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Fx Any BQ's TABOO NON CON STORIES - I write only f sub roles


May 26, 2020
UPDATED: 10.29.20
Hi I am BQ. Day to day life is boring and the catharsis/mental release/muse of a HYBER AGGRESSIVE SOMETIMES VIOLENT NSFW NON-CON WHERE MY CHARACTER IS THE SUBMISSIVE/PREY STORIES has helped me break away during stressful times.

Basic concepts about the type of story or mc that remain true in order for me to want to write a story:

  • NON CONSENSUAL/DUB CONSENSUAL/RAPE ONLY - Please please please do NOT ask me to write consensual stories, or ones with girls who become consensual too fast too easily. I do NOT write consensual stories.
  • I’ve created an F list, that holds true in general but could change based on the story.
  • My grammar sucks - sometimes honestly depending on my excitement letter I rush to post and forget to preform a spell check.
  • This is OUR story - not just mine or yours.
  • D+ breast size with Kardashian behinds - I like the hourglass look and prefer to play some kind of virgin. (Read below regarding my current thoughts of being a possession.)
  • 60/40 sex/story - I need some kind of progression and story behind constant sex scenes, and time jumps.
  • Generally a every other day replier that attempts to do at least 2 paragraphs. I prefer pms/forums for basic stories. The more complex multiple characters Ill request discord for organization. NO EMAIL
You've read this far? Your still interested?...I'm impressed...


  • I will let everyone know that my big craving right now is possession. My character even if human is your character's. End of the story. Of course I want other kinks, and I want to keep it non-con. But, keeping the non con aspect an a sense that this character "belongs" to someone is important.
  • Werewolf possession
    - Marking/breeding/world building! This is one of the few stories if we take a world building angle to it that I will work on gaining a lustful romance in. But, I need to know there is clear D/s non-con elements. I want a character highly territorial about his sex slave/mate in the pack. I"m not against perverting the typical sterotypical werewolf pack concept to make this a harem story. I am for even multiple males/females so we both have multiple pairings we bounce around. But, breeding and accepting this heirachy is a big thing!
  • A different kind of Pretty Woman
    - So she has an actual back story that makes her fleeable from the pimp as well as the next set of owner. But, despite the fact that I would like a very clear dominant/non-con/abusing at times Dom I'm hoping for their to be an beauty/beast element romance. (I know romance is usually not a thing for me). Basically college kid gets kidnapped into becoming a street walker. Too far from home and regularly beaten she is trying to save up money from the johns towards running away back home. Before she can a particular John that is in a loveless angering marriage gets a night with her. Spoiled rotten by the street walker's customer service/sweet demnor. He has to have her. Pref not accelerate right to him taking her away. But, maybe rolling up to it quickly. Eventually kidnapping her to become his live in maid/secretary/sex slave and eventual accomplice/knowing that he kills his wife to put her in that position. I mean if we can also put fun bits from my other kinks and yours lets go for it!
  • Size differences BD/ts
    - I'm talking SIZE! This may be a kink more than a story concept. But, I'm hopeful that it can flow either way. Basic concept simple - tiny female character (4'-5"3") to LARGE Dom Character (thinking over 6'5"). Weights could actually be neogitable. If someone has a horizontal size kink we could do a voluptuous woman with a skinnier Dom. But I am looking primarily for the height and STRENGTH differences. Aka if my sub character is on the hefty side your character still be able to throw them around like a doll rag. The idea initially to describe this is yes Tinkerbell or another tiny mythical spelled up just to be big enough. But, I'm ok honestly with other possibilities.
  • Forced human body modification
    - taking a human body to revert into more and more animalistic traits in order to eventually take her to a hucow/breeder/lactating/pet stage/tails/ears/limbs changes. Changing a woman into a hermaphrodite (my def: boobs/cunt/penis/ass largely female presenting), or a male into one. Branding, drastic body reconfigerations (washboard to bimbo bodies),
  • Hermaphroditism -
    So, I've never done this before. But, one signal story thought to try would be a story where a male gets transformed into a hermaphrodite. I've never written a male character before, but I've always found the fantasy interesting because of the transformation. I don't want to be dealing with the purely male form for very long, and this would be extremely noncon. The character would be hermaphrodite or fully female 98% of the story. I just want to start out and play with the confused mentality of someone who was another gender. Another version of hermaphroditism: Breeding world. Here the two mains would be different classes within royalty. I would really like to play a female presenting hermaphrodite fem character, because her ability to breed and be breed makes her a valuable object.

  • Vampires - I would like to occasionally dip into the blood aspect, but that would need to be discussed the how and when.
  • Werewolves - Something involving werewolves. World building here would be very tribal base but, yes go to the basic mate connection idea. Marking, lycan and human form screwing. I would happily write a human Dom/female werewolf sub story; but the Dom still needs to be strong enough to control. Preferred for ease sake would be Dom werewolf/sub werewolf and/or Dom werewolf/sub human
    • And I mean if there was something with 2 subs who were equal mates to one Dom I' intrigued - a poly triangle situation.
    • I would be interested in were/anthro stories as indicated by the fact that I have the human body mod idea below. So if there was an interest in a werecat, were bunny, ect ect ect
  • Djinn -So multiple ideas:
    • Turning someone into a djinn/sex toy - corrupting someone and having wishes that go against her morality she has to conduct like even murder.
    • So this idea may come across as a bit complex. But, there is a weird yin/yang of more corrupt the sex the more powerful the wish can be granted/Dom's always has to receive pleasure for it to happen. There is little plot that I imagine. Just escalating levels of smut and see how many taboos can be done.
  • MOB/MAFIA/POLITICIAN - I really would like an story where there is an level of obession/control of a female by a Mafia/Mob boss or a Politician.
  • Incest- I mentioned it above and it tends to always hold true. As classic and overly done - but still interested.
    • Interested couplings: Father/daughter, Grandfather/granddaughter, Uncle/niece
      • Bonus points if we can combine aspects of pet play, anthro, body transformation, porn engineering
  • Harry Potter
    - I tend to be primarily interested in something with a muggle born F falling victim to the Draco type. Someone who is going to criticize their birth, question their magic, and a story around masochism. I prefer to always play the younger character, but I will play a teacher (potions/transfig preferred) type. I'm not supremely interested in playing cannon charters unless they are Luna or Ginny. Primarily plan on playing OCs and the setting of Hogwarts.
    • Vampires/Werewolves
      - Tis the season.
      • So for Vamps I would like to possibly explore a bit of blood play. But that is a discussion.
      • For Werewolves I'm not assisting on constant orgies, but emphasis would be on the pack and the group dynamic. So I plan to play at least 2 characters. Ideal situation whoever I'm writing with would play the Alpha as well as maybe their Beta. I would like to at least write primarily the Alpha's and Beta's mates/preys. This isn't so much of a romance novel. More like stockholmy syndrome falling into that place where yes this is the life I am supposed to live mentality.


Thanks for reading, and looking forward to navigating the site more.
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Bump...few stories faded off. I would be curious to write a story with someone. My primary interest is going to be in anything with HP or werewolves. If someone thinks based off of my above they are interested in something else than let me know. But, I'm looking for HP & werewolf.
It's been a month since my last bump and I've edited a few ideas. Looking primarily for the werewolf/hp/how to train your dragon/mafia ideas to fruit into something.

I did put a story idea out there for a sissification story. I don't think it's going to be easy to find the right person to write with for that one, but interested.
I've updated - and still looking for some new stories. Any new stories do not necessarily have to be my thing. As long as it follows along the standards listed than I'm still also for listening to other's ideas. I just find it easier to put out some honey and let people message me if they are interested.
Bump - some stories have faded but, I would still like to write some of these ideas.
Ok so this is going to be a 2 parter.

1st...bump you my very first post regarding most of my current interests.

2nd...I am very interested in a futa story. I get that it’s a fairly sensitive kink for most. So here is my explanation for anyone interested.
Mc would present female. I don’t care about balls. I do care that the vagina, clit, penis, and it’s are all working. A large penis and tits is amazing! She is always insecure about having a dick. Attempting to hide it and over press her femininity or appear “normal”.
I am happy with a M/futa f story, but there is no penetration for me into the M dom. Forces group play into another male fine. Insertion into a F dom sure!
Bump - with Djinn & mob/politician story cleaned up to make sense as much as I have plotted forward
Bump - basically interested the most in stories that will have a body mod. Love stories involving the most taboos like incest. But, I'm open to other taboos.

NON CONSENSUAL ONLY! If your interested in consensual I'm sorry that is not my style. I only write non-consensual.
BUMP - ONLY NON CONSENSUAL! So still really interested in the idea of a mafia/politician story, stories revolving around incest and/or body modification. But, in general open to new stories. Send me your ideas as long as it's NON CON and lets see where we can go.

I have been writing recently and becoming more comfortable with Discord. So I'm ok with threads/pms/discord to write the story.
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UPDATED: 10.29.20
Hi I am BQ. Day to day life is boring and the catharsis/mental release/muse of a HYBER AGGRESSIVE SOMETIMES VIOLENT NSFW NON-CON WHERE MY CHARACTER IS THE SUBMISSIVE/PREY STORIES has helped me break away during stressful times.

Basic concepts about the type of story or mc that remain true in order for me to want to write a story:

  • NON CONSENSUAL/DUB CONSENSUAL/RAPE ONLY - Please please please do NOT ask me to write consensual stories, or ones with girls who become consensual too fast too easily. I do NOT write consensual stories.
  • I’ve created an F list, that holds true in general but could change based on the story.
  • My grammar sucks - sometimes honestly depending on my excitement letter I rush to post and forget to preform a spell check.
  • This is OUR story - not just mine or yours.
  • D+ breast size with Kardashian behinds - I like the hourglass look and prefer to play some kind of virgin. (Read below regarding my current thoughts of being a possession.)
  • 60/40 sex/story - I need some kind of progression and story behind constant sex scenes, and time jumps.
  • Generally a every other day replier that attempts to do at least 2 paragraphs. I don't care if it's forum, pms, or discord. NO EMAIL
You've read this far? Your still interested?...I'm impressed...


  • I will let everyone know that my big thing right now is possession. My character even if human is your character's. End of the story. Of course I want other kinks, and I want to keep it non-con. But, keeping the non con aspect an a sense that this character "belongs" to someone is important.
  • Harry Potter
    - I tend to be primarily interested in something with a muggle born F falling victim to the Draco type. Someone who is going to criticize their birth, question their magic, and a story around masochism. I prefer to always play the younger character, but I will play a teacher (potions/transfig preferred) type. I'm not supremely interested in playing cannon charters unless they are Luna or Ginny. Primarily plan on playing OCs and the setting of Hogwarts.
  • Vampires/Werewolves
    - Tis the season.
    • So for Vamps I would like to possibly explore a bit of blood play. But that is a discussion.
    • For Werewolves I'm not assisting on constant orgies, but emphasis would be on the pack and the group dynamic. So I plan to play at least 2 characters. Ideal situation whoever I'm writing with would play the Alpha as well as maybe their Beta. I would like to at least write primarily the Alpha's and Beta's mates/preys. This isn't so much of a romance novel. More like stockholmy syndrome falling into that place where yes this is the life I am supposed to live mentality.
  • Office with Devil
    - But, maybe work with demons and write a story regarding this Demon/Devil watching as his intended innocent bride to be gets herself into some trouble at work. He can be posing as a human for years before he can expose himself and his intentions with her. This doesn't have to be in a work related setting, but it just somehow made sense in my head that to keep them above ground and utilize some steamy office fun. This is VERY VAGUELY fleshed out so I'll gladly work with someone to refine the idea or take Demon/demon's bride and do something else.
  • Forced human body modification
    - taking a human body to revert into more and more animalistic traits in order to eventually take her to a hucow/breeder/lactating/pet stag/tails/ears/limbs changes. Changing a woman into a hermaphrodite (my def: boobs/cunt/penis/ass largely female presenting), or a male into one. Branding, drastic body reconfigerations (washboard to bimbo bodies),
Thanks for reading, and looking forward to navigating the site more.

BUMP - cleaned up and updated. Basically, show me your possession style non-con stories - bonus points for the more fantasy stories with dark twists! And good morning!
BUMP - cleaned up and updated. Basically, show me your possession style non-con stories - bonus points for the more fantasy stories with dark twists!
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