Greetings everyone!
Looking to do a little Star Trek RP.
Biggest point to start with: PLEASE don't think of me as a Trekkie Superfan. I love the atmosphere, love the women involved, loved the uniforms and such... that was all great! But, I do not know every detail, can't name all the side characters, won't be spouting "Techno babble" all over the place... I love the atmosphere, but would never expect anyone (least of all myself) to be a superfan / total devotion to the exact dogma / details or anything.
I know this is going to look like a whole lot of "what I want", but please know that I am fairly flexible in the end. This is just where my 100% muse is at, hoping to find someone in the same space. But would still consider other Star Trek themed games with some of the same elements.
My style:
I tend to play dominant roles, both male and female. I only play submissive if there is a couple involved, and the female is a submissive to the male, and your character remains submissive to the male but may take a dominant position with the female I am playing, putting yours in the "middle". But even that would be a rare ask for me, more driven if you wanted to have that role for a while.
I tend to prefer a little more rough in style, as this implies. Not to say a little romance wouldn't happen, but more as an accent to the other characters who YC would be with before they have their way with her.
Where I will play:
Here on the site. PM primarily, but could consider threads.
So, if you really want to catch my attention:
- Say you will play a sexy / slutty Deanna Troi.
Because I don't want to sound like I'm dictating terms for your character, I could easily be convinced to play opposite almost any of the canon characters in the various series, or some of the minor characters (example I recently found was Ashley Judd who played a minor character named Robin Lefler) or even an OC of yours if you have an idea you really want to try, with a vision for how they would fit into the universe.
I will add the following to fill out the idea of Troi's character, but you can see how other characters could fit in, just with different dynamics between other characters:
I would really like to play a sort of episodic / ongoing drama of the sexy hijinks she gets up to along the way. These include, but not limited to:
Individual relationships on ship:
-> Riker would probably be a thing. Their cooled relationship can re-ignite with a little more rough play? Maybe his inability to realize what she needed was one reason she let him go before, and he has to 'handle' her a little more this time?
-> Worf seems like another obvious, given their on-screen romance. But, rather than the rather vanilla way the show presented them (kissing, not much more) while hinting at Worf's / Klingon style of rough sex, we would get to play that out.
-> Data is possible, as anything from an animated sex toy to her, right through to having his emotion chip activated and her helping him explore that.
-> Would like to dabble in the F/F side as well, as I enjoy it too. And would think either:
> Tasha Yar if you are happy to have her still alive, against show canon, exploring her Lesbian nature
> Ro Llaren, the annoyed bajoran, who needs to take out her frustrations. Plus, she has a romance with Riker, so perhaps a couple who gets to use Troi together? (MFF situation)
> Beverly Crusher might be too 'straight-laced' a character, but could amend her a little to being a mother-knows-best type, depending on if that is a thing you like.
-> Others: I didn't mention them, but any of the other characters would be fine with me to explore, or if you want her to expand, I can create OCs as well if you want.
Tasks off the Ship:
-> There are of course infinite possibilities with away-team missions which can have her get caught up in a perilous / sexy time thing, either to escape back to the ship or be rescued so it doesn't turn into a permanent sex slave situation, unless / until you like one enough to want to pursue it and leave the Enterprise. (willing to let the events flow as we want!)
-> I see her, as a councillor / ambassador type, perhaps having to serve on another ship? Immediately coming to mind, depending on your taste, would be Ferengi (since they expect their women to be nude, and if you would enjoy the group-use idea) or Klingon (like the Riker episode where he goes over as their officer, she goes and ends up 'helping them unleash their inner selves' in a whole different way). Sort of like a Fantasy equivalent of ending up with either a group of goblins or orcs, I know.
But there are other options -> she hid out on a Romulan ship, and there could be a rather intense 'discipline' scene if she were captured and kept as a prize for a while. Cardassians, same thing with a few more whips and chains.
-> Cross-overs: if TNG is our primary, but you like another show, it would be easy enough to wander into one of the others, either with TIme Travel (to the original), to stop by DS9 which existed in the same time, or a space warp to visit Voyager... lots of options.
If any of this sounds interesting, drop me a PM!
Looking to do a little Star Trek RP.
Biggest point to start with: PLEASE don't think of me as a Trekkie Superfan. I love the atmosphere, love the women involved, loved the uniforms and such... that was all great! But, I do not know every detail, can't name all the side characters, won't be spouting "Techno babble" all over the place... I love the atmosphere, but would never expect anyone (least of all myself) to be a superfan / total devotion to the exact dogma / details or anything.
I know this is going to look like a whole lot of "what I want", but please know that I am fairly flexible in the end. This is just where my 100% muse is at, hoping to find someone in the same space. But would still consider other Star Trek themed games with some of the same elements.
My style:
I tend to play dominant roles, both male and female. I only play submissive if there is a couple involved, and the female is a submissive to the male, and your character remains submissive to the male but may take a dominant position with the female I am playing, putting yours in the "middle". But even that would be a rare ask for me, more driven if you wanted to have that role for a while.
I tend to prefer a little more rough in style, as this implies. Not to say a little romance wouldn't happen, but more as an accent to the other characters who YC would be with before they have their way with her.
Where I will play:
Here on the site. PM primarily, but could consider threads.
So, if you really want to catch my attention:
- Say you will play a sexy / slutty Deanna Troi.
Because I don't want to sound like I'm dictating terms for your character, I could easily be convinced to play opposite almost any of the canon characters in the various series, or some of the minor characters (example I recently found was Ashley Judd who played a minor character named Robin Lefler) or even an OC of yours if you have an idea you really want to try, with a vision for how they would fit into the universe.
I will add the following to fill out the idea of Troi's character, but you can see how other characters could fit in, just with different dynamics between other characters:
I would really like to play a sort of episodic / ongoing drama of the sexy hijinks she gets up to along the way. These include, but not limited to:
Individual relationships on ship:
-> Riker would probably be a thing. Their cooled relationship can re-ignite with a little more rough play? Maybe his inability to realize what she needed was one reason she let him go before, and he has to 'handle' her a little more this time?
-> Worf seems like another obvious, given their on-screen romance. But, rather than the rather vanilla way the show presented them (kissing, not much more) while hinting at Worf's / Klingon style of rough sex, we would get to play that out.
-> Data is possible, as anything from an animated sex toy to her, right through to having his emotion chip activated and her helping him explore that.
-> Would like to dabble in the F/F side as well, as I enjoy it too. And would think either:
> Tasha Yar if you are happy to have her still alive, against show canon, exploring her Lesbian nature
> Ro Llaren, the annoyed bajoran, who needs to take out her frustrations. Plus, she has a romance with Riker, so perhaps a couple who gets to use Troi together? (MFF situation)
> Beverly Crusher might be too 'straight-laced' a character, but could amend her a little to being a mother-knows-best type, depending on if that is a thing you like.
-> Others: I didn't mention them, but any of the other characters would be fine with me to explore, or if you want her to expand, I can create OCs as well if you want.
Tasks off the Ship:
-> There are of course infinite possibilities with away-team missions which can have her get caught up in a perilous / sexy time thing, either to escape back to the ship or be rescued so it doesn't turn into a permanent sex slave situation, unless / until you like one enough to want to pursue it and leave the Enterprise. (willing to let the events flow as we want!)
-> I see her, as a councillor / ambassador type, perhaps having to serve on another ship? Immediately coming to mind, depending on your taste, would be Ferengi (since they expect their women to be nude, and if you would enjoy the group-use idea) or Klingon (like the Riker episode where he goes over as their officer, she goes and ends up 'helping them unleash their inner selves' in a whole different way). Sort of like a Fantasy equivalent of ending up with either a group of goblins or orcs, I know.
-> Cross-overs: if TNG is our primary, but you like another show, it would be easy enough to wander into one of the others, either with TIme Travel (to the original), to stop by DS9 which existed in the same time, or a space warp to visit Voyager... lots of options.
If any of this sounds interesting, drop me a PM!
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