pairing to brainstorm off of. Please don’t send me a message with nothing but “Would you like to rp.” That drives me crazy and I most likely won't answer. Also, don’t post here.

A few things I like

Risk of pregnancy
Temperature play (Example: Ice and wax play)
Pleasure control
Power play (Example: When the two character’s fight for dominance until one of them submit completely)
Sexy clothing
Visuals (Warning: I will post pictures throughout the story. Some might be NSFW)
Giving and receiving oral
Foreplay and teasing
Light bondage
Marking/Staking claim (Example: Hickeys, bite marks, and scratch marks, lips stick stains, marking with cum.)
Pet names
OOC (I'm a sucker for discussion and plotting random ideas and plot twists)
Tight pussys to large dicks. (Nothing so big that it doesn't make sense)
Possessive and overprotectiveness
Things that involve the sense of smell. (Example: Omegaverse pheromones, Perfume/cologne)
Sleep sex (Example: YC takes advantage of MC's sleeping helpless state and fucks her awake. This could be consensual or Non-con or drugged)
Fated pairs
Love-hate relationships
Knot locking
A man in a suit
Vanilla Sex
Rough/angry sex

Hard Pass

Extremes (Example: Extreme bondage, any kind of bathroom play)
Characters that don’t have a human form. (Example: Humanoids or demons that look more monster than human)
Anthros/Furrys (I am okay with playing things like nekos though.)
Decay/Zombies/Post-apocalyptic/aliens/Science Fiction
Mom/Son Pairings
Mary Sue perfect characters/Doormat characters (No one is perfect. I hate characters who have no problems at all)
Playing a main character over 50 (Have made exceptions to this.)
Overly shy women (I’m fine with shy characters, just not if they are so shy they can’t take any initiative at all)
Licking armpits
Excessive feet play

Just a Few Ideas

Feel free to send me yours! I tried to label the ones I'm willing to play the male main in. If you have questions, let me know!
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