Fx Any Anita's plots


Jul 30, 2019
♡About Me♡

Hello, call me Anita. I've been roleplaying on and off for about 10 years now and think of myself as a competent writer. I am very picky with my partners. I prefer to write with someone that aligns well with my kinks and writing style, someone that I can get comfortable with and can maintain a long roleplay or start multiple threads with me, someone who I can return to with new ideas over and over again and still have great fun.

If that is not what you're looking for and just want something easy and casual, then we're probably not a good match.

I'll try to be as concise as possible about my preferences. Please read through everything before PMing me.

☆☆☆Please be over 24☆☆☆
I'm nearing my 30s and though I am into age difference, interacting with anyone under 24 in an erotic setting feels too predatory for my tastes​

What to Expect
  1. Long posts
    • I am a multi paragraph writer that has an intense love for detail, I will never ever write less than 3 paragraphs
  2. Proper grammar
    • I'm not perfect, mistakes will sometimes happen but I try my best to minimize any spelling mishaps or awkward sentences
  3. World Building and Brainstorming
    • I absolutely love meshing ideas and collaborating with my partner, so be prepared to discuss
  4. Smut and Plot Balance
    • I love smut but I get bored if that's all there is, even in a smut heavy roleplay there needs to be something more to keep my attention
  5. Somewhat Sporadic Schedule
    • Sometimes real life gets in the way, sometimes the creativity juice runs out. Sometimes I can post every day and sometimes I can only post once a week, I'll do my best to keep you informed

《• I am Ditch Friendly •》
I don't mind ghosting. If there's an extended silence I will reach out but if there's no response then I'll just assume you're not into it. No hurt feelings. No explanations required.

Sample of my Writing

Ranuk did not know how to feel as he marched with the procession of demons, following the same path that he had forged with his father as a youngling once again. They had been nothing more than game trails when Ranuk knew them but now his childhood wanderings had become a proper road, his own tread immortalized by elvish industry. He wondered if they understood the significance of that, if they were aware that they walked upon the foot steps of demons, had knowingly set stones and given names to pathways that had been originally established by their enemies.

Probably not, Ranuk mused, and enemies no longer.

Not many beside Ranuk would remember these pathways anyhow. Of the 50 or so demons within the royal procession, perhaps a dozen were actually returning, the rest were born afterwards and have only heard stories of Terranula's broken mountain. They were children of refugees and they stared, wide eyed in wonderment at returning to the motherland of their displaced parents.

Ranuk, on the other hand, could not stop scowling at the landscape, noting another thing the elves had changed or added. Like the castle atop the hill with its tall spires and imposing walls. That was new.

Ranuk could see the ugly structure for miles, and no doubt the inhabitants behind its iron gates could see them in turn as the demons made their slow way up the mountain face. They made quite a parade with Ranuk pointedly stationed at the front, the well remembered nightmare of the shadow people leading the congregation. They had called him the White Wolf, though no lupine blood pumped in his veins.

He was the son of Minas, the nine tailed fox, and Unak, a true mountain goat demon. He took mostly after his father in shape and color, his body a hulking mass of white shaggy fur, his back hunched and stooped with wide lumbering shoulders and four great black horns curled out from the crown of his head, but there was an elegance to him graced by his mother. He possessed seven sleek fox tails and his limbs were elongated, almost lanky, ending in wickedly sharp claws. His head was that of a fox's stretched out to fit the proportions of his body, the snout pointed and thin, the ice blue eyes slitted and slanted in his long face and cheek bones pronouncedly sharp. It was attached to an arching neck as thick as a horse's, and like a horse he had a mane of flowing white hair falling down the side in great waves.

In all, Ranuk looked little like a wolf but he was far too big to be a fox and far too skinny to be a bear, so a wolf they had called him. He did, however, look very much like a creature that belonged to the mountain and could have been easily mistaken for a mutated animal as he tended to walk on all fours if not for the decoration he wore on his body. There were silver vambraces upon his forearms, and his mane was braided and styled to hang in ropes around his horns. Around his waist he wore a black leather belt and a kilt to hide his loins, the fabric well crafted and dyed a vibrant patterned red with black edging.

Of all the demons, none were as large or as formidable looking as Ranuk, save maybe for Minas' crocodile husband, Goshnar, who lumbered behind her carriage, standing nearly as tall as the ornate thing and probably twice as heavy. The rest were a menagerie of lesser demons, reptilian men that walked on legs or crawled on snake bellies, frog men shivering in the cold, a pair of long eared rabbits, strange insectoids with many arms or many eyes or both. Some pulled carts or carried things on stretchers, while others merely walked or trotted or hopped or slithered or scuttled in loose formation. Very few carried weapons as most didnt need them.

As planned, Ranuk was the first to arrive at the long stairs that lead up to the castle proper, where all its royalty stood in their finery to welcome the demons. What a funny thing. Elves, welcoming demons.

Ranuk did not have much time to dwell on the dark humor of it as his mother's carriage came forward, pulled by a great lizard creature that would have been the size of a horse if it only had the long legs. The carriage itself was a bright and gaudy thing, sunny yellow and shaped like a gourd (which was exactly what she used to conjure the thing from).

Goshnar stood beside the door but made no move to open it as it opened quite by itself. Within was dark, plumes of purple smoke obscuring the inside. Suddenly a roll of dark violet carpet shot out and began to unfurl itself up the stone steps all on its own, ending right at the feet of the royal family.

Then, a delicate, inhumanely shaped foot stepped out of the carriage door, black and shining like an oil spill, the tips of the toes alighting on the carpet. Then a feminine hand reached out, fingers long and nails even longer, and Goshnar took it with his scaley stump of a hand as a gentleman might do for a lady.

A fox woman slipped out of the carriage, as that was the only way to describe her. She stood upon two legs, and had the arms and torso of a woman, but her neck was incredibly, distressingly long and her head was that of a fox, slitted eyes gleaming like amethysts in her vulpine face. And allover she was covered in dark, sleek fur, black but with the iridescence of a raven's wing, shining purple and green in the light. Upon her forhead sprouted a single spiraling horn, pale bone white, and behind her nine sleek tails flared into an impressive fan. She wore a dress of gleaming white, but it was little more than a single sheet of silk strategically knotted and draped to keep her body decent in the eyes of elves.

This was Minas, mother queen of the demons and former ruler of the Broken Mountain, standing proudly at the Dark Elves' door.
When PMing me please provide a sample of your writing to see if our styles are compatible. If you dont I'll assume you didnt read my thread and probably ignore you.

This is also the typical length of a first post from me. I get excited when establishing a story but not every post will be so long.

What I Dont Do
Let's start with this first since there's actually very little I wont do.
  • Rape or Noncon - dubcon is fine
  • Abuse of any kind in a romantic relationship - Gaslighting - Manipulation - Blackmail or Coercion (acceptable for story purposes)
  • Scat - Watersports - Vomit
  • Vore - Mutilation
  • Erotic settings with characters under 24
  • Incest
  • Cheating/infidelity (open/poly relationships are different)
  • Suicide & Suicidal tendencies
If theres any kinks you wish to explore just ask and I'll tell you if I'm into it or not.

What I Do
My Dynamics
  • MxM - MxF (either gender) - FxF
  • All genders, Male, Female, Trans, Genderfluid, & Nonbinary
  • Switch, Submissive, & Dominant
  • Chubby, hairy, scarred, aged, flawed, disabled, or imperfect characters
  • Romance - pretty much required in every roleplay
  • Fantasy - anything from urban to high fantasy
  • Sci Fi - utopia, dystopia, space opera
  • Historical - accurate and inaccurate
  • Horror - I am an unapologetic monster fucker (but more on that later)
  • Action - I consider this a lovely spice to liven up a roleplay, anything from mild to super hot depending on taste
  • Comedy - even dark role plays need a bit of a laugh, what's the use if we're not having fun
  • Post Apocalyptic - zombies are always a favorite, but nuclear fallout, alien invasion, or robot revolution work too
  • All the Punks - Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Atompunk, Retropunk, Solarpunk, Stitchpunk, etc.
  • Slice of life - this is my least favorite, will only do if there's an added twist

Kinks that I Die For
Monster Fucking/Teratophilia/Exophilia/Robophilia - meaning that I love playing or playing with nonhuman characters, this includes:
  • Humanoid (any creature with human/human like features): all manner of fae, dwarf, orc, anthro, were-animal, taur animal, mer-creature, teifling, demon, angel, vampire, ghost, Frankenstein etc.
  • Non Humanoid* (any creature without human/human like features): truly monstrous eldritch nightmares, tentacles, sentient plants, insectoids, slime, quadrupeds, dragons, etc.
  • Aliens: humanoid and non humanoid
  • Robots: androids, cyborgs, mechs, any Artificial Intelligence advanced enough to develope a personality
*this is not beastiality as all creatures will have human level intelligence and the ability to express consent

Associated kinks - meaning these are kinks that directly correlate with the monster fucking
  • Big teeth, tongues, unusual mouths, saliva and drool - kissing, licking, biting, messy oral sex
  • Size difference
  • Texture & Sensation - fur, hair, scales, feathers, metal, plastic, silicone, cold, hot, wet, slimy
  • Unusual genitalia, knots, multiple cocks, sheaths
  • Breeding, ruts/heats, multiple orgasms cream pies, unusual semen
  • Pheromones and aphrodisiacs*, scent marking, sniffing, sexual desperation, begging
  • Group sex, gang bangs, sloppy seconds, spit roasting, double penetration
  • Barely restrained violence**, rough sex, possessiveness
  • For Robots, interchangeable genitalia, marathon sex, sexual exhaustion, cum milking, lab/medical setting, experimentation
  • Bondage, trapped*, tentacles
*all these are dubcon, never noncon
**not in an abusive setting
Other Kinks
  • Foodporn - food appreciation - food play
  • Age difference - though I prefer the younger partner to at least be 24 or older (I am almost 30 and anyone under 24 makes me uncomfortable)
  • Gratuitous Aftercare - cuddling, fluff, and affection
  • Body worshipping - especially if the body is not conventionally attractive (chubby, hair, scars, etc.)
  • Praise and dirty talk - light humiliation
  • Foreplay, teasing, tickling
  • Orgasm delay/denial
  • Forced/premature orgasm
  • Lingerie, costumes, uniforms, slutty outfits - crossdressing - clothed sex - strip tease - tearing clothes off/ripping to shreds
  • Polyamory - threesome - foursome - more some
  • Public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism
  • Light BDSM & bondage - shibari - leash & collar - reward/punishment - spanking - whipping & flogging
  • Somnophilia

Here's some quick pairing ideas
  1. Royal x Monster Gaurdian
  2. Monster x Human Servant
  3. Human lost in the woods x Satyr
  4. New Home Owner x Monster that lives in the walls
  5. Knight x Dragon
  6. Royal x Dragon
  7. Deep Sea Diver x Octopus monster
  8. Mountain Climber x Yeti
  9. Gargoyle x Security Gaurd
  10. Werewolf x Vampire (a classic)
  11. Angel x Demon (another classic)
  12. Botanist x sentient plant
  13. Alien Royalty x Human Vagabond

Now plots!

An Arranged Marriage
High Fantasy
Differing species preferred

Very straight forward craving, just want an arranged marriage between fantasy characters. Perhaps it's a peace treaty arrangement, perhaps one kingdom overtook the other, or perhaps it's an appeasement to a tyrant, I just want two people forced together that need to make their marriage work, the more opposite the better.

Some options:
  • Warrior Race/Scholarly Race
  • Dwarf/anything else
  • Dragon/anything else
  • Fairy/anything else
  • Orc/anything else
  • Octopus person/Merperson
Let's discuss

Master of the House
Vampire or Immortal/human

A servant had spent their entire life serving in a mansion. Their whole family line had done so, but for as long as they could remember, there was no master of the house. There were portraits of a beautiful man that their grandfather had told them stories about, but the mansion had been empty for decades, maintained by the staff in long ingrained devotion to their absent master.

One fateful night, the servant was cleaning in the basement and stumbled upon a crypt. Within was the man in the portraits, sleeping soundly until the servant disturbed his rest.

I deeply want to play the servant.

The comedy aspect is the immortal's confusion over modern life as the servant tries to assimilate them to the current century.

The Servant's Song
Historical Fantasy (can change)

There is a prestigious music school, known for producing the most talented violin and cello players. The training is arduous and difficult, and many prominent families pay top dollar to have their children trained but very few manage to graduate.

But the most talented the school has ever seen comes from the most humble beginnings.

When the students are asleep, and between their nightly duties, a servant plays the instruments in secret. No one has ever caught them, they took great pains never to be discovered. Its rumored that a ghost haunts the east music room which was enough to scare away any late night visitors.

But the newest music instructor is not afraid of ghosts, and they are determined to discover who is responsible for such beautiful music.

I desperately want to play the servant.

Nightmare Renovations
Slice of Life (or Paranormal or Suspense/Mystery)
Chubby Female Lead

Lilac Little is the proud new owner of a long abandoned Victorian home. She is trying her best to renovate but clearly she is in over her head.

This could go several ways.

Slice of Life: YC could be a friendly neighbor or a handyman/plumber/electrician she hires to help with the work.

Paranormal: YC can be either a ghost or a monster that lives within the house. At first YC tries to scare her away but eventually they welcome her when they realize shes just trying to fix up the place

Suspense/Mystery: Turns out there was a horrible murder in the house or Lilac finds human remains on the property. YC can be the detective on the cold/new case and together they solve the mystery.


YC turns out to be the killer and is trying to determine how much Lilac knows

Let's discuss!

The Everburning Beacon
High Fantasy
Princess/Sentient Dragon/Dragon Rider

An insane king of a coastal kingdom is convinced that a mysterious armada is coming to attack the country. Unfortunately he has no army or navy, his kingdom is a poor one. Even so he manages to hire a dragon rider for six months but any longer and his people become destitute. He has a plan though and ropes in his daughter to seduce the dragon rider into marriage.

Of course, she wants no part of it, but she is terribly fascinated by the dragon itself rather than the rider.

Lets discuss!

To the Rescue (Again and Again and Again)
Super hero x Civilian (can change)
Romantic Comedy

Takes place in an X-Men type of universe where people mostly hide their extraordinary powers and vigilantism is generally frowned upon but is sometimes necessary when aliens invade or a megalomaniac tries to conquer the world.

MC is Thorn Whip, (she despises the name but that's what the public decided to name her) a heroine with the power to control plants and have them grow out of her body. She can also speak to them.

Her alter ego is Rosalie Santiago, a poor college drop out working in a flower shop.

YC is a person she has rescued over and over. Perhaps it's just bad luck or they're caught up in super hero drama, but whatever the reason, whenever something is going down YC is always in the middle of it and Thorn Whip comes in to save their life.

They hardly get a chance to talk as usually Thorn is busy handling the bad guy and then has to run off before the police arrive. Until one fateful day, YC wanders into her flower shop for a bouquet.

Is YC an innocent bystander, an undercover secret agent, or a villian in disguise?

Let's discuss!

Thank you for reading through.
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